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Releases: picimako/wiremocha


01 Mar 09:18
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  • Added inspection to report Handlebars hash usage when they are not supported by the WireMock version that is currently used.


  • The plugin now uses WireMock 3.12.0.
  • Added to the stub mapping Java preview EqualToXmlPattern's namespaceAwareness property.
  • Added support (completion, inspection, documentation) for the new removeNulls hash in the jsonMerge Handlebars helper.


06 Feb 18:49
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  • Supported IDE version range has changed to 2024.2.5 - 2025.1-EAP.
  • Many refactorings and simplifications under the hood.
  • Disabled a no longer valid WireMock Cloud API endpoint in the Admin API tool window.
  • Raised the log level at one location regarding the Admin API tool window, so that the exception is displayed only in the IDE logs, but not on the IDE Internal Errors panel.


  • Added the missing validation for the value of the format hash in the formatJson and formatXml Handlebars helpers.
  • The Admin API tool window now again displays connection error and unknown host messages on the Admin root field when they occur.
  • Handle properly when sending requests from the Admin API tool window.


08 Nov 06:16
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  • 126: Added a new quick fix, so that ok().withBody().withHeader() call chains with specific application/json, application/xml and
    text/xml content type value can now be simplified directly as okJson(body), okXml(body) and okTextXml(body), respectively, instead of first replacing it with okForContentType().


  • Updated the WireMock dependency to use v3.9.2.
  • Added the AbstractDateTimePattern#applyTruncationLast property to the Java stub mapping preview.
  • Response definition simplification inspections are now disabled inside the com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock class because it caused false positives on the implementations of convenience methods this inspection is intended to simplify code to.
  • 125: CLI argument code completion items in WireMockContainer#withCliArg() are now displayed at the top of the list even when there are other, not necessarily relevant items (e.g. configuration properties) added by the IDE itself.


  • Fixed an exception that occurred during handling Handlebars language injection into invalid JSON code elements.
  • Fixed an InvalidVirtualFileAccessException that occurred when the plugin attempted to inject Handlebars language into files that no longer existed, e.g. when splitting multi-mapping files.
  • Fixed the WebhookDefinition JSON generation when converting a StubMapping in the Java DSL to an HTTP Client request.
  • Added the missing import statement for se.bjurr.wiremockpact.wiremockpactlib.api.WireMockPactConfig in the WireMockPactExtension
    code template.
  • JSON request bodies of HTTP Client requests generated in the Admin API tool window now have proper indentation.


22 Oct 04:48
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  • 118: Project view node decoration of custom stub mapping root directories now supports subprojects of workspaces created by the Multi-Project Workspace plugin.
  • 118: Workspaces are now supported during the lookup of __files directories when extracting response body strings to file from the Java DSL, or inlining them from response body files.
  • 123: Variable and field resolution are now also supported (to a certain extent) when generating HTTP Client requests from Java DSL calls to Admin API endpoints.


  • 121: Values in request.url and request.urlPath JSON properties, as well as urlEqualTo() and urlPathEqualTo() calls are no longer reported as potential regex patterns when they contain dot (.) symbols.
  • Webhooks.webhook() call chains without URLs specified are no longer reported when used outside withServeEventListener() and withPostServeAction() calls, because the URL may be configured elsewhere in them.


08 Oct 11:11
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  • Added new Admin API + HTTP Client specific live templates for file, settings, version and health related endpoints.
  • 61: Extended the 'Open in HTTP Client' line marker icon to support the majority of Admin API Java calls (where feasible) and generate path parameters and request body JSONs dynamically based on the configuration of those Java method calls.
  • Added the Delete matching stub mapping (DELETE /__admin/mappings/remove) endpoint to the Admin API tool window.


  • Supported IDE version range has changed to 2024.1.6 - 2024.3.*.


  • Declarative <-> programmatic JUnit 5 related intentions are no longer available in projects that don't use WireMock.
  • Fixed the names of a few Admin API + HTTP Client specific live templates.
  • Fixed a NoSuchElementException that occurred when getting the last element of an empty collection during webhook configuration checks in the Java DSL.
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that occurred when opening the plugin settings page.
  • 122: Fixed the error message when reporting less than required argument count for WireMock.and() and WireMock.or().
  • 122: WireMock.and() and WireMock.or() are no longer reported with one argument when that argument's type is StringValuePattern[].


