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This init file include all the customization that emacs require to support for literate programming in python and r-statistics The file is an emacs “” but will be tangled as a “file.el”


;; init-essentials.el -- Emacs init file -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;;; ====================== HEADER =========================
;; Title: Emacs Init File with Essential Customization
;; Author: Ricardo Orbegozo
;; Created: 2020-04-13
;; Updated: 2024/03/20 12:12:22
;; Source:


;;;; Code:


;;;; =============== EMACS PACKAGE MANAGMENT ===============

Avoid warning about deprecated package cl

;;;~ Avoid warning about deprecated package cl

(setq byte-compile-warnings '(cl-functions))

Package setup

;;;~ package setup

(require 'package)

(add-to-list 'package-archives 
	     '("melpa" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-archives 
	     '("org" . ""))

(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)

;;;~ set package configuration using "use-package"

(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))

  (setq use-package-always-ensure t
	use-package-expand-minimally t
	;;;~ record how many packages have been loaded by use-package
	use-package-compute-statistics t)
  ;;;~ show how many packages have been loaded by use-package
  (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'use-package-report)

references: emacs startup summary (URL)


;;;; =================== EMACS SETTINGS ====================



Emacs basic customizations: variables, toolbar, messages, etc

 ;;;~ Emacs basic customizations: variables, toolbar, messages, etc 

 (use-package emacs

   ;;;~ declare custom function to show file name and path

   (defun show-file-name ()
     "Show the full path file name in the minibuffer."
     (if (equal current-prefix-arg nil) ; no C-u
	  ;; then
	  (message (buffer-file-name))
	;; else
	(insert (buffer-file-name))))
   ;; (global-set-key [C-f1] 'show-file-name) ; deprecated

   ;;;~ declare function to insert current date

   (defun insert-date (&optional prefix)
     "Insert the current date. With prefix-argument, use ISO format.
	  With two prefix arguments, write out the day and month name."
     (interactive "P")
     (let ((format (cond
		     ((not prefix) "%Y-%m-%d")
		     ((equal prefix '(4)) "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
		     ((equal prefix '(16)) "%A, %d. %B %Y")
		     ((equal prefix '(64)) "%W%u"))) ;; #week#day
	    (system-time-locale "en_US")) ;; "de_DE"))
	 (format-time-string format)))) ;; Thursday, 20. September 2018

   ;;;~ don't show "C-g" prompt

   ;; (setq ring-bell-function 'ignore)
   ;; (setq visible-bell nil)

   ;; (load-file "~/.emacs.d/init-private--variables.el")

   ;;;~ show line numbers in: programming & text mode

   (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
   (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)

   ;;;~ basic emacs configuration

   (tool-bar-mode -1)                           ; don't show tool-bar
   (fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)                ; simplify questions
   (put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)        ; disable query
   (setq-default line-spacing 2)             ; default line space
   (savehist-mode 1)			       ; save minibuffer history
   (setq frame-resize-pixelwise t)              ; resize frames by pixels

   ;;;~ startup emacs config

   (setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
   ;; (setq initial-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
   ;; (setq initial-scratch-message 'nil)
   ;;     (setq initial-scratch-message
   ;; 	  (format "%s This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for Lisp evaluation.
   ;; %s To create a file, visit it with \\[find-file] and enter text in its buffer.\n\n" comment-start comment-start))

   (setq auto-save-list-file-prefix
	   "../auto-save-list/.saves-" package-user-dir))

   :bind (("C-ñ 1" . show-file-name)	       ; show file name path
	   ("C-ñ ," . (lambda()(interactive)(insert "<"))); insert "<"
	   ("C-ñ ." . (lambda()(interactive)(insert ">"))); insert ">"
	   ("C-c d" . insert-date)               ; insert date HH:MM:SS
	   ("<f1>"  . call-last-kbd-macro)       ; kbd for emacs macro
	   ("<f7>"  . read-only-mode)            ; toggle read-write file mode
	   ("<f12>" . display-line-numbers-mode)); show line numbers


;;;; (2/3) BUILTIN PACKAGES ---------------------------------


tiny customizations has been made using the custom-theme-set-faces


A reference of the list options available, can be found here

  • help:face-attribute-name-alist
  • set face attributes
  • reference file
  • find installed fonts (URL)
  • filter fonts by language compatibility (e.g.: fc-list :lang=ja URL)
  • filter fonts by family & font style (e.g.: fc-list :Dejavu:style=Book)
  • show font sample for comparison (URL)
;;;~ theme

(use-package custom
  :ensure nil
  ;; fix custom theme enable at startup emacs >26.3
  (if (version<= "26.3"  emacs-version)
      (setq custom--inhibit-theme-enable nil))
  ;; theme
  (load-theme 'wombat)

   ;;;~ native theme


   ;;;~ cursor color

   '(cursor ((t (:background "LightSkyBlue"))))

   ;;;~ org
   ;;;~ org babel blocks

   '(org-block ((t (:background "gray10"))))
     ((t (:inherit org-block :foreground "gray70" :background "gray10"))))
     ;; ((t (:foreground "khaki" :background "gray10"))))
     ;; ((t (:foreground "gray40" :background "gray10"))))
     ((t (:inherit org-block-begin-line))))
     ;; ((t (:foreground "gray40" :background "gray10"))))
     ((t (:inherit shadow
	  :family "Dejavu Sans Mono"
	  :height 160 :weight normal))))
     ((t (:inherit shadow
	  :family "Dejavu Sans Mono"
	  :height 140 :weight normal))))
     ;; ((t (:height 110 :weight semi-bold :foreground "sky blue"))))
     ((t (:family "Dejavu Sans Mono"
	  :height 130 :weight normal :foreground "LightCyan3"))))