31 Aug 11:47
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  • 111: Added a new option on the Admin API client GUI that can generate a request in the Http Client format of the currently configured request, and copy it to the clipboard.
  • 116: Added the Reload gRPC descriptor files endpoint from the wiremock-grpc extension to the Admin API tool window.


  • Fixed a NullPointerException regarding mapping file node decoration in the Project View.
  • The success message of the Remove requests by criteria Admin API endpoint now uses the correct message key.


22 Aug 05:23
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  • 114: Added the count hash for the pickRandom Handlebars helper.


  • Moved a few hardcoded string literals to a property bundle to enable their potential future translation.
  • Various minor maintenance changes.


22 Aug 05:23
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  • 110: Added proxy and authentication configuration for the Admin API tool window.
  • 108: Added support for the Get all file names, Delete file by ID, Return the version of the WireMock server, Return the health of the WireMock server and Get global settings Admin API endpoints.
  • 112: Added support for WireMock Cloud's Provisioning API in the WireMock tool window.


  • A few more exception types are handled that may occur when targeting endpoints on WireMock Cloud or other remote servers.
  • 105: Many actions, inspections, intention actions and more are no longer considered for execution in projects that don't use WireMock.


  • 109: Code completion of Handlebars hashes and request attributes are again available in mapping files outside content roots.


04 Jul 12:27
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  • 88: Added an Admin API client to the WireMock tool window, so that users are able to work with externally started standalone WireMock servers.
  • Added JSON language injection into com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.stubbing.StubMapping.buildFrom(String).
  • 107: Added support for the ignoreOrderOfSameNode attribute of EqualToXmlPattern in the Java preview and the various stub mapping schemas.
  • 107: Added the id, bodyAsBase64, multipart and parts attributes to the request and originalRequest model code completion.
  • 107: Added default method argument validation for preserveUserAgentProxyHeader(), disableConnectionReuse(),
    withMaxTemplateCacheEntries() and maxHttpClientConnections() in WireMockConfiguration.
  • 107: Added the max-proxy-http-client-connections, disable-proxy-client-connection-reuse, max-http-client-connections,
    and disable-connection-reuse CLI options to the Testcontainers code completion.
  • 107: Added an inlay hint for WireMockConfiguration.withMaxTemplateCacheEntries() when passed in null to signal that it sets a no-limit cache.


  • Added missing StringValuePattern options to the stub mapping schema when completing MultiValuePattern options.


04 Jun 16:11
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  • 104: Added inspection, inlay hint, reference, etc. support for the arrayJoin, arrayAdd, arrayRemove and val Handlebars helpers.
  • 104: Made Handlebars helper name completion version specific, so the e.g. arrayJoin is not code completed when using WireMock earlier than 3.6.0.
  • 104: Added supported-proxy-encodings to the code completion of command line arguments in Testcontainers code.
  • 103: Added a quick documentation popup for the hash parameters of WireMock's Handlebars helpers.


  • Supported IDE version range has changed to 2023.3 - 2024.2-EAP.
  • Renamed the latest stub mapping schema from WireMock 3.5.0 Stub Mapping to WireMock 3.5.0+ Stub Mapping, so that it is clearer that it is not only for version 3.5.0.
  • Hash name code completion now inserts an = symbol as well, right after the hash name, for smoother coding experience.
  • Improved the re-injection logic of Handlebars fragments to cover more cases when a JSON stub mapping files is changed.
  • Inject/uninject languages in open files upon enabling/disabling the corresponding WireMocha plugin settings.
  • Some wiremock-grpc-extension related logic is no longer enabled when the extension is not available in the project, to do a small performance improvement.


  • Eliminated Slow operations are prohibited on EDT errors regarding Handlebars language injections in stub mapping files.
  • Inject Handlebars fragments in JSON stub mapping files on project startup, only when Handlebars injection is enabled in the plugin settings.
  • Start injecting Handlebars fragments in JSON stub mapping files when Handlebars injection gets enabled in the plugin settings, and it wasn't before.