   ;;;~ org header tags (date, author, etc)

   '(org-document-info-keyword ((t (:inherit shadow))))

   ;;;~ #+PROPERTY:
   ;;;~ #+RESULTS:
     ((t (:inherit shadow :background "gray10"))))
     ((t (:weight bold :foreground "orange red"))))
     ((t (:foreground "khaki"))))
     ((t (:weight normal :foreground "sky blue"))));:weight bold
     ((t (:foreground "PaleGreen")))); tstd MediumSeaGreen Ori #95e454
   ;;;~ comments
   '(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "gray60")))); tst
   ); end custom-theme-set-faces
  ); end custom

update file changes

;;;~ update file changes

(use-package autorevert
  :ensure nil
  (global-auto-revert-mode 1))

delete selected region such as MS-Word (word, etc)

;;;~ delete selected region such as MS-Word (word, etc)

(use-package delsel
  :ensure nil
  (delete-selection-mode 1)

backup configuration (source:

;;;~ backup configuration (source:

(use-package files
  :ensure nil
  (setq confirm-kill-processes nil)
  (setq backup-directory-alist
	`(("." . ,(expand-file-name ".saves" user-emacs-directory))))
   backup-by-copying t         ; don't clobber symlinks
   kept-new-versions 50        ; keep 20 latest versions
   kept-old-versions 200       ; don't bother with old versions
   delete-old-versions t       ; don't ask about deleting old versions
   version-control t           ; number backups
   vc-make-backup-files t))    ; backup version controlled files

enable list of opened recent files

;;;~ enable list of opened recent files

(use-package recentf
  :ensure nil
  (recentf-mode 1)                          ; save recent files
  (setq recentf-max-menu-items 25)
  (setq recentf-max-saved-items 50)
  (setq recentf-auto-cleanup 'never)        ; don't clean recent files
  ;; (run-at-time nil (* 5 60) 'recentf-save-list) ; save recent files
  :bind (("C-x f" . recentf-open-files)))

display line mode with line & column numbers

;;;~ display line mode with line & column numbers

(use-package simple
  :ensure nil
  (column-number-mode 1)       ; display column number in modeline 
  (line-number-mode 1)         ; display number in modeline
  (global-visual-line-mode 1)  ; wrap lines
  ;;;~ clone indirec buffer (inspired by psychology PhD student)
   ("C-x 5 c" . clone-indirect-buffer-other-frame)
   ("C-x O" . (lambda ()(interactive)(other-window -1)))
   ("C-x 5 o" . (lambda ()(interactive)(other-frame -1)))
   ("C-x 5 O" . other-frame))

configure terminal and emacs prompt pattern

(use-package tramp
  :ensure nil
  (setq tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "\\(?:^\\|
]*#?[]#$%>].* *\\(ďż˝\\[[[:digit:];]*[[:alpha:]] *\\)*")
  ;; source:
  (defun ek/babel-ansi ()
    (when-let ((beg (org-babel-where-is-src-block-result nil nil)))
	(goto-char beg)
	(when (looking-at org-babel-result-regexp)
          (let ((end (org-babel-result-end))
		(ansi-color-context-region nil))
            (ansi-color-apply-on-region beg end))))))
  (add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'ek/babel-ansi)

unset emacs predefined key bindings

;;;~ unset emacs predefined key bindings 

(use-package bind-key
  :ensure nil
  (dolist (key '("\C-z"        ; minimize frame
		 "\M-q"        ; fill-paragraph
		 "\C-d"	       ; delete-char
		 [?\C-\.]))    ; flyspell-auto-correct-word -> "C-M-i"

    (global-unset-key key)     ; is also exists "local-unset-key"
  ;; (unbind-key "C-." flyspell-mode-map)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-S-d") 'delete-char)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<XF86Eject>") 'delete-char)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") #'(lambda()(interactive)(insert "β")))

custom user macros

;;;~ custom user macros

(use-package macros
  :ensure nil
  ("M-ñ M-c" . macro-taxonomy-cleansing)

  ;;;~ macro for specific cleansing 

  (fset 'macro-taxonomy-cleansing
	[C-home ?\C-\M-% ?\\ ?\( ?\' ?\\ ?| ?\[ ?\[ ?\] ?\\ ?| ?\[ ?\] ?\] ?\\ ?| ?^ ?x ?  ?\\ ?\) return return ?! C-home ?\M-x ?s ?o ?r ?t ?- ?l ?i ?n ?e ?s return])


avoid emacs to overwrite customization file

;;;~ avoid emacs to overwrite customization file

(use-package cus-edit
  :ensure nil
  (setq custom-file null-device)

frame customizations (title, cursor, location and font)

;;;~ frame customizations (title, cursor, location and font)

(use-package frame
  :ensure nil

  ;;;~ custom title format

  (setq frame-title-format
	(setq icon-title-format
	       "emacs-%s%s@%s : %%b"
	       (cond ((equal system-type 'windows-nt) 'windows-nt) 
		     ((equal system-type 'gnu/linux) 'anarchy)
		     ((equal system-type 'darwin) 'darwin)))))

  ;;;~ split window vertically

  (defun toggle-window-split ()
    (if (= (count-windows) 2)
	(let* ((this-win-buffer (window-buffer))
	       (next-win-buffer (window-buffer (next-window)))
	       (this-win-edges (window-edges (selected-window)))
	       (next-win-edges (window-edges (next-window)))
	       (this-win-2nd (not (and (<= (car this-win-edges)
					   (car next-win-edges))
				       (<= (cadr this-win-edges)
					   (cadr next-win-edges)))))
		(if (= (car this-win-edges)
		       (car (window-edges (next-window))))
	  (let ((first-win (selected-window)))
	    (funcall splitter)
	    (if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))
	    (set-window-buffer (selected-window) this-win-buffer)
	    (set-window-buffer (next-window) next-win-buffer)
	    (select-window first-win)
	    (if this-win-2nd (other-window 1))))))

  ;;;~ frame geometry and location 

         ;;; TODO: maybe is a good idea to rewrite the code like this
       ;; (panel_height )
       ;; (screen_width (caddr (frame-monitor-workarea)))
       ;; (screen_height (cadddr (frame-monitor-workarea)))
       ;; (width_border_left )
       ;; (width_border_right )
       ;; (height_tittle_bar )
       ;; (height_bottom_border )
       ;; (left )
       ;; (middle )
       ;; (right )
       ;; (upper 0)
       ;; (center (/ screen_height 3))
       ;; (bottom (* center 2))
       ;; (third )
       ;; (one_third )
       ;; (two_third )

  	(- (* (/ (cadddr (frame-monitor-workarea)) 3) 2) 56)) ;;54))
       (window-border 3)
  	(- (/ (caddr (frame-monitor-workarea)) 3)
	   (cdr (assoc 'scroll-bar-width (frame-parameters)))
	   (* window-border 2))) ;; window-border)) ;; 622
       (frame-position-list '())
       (positions (/ (caddr (frame-monitor-workarea)) 3))
       (wm--info (shell-command-to-string "wmctrl -m"))
       (wm--detected (and (string-match "^Name: \\(.*\\)" wm--info)
			  (print (match-string 1 wm--info)))))
    (dotimes (i 3)
       (if (equal wm--detected "Xfwm4")
	   ;;;~ xfce wm require complex calculation
	   (+ (+ (* positions (expt i 1))) 
	      (* (% 1 (expt i i)) (expt i (+ i 1))))
	 ;;;~ the other window managers do not require this
	 (+ (* positions (expt i 1)))

    (setq initial-frame-alist
  	  `((vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
	    (left-fringe . ,(cdr (assoc 'left-fringe (frame-parameters))))
	    (right-fringe . ,(cdr (assoc 'right-fringe (frame-parameters))))
	    (left . ,(elt frame-position-list 0))
  	    (top . 0)
  	    (height text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-height)
  	    (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width)))

    (setq default-frame-alist
  	  `((vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
	    (left-fringe . ,(cdr (assoc 'left-fringe (frame-parameters))))
	    (right-fringe . ,(cdr (assoc 'right-fringe (frame-parameters))))
	    (left . ,(elt frame-position-list 1))
  	    (top . 0)
  	    (height text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-height)
  	    (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width)))

    (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin)
	   (add-to-list 'initial-frame-alist '(font . "Monaco 13" ))
	   (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Monaco 13" )))
	  ((equal system-type 'linux)
	   (add-to-list 'initial-frame-alist '(font . "Ubuntu Mono-11"))
	   (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Ubuntu Mono-11")))
	  ((equal system-type 'windows-nt)
	   (add-to-list 'initial-frame-alist '(font . "Consolas 12"))
	   (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Consolas 12")))
    (defun modify-frame-location-upper-left () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 0))
  	 (top . 0)
  	 (height text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-height)
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width))))

    (defun modify-frame-location-upper-middle () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 1))
  	 (top . 0)
  	 (height text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-height)
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width))))

    (defun modify-frame-location-upper-right () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 2))
  	 (top . 0)
  	 (height text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-height)
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width))))

    (defun modify-frame-location-lower-left () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 0))
  	 (top . ,(+ calculated-frame-height 50))
  	 (height text-pixels . ,(- (/ calculated-frame-height 2) 25))
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width))))

    (defun modify-frame-location-lower-middle () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 1))
  	 (top . ,(+ calculated-frame-height 50))
  	 (height text-pixels . ,(- (/ calculated-frame-height 2) 25))
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width))))

    (defun modify-frame-location-lower-right () 
       `((left . ,(elt frame-position-list 2))
  	 (top . ,(+ calculated-frame-height 50))
  	 (height text-pixels . ,(- (/ calculated-frame-height 2) 25))
  	 (width text-pixels . ,calculated-frame-width)))))

  (defun new-frame-location-upper-right ()
    (progn (select-frame (make-frame))

  (defun fill-screen-with-frames ()
    ;; Fill the upper row with frames:
    ;;  * locating the original frame to the left
    ;;  * and making new frames in the middle and the right
    (let* ((location-list
      (dolist (frame-location location-list)
	(other-frame -1)
	(funcall frame-location))))

  ;;;~ Cursor Color
  ;; (set-cursor-color "SpringGreen")

  ;;;~ Change Cursor Color According To Mode

  ;;;~  inspired by:
  ;;;~   Valid values for set-cursor-type are: t, nil, box, hollow
  ;;;~   we can use bar & hbar, like this: (bar . WIDTH), (hbar. HEIGHT)

  (setq cursor--read-only-color       "white"
	cursor--read-only-cursor-type 'hollow
	;; cursor--overwrite-color       "red"
	(face-attribute 'font-lock-string-face :foreground)
	cursor--overwrite-cursor-type 'box
	;; cursor--normal-color          "turquoise1"
	cursor--normal-color (face-attribute 'cursor :background)
	cursor--normal-cursor-type    'box)
  (defun cursor--set-cursor-according-to-mode ()
    "change cursor color and type according to some minor modes."
      (set-cursor-color cursor--read-only-color)
      (setq cursor-type cursor--read-only-cursor-type))
      (set-cursor-color cursor--overwrite-color)
      (setq cursor-type cursor--overwrite-cursor-type))
      (set-cursor-color cursor--normal-color)
      (setq cursor-type cursor--normal-cursor-type))))

  (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'cursor--set-cursor-according-to-mode)
  (("<C-f1>" . modify-frame-location-upper-left)
   ("<C-f2>" . modify-frame-location-upper-middle)
   ("<C-f3>" . modify-frame-location-upper-right)
   ("C-ñ <C-f1>" . modify-frame-location-lower-left)
   ("C-ñ <C-f2>" . modify-frame-location-lower-middle)
   ("C-ñ <C-f3>" . modify-frame-location-lower-right)
   ("C-ñ <C-f4>" . fill-screen-with-frames)
   ("C-x |" . toggle-window-split)

   ;;;~ new frame in custom position

   ("C-x 5 3" .	new-frame-location-upper-right))

remember cursor last location

;;;~ remember cursor last location

(use-package saveplace
  :ensure nil
  (setq save-place-file 
	(expand-file-name "places" user-emacs-directory))
  (save-place-mode t)

set cursor bookmark directory

;;;~ set cursor bookmark directory 

(use-package bookmark
  :ensure nil
  (setq bookmark-default-file
	(expand-file-name "bookmarks" user-emacs-directory))

fill comment customized commands

functions related to comment: (comment-column) (comment-fill-column) (fill-column) (syntax-table) (comment-start) (comment-end) (comment-use-syntax)

;;;~ customized commit functions

(use-package newcomment
  :ensure nil

  (defvar ra/comment-length 60
    "length desired for comment characters.")

  (defun ra/comment-fill ()
    "From the actual cursor position 'current-column',
fill the rest of the line with the active comment symbol 'comment-start'."
    (let* ((ra/comment-symbol
	    (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" comment-start))
	    (- ra/comment-length (current-column))))
	ra/comment-fill-column (string-to-char ra/comment-symbol)))
  :bind ("C-c f" . ra/comment-fill)

fill paragraph customized commands

;;;~ fill paragraph customized commands

(use-package fill
  :ensure nil

  (defun unfill-paragraph (&optional region)
    "Takes a multi-line paragraph and makes it 
    into a single line of text."
    (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only) '(t)))
    (let ((fill-column (point-max))
	  ;;;~ This would override `fill-column' if it's an integer.
	  (emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column t))
      (fill-paragraph nil region)))

  (defun duplicate-current-line-or-region (arg)
    "Duplicates the current line or region ARG times. 
    If there's no region, the current line will be duplicated. 
    However, if there's a region, all lines that region covers 
    will be duplicated."
    (interactive "p")
    (let (beg end (origin (point)))
      (if (and mark-active (> (point) (mark)))
      (setq beg (line-beginning-position))
      (if mark-active
      (setq end (line-end-position))
      (let ((region (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
	(dotimes (i arg)
	  (goto-char end)
	  (insert region)
	  (setq end (point)))
	(goto-char (+ origin (* (length region) arg) arg)))))

  (defun move-text-internal (arg)
    "move 'text' up/down"
     ((and mark-active transient-mark-mode)
      (if (> (point) (mark))
      (let ((column (current-column))
	    (text (delete-and-extract-region (point) (mark))))
	(forward-line arg)
	(move-to-column column t)
	(set-mark (point))
	(insert text)
	(setq deactivate-mark nil)))
      (when (or (> arg 0) (not (bobp)))
	(when (or (< arg 0) (not (eobp)))
	  (transpose-lines arg))
	(forward-line -1)))))

  (defun move-text-down (arg)
    "Move region (transient-mark-mode active) or current line
	   arg lines down."
    (interactive "*p")
    (move-text-internal arg))

  (defun move-text-up (arg)
    "Move region (transient-mark-mode active) or current line
	   arg lines up."
    (interactive "*p")
    (move-text-internal (- arg)))

  :bind (("C-d" . duplicate-current-line-or-region)
	 ("<f5>" . move-text-up)
	 ("<f4>" . move-text-down)
	 ("M-ñ M-u" . unfill-paragraph)
	 ("M-ñ M-f" . fill-paragraph)
	 ("<C-f8>" . compare-windows))

sh indenation

;;;~ sh indentation
(use-package sh-script
  :ensure nil
  :config (setq sh-basic-offset 2)

configure warnings

;;;~ configure warnings
(use-package warnings
  :ensure nil
  (add-to-list 'warning-suppress-types '(yasnippet backquote-change))

browse url in provate mode (TODO: hotfix to default browser)

;;;~ browse url in provate mode
(use-package browse-url
  :ensure nil
  (setq browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-firefox-private-mode)
  (defun browse-url-firefox-private-mode (url &optional new-window)
    "Ask the Firefox WWW browser to load URL in `--private-mode'.
A remastered version of the function `browse-url-firefox'."
    (interactive (browse-url-interactive-arg "URL: "))
    (setq url (browse-url-encode-url url))
    (let* ((process-environment (browse-url-process-environment)))
      (apply #'start-process
             (concat "firefox " url) nil
              ;; (if (browse-url-maybe-new-window new-window)
	      ;; 	(if browse-url-firefox-new-window-is-tab
	      ;; 	    '("-new-tab")
	      ;; 	  '("-new-window")))
              (list url)))))


;; python built-in config
(use-package python
  :ensure nil
  (setq python-shell-interpreter "python3"
	  ;; python-shell-interpreter-args "--simple-prompt"
  ;; (setq python-shell-interpreter "/usr/local/bin/python3"
  ;; 	  python-shell-interpreter-args "--simple-prompt"
  ;; 	  )


;;;; (3/3) THIRD PARTY PACKAGES ----------------------------

support to download global binaries required by third party packages

;;;~ support to download global binaries required by third party packages

(use-package use-package-ensure-system-package
  :ensure t

function to download elisp file if not prevously present

;;;~ function to download elisp file if not prevously present

(defun download-required-elisp-file (my-file my-url)
  "'download-required-elisp-file' is a function defined in 'init.el'
to automatically download elisp files required for 3rd party packages.

'my-file' is the directory and a file name were emacs will check for the elisp file.

'my-url' is an url used only when 'my-file' is not found. In such case emacs will download the content of 'my-url' and located in 'my-file'. If the directory defined in 'my-file' is not previously present in the system, it will be automatically created (of course, when the location has the addequate user permissions).
  (let* ((my-file-name (file-name-nondirectory my-file))
	 (my-file-dir (file-name-directory my-file)))
    (if (file-exists-p my-file)
	;;;~ open hide-comnt.el if exists
	(load-file my-file)
      ;;;~ download hide-comnt.el if not exists
	(require 'url)
	;;;~ create required directory
	(if nil (file-directory-p my-file-dir) (mkdir my-file-dir t))
	;;;~ download file
	(url-copy-file my-url my-file t))))

spell correction:

;;;~ spell correction: 1. hooks activation

(use-package flyspell
  :ensure nil
  :load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp/"


  (setq flyspell-issue-message-flag nil) ;; do not show messages when check
  (defun flyspell-on-for-buffer-type ()
    "Enable Flyspell appropriately for the major mode of the current buffer.  Uses `flyspell-prog-mode' for modes derived from `prog-mode', so only strings and comments get checked.  All other buffers get `flyspell-mode' to check all text.  If flyspell is already enabled, does nothing."
    (if (not (symbol-value flyspell-mode)) ; if not already on
	  (if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
		(message "Flyspell on (code)")
	    ;; else
	      (message "Flyspell on (text)")
	      (flyspell-mode 1)))
	  ;; I tried putting (flyspell-buffer) here but it didn't seem to work
  (defun flyspell-toggle ()
    "Turn Flyspell on if it is off, or off if it is on.  When turning on, it uses `flyspell-on-for-buffer-type' so code-vs-text is handled appropriately."
    (if (symbol-value flyspell-mode)
	(progn ; flyspell is on, turn it off
	  (message "Flyspell off")
	  (flyspell-mode -1))
					; else - flyspell is off, turn it on

      (global-set-key (kbd "C-c f") 'flyspell-toggle)

;;;~ spell correction: 2. dictionaries (US, DE, en_med_glut)

syntax checking

;;;~ syntax checking
;;~ check languages available and supported fot emacs+flycheck
;;~ source:

(use-package flycheck
  :ensure t
  ;; :init (global-flycheck-mode) ; global on is a litle bit annoying
  :bind ("<f9>" . flycheck-mode)

jump inside text

;;;~ jump inside text

(use-package ace-jump-mode
  :ensure t
  (setq ace-jump-mode-submode-list
  :bind ("C-z" . ace-jump-mode)

Display hexagecimal color strings with a background color

;;;~ Display hexagecimal color strings  with a background color

(use-package rainbow-mode
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-mode)
  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'rainbow-mode))

display delimiters in color

;;;~ display delimiters in color

(use-package rainbow-delimiters
  :ensure t
  :config (rainbow-delimiters-mode)
  :hook ((emacs-lisp-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
	 ;; (org-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)
	 (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode)))

(use-package smartparens-config
  :ensure smartparens
  ;;;~ activate smartparens


  ;;;~ toggle for sp on in all buffers

  (show-smartparens-global-mode t)

  ;;;~ activate smartparens in minibuffer

  (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook
	    #'(lambda()(smartparens-mode 1)))

  ;;;~ highlight enclosing pair of parens

  (setq sp-show-pair-from-inside -1)

  ;;;~ org-mode: set special characters '' __ ~~ // == just for wrapping

  (sp-local-pair 'org-mode "'" nil :actions '(wrap))
  (sp-pair "_" "_" :actions '(wrap))
  ;; (sp-pair "~" "~" :actions '(wrap))
  (sp-pair "/" "/" :actions '(wrap))
  (sp-pair "=" "=" :actions '(wrap))

  (("C-1" . sp-backward-slurp-sexp) ; pull left  delimiter lower level
   ("C-2" . sp-backward-barf-sexp)  ; push left  delimiter upper level
   ("C-3" . sp-forward-barf-sexp)   ; pull right delimiter lower level
   ("C-4" . sp-forward-slurp-sexp)  ; push right delimiter upper level
   ("C-9" . sp-rewrap-sexp)         ; pull right delimiter lower level
   ("C-0" . sp-splice-sexp))        ; pull right delimiter lower level

   ((t (:foreground "violet"))))
   ((t (:foreground "black"))))
   ((t (:weight bold :foreground "black" :background "LightCyan1"))))
   ((t (:weight bold))))
   ((t (:inherit nil :weight bold))))
   ((t (:weight bold :foreground "#2d2d2d" :background "#f2777a"))))

(use-package multiple-cursors 
  :ensure t
  (("C-S-c" . mc/edit-lines)
   ("<C-f4>" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
   ("<C-f5>" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
   ("<C-f6>" . mc/mark-all-like-this))
     `region nil
     :foreground "white"
     :background "RoyalBlue2"
     :weight 'normal)
    ;; (set-face-attribute `cursor nil :background "red")
    ;; (setq-default cursor-type 'box);; options "box" "t" or "'hallow"
    (setq blink-cursor-blinks 0)
    (setq blink-cursor-interval 0.6)
  (use-package phi-search
    :ensure t)
  (use-package phi-search-mc
    :ensure t)

show emacs keyshorcuts in minibuffer

;;;~ show emacs keyshorcuts in minibuffer

(use-package which-key
  :ensure t
  (setq which-key-idle-delay 1)

search selected region in multiple browsers: engine-mode

;;;~ search selected region in multiple browsers: engine-mode

(use-package engine-mode
  :ensure t

  ;;;~ Activate Minor Mode
  (engine-mode t)

  (defengine dictionary
    :keybinding "d")
  (defengine duckduckgo
    :keybinding "D")
  (defengine leo-dictionary
    :keybinding "l")
  (defengine deepl-trnsltr
    :keybinding "t")
  (defengine google-trnsltr
    :keybinding "T")
  (defengine github
    :keybinding "g")
  (defengine google
    :keybinding "G")
  (defengine youtube
    :keybinding "y")
  (defengine pubmed
    :keybinding "p")
  (defengine synonyms-thesaurus
    :keybinding "s")

emacs REPL customization

;;;~ emacs REPL customization  

(use-package comint                   
  :ensure nil
  :defer t
  (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
  (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t)
  (setq comint-move-point-for-output t))

package to improve the searching menu: helm

;;;~ package to improve the searching menu: helm

(use-package helm
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :bind (("C-x b" . helm-buffers-list)
	 ("C-x r b" . helm-bookmarks)
	 ;; ("M-x" . helm-M-x)
	 ("M-y" . helm-show-kill-ring)
	 ;; ("C-x C-f" . helm-find-files)
  ;; :init

  ;; (load "hide-comnt") ;; deprecated

   ((t (:family "Ubuntu Mono"
		:height 1.3
		:weight bold
		:foreground "black"
		:background "MediumSpringGreen"))))
   ((t (:background "RoyalBlue"
		    :distant-foreground "black"))))

  ;; moved from :init

  ;;;~ helm mode activation
  ;;;~ WARNING: don't breack if hide-comnt.el not exists

  (use-package helm-buffers
    :ensure nil
    :defer t
     ((t (:foreground "cyan1"))))
     ((t (:foreground "cyan1")))) ;MediumSpringGreen
     ((t (:inherit italic :weight bold)))) ;MediumSpringGreen

improve word search and lines highlighted

;;;~ improve word search and lines highlighted

(use-package swiper
  ;; :ensure try
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  (ivy-mode 1)
  (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t)
  (setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
  ;; enable this if you want `swiper' to use it
  ;; (setq search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-ñ s") 'swiper)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-ñ r") 'swiper-backward)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-r") 'ivy-resume)
  ;; (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") 'ivy-resume)
  (global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'counsel-M-x)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'counsel-find-file)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> f") 'counsel-describe-function)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> v") 'counsel-describe-variable)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> o") 'counsel-describe-symbol)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> l") 'counsel-find-library)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> i") 'counsel-info-lookup-symbol)
  (global-set-key (kbd "<f7> u") 'counsel-unicode-char)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c g") 'counsel-git)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c j") 'counsel-git-grep)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c k") 'counsel-ag)
  ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-x l") 'counsel-locate)
  ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-S-o") 'counsel-rhythmbox)
  ;; (define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd "C-r") 'counsel-minibuffer-history)

  ;; required by swiper
  (use-package counsel
    :ensure t
    :defer t

autocompletion support

;;;~ autocompletion support

(use-package auto-complete
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  ;; don't break if not installed 
  (when (require 'auto-complete-config nil 'noerror) 
    (add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories 
		 (expand-file-name "ac-dict" user-emacs-directory))
    (setq ac-comphist-file
	  (expand-file-name "ac-comphist.dat" user-emacs-directory))
  (load "auto-complete-config")
  ;; (progn
  ;;   (ac-config-default)
  ;;   (global-auto-complete-mode t)
  ;;   )

git support

;;;~ git emacs

(use-package magit
  :ensure t
  (setq magit-view-git-manual-method 'man)
  :bind ("C-x g" . magit-status)

rstatistics support

;;;~ rstatistics support

(use-package ess
  :ensure t
  :init (require 'ess-site)

python support

;;;~ support to use multiple python versions

(use-package pyenv-mode
  :ensure t

module rewritted to support macos

	;;;~ support for python virtual environments

	(use-package virtualenvwrapper
	  :ensure t
	  ;; :ensure-system-package
	  ;; (virtualenvwrapper . "pip install virtualenvwrapper")
	  ;;;~ set path
	  (cond ((eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
		 (setenv "PATH"
			 (concat (getenv "PATH") ":" (getenv "HOME") "/.local/bin"))
		 (setq exec-path
		       (append exec-path
			       `(,(concat (getenv "HOME") "/.local/bin")))))
 ((eq system-type 'darwin)
	     (setenv "PATH"
		     (concat (getenv "PATH") ":" (getenv "HOME") "/usr/local/bin"))
	     (setq exec-path
		   (append exec-path
			   `(,(concat (getenv "HOME") "/usr/local/bin")))))
	  ;;;~ set python virtual environments location
	  (setq venv-location "~/.virtualenvs")
	  ;;;~ custom functions for python virtual environment creation
	  ;; (defcustom emacs-python-venv-required-packages '("epc" "jedi" "pytz")
	    ;; "required packages for Emacs to work with a python virtual environment")
	  (setq-default python-indent-offset 2) ;4 (deprecated 2021-01-21)
	  ;; set python guess indent
	  (setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset t)
	  ;; silence the warning of python guess indent
	  (setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)
	  ;; if you want interactive shell support
	  ;; if you want eshell support
	  (setq python-shell-completion-native-enable nil)

;;;~ python auto-completiom

(use-package jedi-core
  :ensure t
  ;; :config
  ;; (setq python-environment-directory "~/.virtualenvs")

(use-package jedi
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'python-mode 'jedi:ac-setup)
  (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
  (setq python-environment-directory "~/.virtualenvs")

lua support

;;;~ lua support

(use-package lua-mode
  :ensure t)

emacs snippets

;;;~ emacs snippets

(use-package yasnippet
  :ensure t
  :hook ((prog-mode . yas-minor-mode)
	   (org-mode . yas-minor-mode))

  ;;;~ 1. use pre-build snippets collection
  ;; :ensure yasnippet-snippets

  ;;;~ 2. download custom snippets from github
  ;; :ensure-system-package
  ;; (
  ;;  ;; create source folder "snippets" if it do not exists
  ;;  ("~/Projects/snippets/" .
  ;;   "git clone $HOME/Projects/snippets")
  ;;  ;; create a symbolic link to source folder if it do not exists 
  ;;  ("~/.emacs.d/snippets/" .
  ;;   "rm -d ~/.emacs.d/snippets && ln -s ~/Projects/snippets ~/.emacs.d/snippets")
  ;;   ;; "rm -d ~/.emacs.d/snippets && ln -s ~/Projects/snippets $_")
  ;;  )

  ;;;~ use custom snippets collection
  (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin)
	   (setq yas-snippet-dirs
		 `(,(expand-file-name "Projects/snippets"
	  ((equal system-type 'linux)
	   (setq yas-snippet-dirs
		 `(,(expand-file-name "snippets"

  (setq yas-indent-line 'none)

  ;; TODO: rewrite the ensure-system-package to work with macos
  ;; (cond ;;((equal system-type 'darwin)
  ;; 	((equal system-type 'linux)
  ;; 	)

  ;; (when (not (file-directory-p (expand-file-name "plugins/yasnippet" user-emacs-directory)))
  ;; (shell-command-as-string
  ;;  "cd ~/.emacs.d/plugins | git clone --recursive"))
  ;; (yas-global-mode)
  ;; :bind (:map yas-minor-mode-map
  ;; 		("TAB" . nil)
  ;; 		("<tab>" . nil))

  :bind  ("<C-f12>" . yas-minor-mode)



;;;~ support for pandoc

(use-package ox-pandoc
  :ensure t
  (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin)
	 (add-to-list 'exec-path "/usr/local/bin")
  ;; default options for all output formats
  (setq org-pandoc-options '((standalone . t)))
  ;; cancel above settings only for 'docx' format
  ;; (setq org-pandoc-options-for-docx '((standalone . nil)))
  ;; special settings for beamer-pdf and latex-pdf exporters
  ;; (setq org-pandoc-options-for-beamer-pdf '((pdf-engine . "xelatex")))
  ;; (setq org-pandoc-options-for-latex-pdf '((pdf-engine . "pdflatex")))
  ;; special extensions for markdown_github output
  ;; (setq org-pandoc-format-extensions
	;; '(markdown_github+pipe_tables+raw_html))


org global customization

 ;;;~ org global customization

 (use-package org
   ;;~ required to resize images (inline) in org mode
   ;;~ using the tag: "#~ATTR_ORG: :width 500px" in px or
   ;;~                "#~ATTR_HTML: :width 50%" in %
   ;;~ source:
   (setq org-image-actual-width nil)
   ;; (setq org-babel-python-command "python3")
   ;; (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin)
   ;; 	 (setq org-babel-python-command "/usr/local/bin/python3"))
   ;; 	((equal system-type 'gnu/linux)
   ;; 	 (setq org-babel-python-command "python"))
   ;; 	)
   :defer t
   :bind (("C-c a" . org-agenda)
	   ("C-c c" . org-capture)
	   ("C-c l" . org-store-link)


   ;;;~ functions to update fields in org files (/Projects/dot-emacs/src-org)

   (defun ra/find-replace (from to)
     "Find and replase string. It supports 'regexpr'."
	(while (re-search-forward from nil t)
	  (replace-match to t))))

   (defun ra/org-update-updated ()
     "Update field: 'Updated' in org buffer"
      "\\(^;; Updated: \\)\\(.*\\)"
      (format-time-string "\\1%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))

   (defun ra/org-update-source ()
     "Update field: 'Source' in org buffer"
      "\\(^;; Source: \\)\\(.*\\)"
      (format "\\1%s"(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))))

   (defun ra/src-org-update-fields ()
     "Update fields 'Updated' (last modified) and 'Source' (org file) before save org files in '/home/angel/Projects/dot-emacs/src-org/' "
	  (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
	       (string-equal (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))

   ;;;~ fix character ^M in babel block results 
   ;;;~ functions to update fields in org files (/Projects/dot-emacs/src-org)
   ;;;~  source:

   (defadvice org-babel-sh-evaluate (around set-shell activate)
     "Add header argument :file-coding that sets the buffer-file-coding-system."
     (let ((file-coding-param (cdr (assoc :file-coding params))))
	(if file-coding-param
	    (let ((file-coding (intern file-coding-param))
		  (default-file-coding (default-value 'buffer-file-coding-system)))
	      (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system file-coding)
	      (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system default-file-coding))

   ;; add support for term in org babel (source:sacha chua, 2020-09-20)
   ;; Little snippet to run command in term instead of inserting in region

   (defadvice org-babel-execute:sh (around sacha activate)
     (if (assoc-default :term (ad-get-arg 1) nil)
	  (let* ((path
		  (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin) "/bin/")
			((equal system-type 'gnu/linux) "/usr/bin/")))
		 (buffer (make-term "sh-babel" (concat path "sh")))
	    (with-current-buffer buffer
	      (insert (org-babel-expand-body:generic
		       body params
		       (org-babel-variable-assignments:sh params)))
	    (pop-to-buffer buffer)
	    ;; (term-char-mode)
	    ;; (read-only-mode nil)
	    ;; (set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
		 ;; '((default :background "gray10")))
	    (other-window -1))
   (defadvice org-babel-execute:bash (around sacha activate)
     (if (assoc-default :term (ad-get-arg 1) nil)
	  (let* ((path
		  (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin) "/bin/")
			((equal system-type 'gnu/linux) "/usr/bin/")))
		 (buffer (make-term "bash-babel"
				    (concat path "bash"))))
	    (with-current-buffer buffer
	      (insert (org-babel-expand-body:generic
		       body params
		       (org-babel-variable-assignments:bash params)))
	    (pop-to-buffer buffer)
	    ;; (term-char-mode)
	    ;; (read-only-mode nil)
	    (other-window -1))

   (defadvice org-babel-execute:python (around sacha activate)
     (if (assoc-default :term (ad-get-arg 1) nil)
	  (let* ((path
		  (cond ((equal system-type 'darwin) "/usr/local/bin/")
			((equal system-type 'gnu/linux) "/usr/bin/")))
		(buffer (make-term "python-babel" python-shell-interpreter))
		;; (buffer (make-term "python-babel"
		;; 		   (concat path org-babel-python-command)))
		;; 		   )
		;; (buffer (make-term "python-babel"
		;; 		   (concat path python-shell-interpreter)))
		;; 		   )
	    (with-current-buffer buffer
	      (insert (org-babel-expand-body:generic
		       body params
		       (org-babel-variable-assignments:python params)))
	    (pop-to-buffer buffer)
	    ;; (term-char-mode)
	    ;; (read-only-mode nil)
	    ;; (set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
		 ;; '((default :background "gray10")))
	    (other-window -1))

   ;; TODO Org Mode Babel - Interactive code block evaluation
   ;; source:

   ;; :config

   ;;;~ hook to update fields in org files (/Projects/dot-emacs/src-org)

   (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
		   'write-contents-functions 'ra/src-org-update-fields)) nil)
   ;;;~ set path to org directory
   (setq org-directory
	  (expand-file-name "../Documents/org" user-emacs-directory))
   ;;;~ set path to org files
   (setq org-agenda-files
	  (expand-file-name "../Documents/org/" user-emacs-directory))
   (setq org-default-notes-file
	  (expand-file-name "../Projects/notes/" user-emacs-directory))
   ;;;~ set persistent org mode clock in history
   (setq org-clock-persist 'history)
   (setq org-clock-persist-file
	  (expand-file-name "../config/" user-emacs-directory))
   ;;;~ org basic customizations
   (setq org-adapt-indentation nil) 
   (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
   (setq org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil)
   ;; (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t) ;; hide markers: // ** == 
   (setq org-tags-column -66) 

   ;;;~ org babel customization

   (setq org-src-fontify-natively t) 
   (setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)  ;; do not indent code blocks
   (setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window) ;; eval in new frame

   ;;;~ open link in new window 

   (setq org-link-frame-setup
	  '((vm . vm-visit-folder-other-frame)
	    (vm-imap . vm-visit-imap-folder-other-frame)
	    (gnus . org-gnus-no-new-news)
	    (file . find-file)                 ;open link in new window  
	    ;; (file . find-file-other-window) ;open link in new window  
	    ;; (file . find-file-other-frame)  ;open link in new frame
	    (wl . wl-other-frame)))

     ;;;~ org custom templates

   (setq org-structure-template-alist
	      ;;;~ text bloques
	    ("E" . "example")
	    ("M" . "comment")
	    ("N" . "notes")
	    ("Q" . "quote")
	      ;;;~ markup bloques
	    ("a" . "export ascii")
	    ("h" . "export html")
	    ("l" . "export latex")
	    ("x" . "export xml")
	      ;;;~ code bloques
	    ("0" . "src")
	    ("c" . "src C")
	    ("e" . "src emacs-lisp")
	    ("s" . "src shell")
	    ("b" . "src bash")
	    ("p" . "src python")
	    ;; ("s" . "src shell :results verbatim")
	    ;; ("b" . "src bash :results verbatim")
	    ;; ("p" . "src python :results output")

     ;;;~ org add template
    '("B" .
      "src bash :results verbatim :dir \"/sudo::/\" :wrap src bash")
    t				;added at the end

    '("P" .
      "src python :session python-session :results output :preamble (venv-workon \"biopython\")")
    t				;added at the end

     ;;;~ org load babel languages

      (C          . t) ;; C, C++
      (R          . t)
      ;; (clojure    . t)
      ;; (ditaa      . t)
      ;; (dot        . t) ;; graphviz-dot-mode
      (emacs-lisp . t)
      ;; (haskell    . t)
      ;; (js         . t)
      (latex      . t)
      (lua      . t)
      (org        . t)
      ;; (prolog     . t)
      (python     . t)
      ;; (sh         . t)
      (shell      . t)
      ;; (sql        . t)
      ;; (sqlite     . t)

   ;; perl support
   (require 'ob-perl)
   (use-package gnuplot
     :ensure t

   (use-package gnuplot-mode
     :ensure t

   ); end -- org --

emacs start server mode (if not started previously)

;;;~ emacs start server mode (if not started previously)

(use-package server
  :ensure nil
  (unless (server-running-p)

initial screen

;;;~ FRAME 1: load custom init file: user-init-file
(setq initial-scratch-message "# This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for org babel evaluation.
# To create a file, visit it with \\[find-file] and enter text in its buffer.

#+name: sh-code
#+header: :term t
#+header: :results verbatim silent
#+begin_src sh

#+name: bash-code
#+header: :term t
#+header: :results verbatim silent
#+begin_src bash

#+name: python-code
#+header: :term t
#+begin_src python

# return cursor to this point after execute this org babel block
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ;; go to specific org babel block
  (dolist (babel-block '(\"sh-code\" \"python-code\"))
    (org-babel-goto-named-src-block babel-block)
    ;; run code


;;;~  * dont show startup statistics
(remove-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'use-package-report)


configuration files (dot files) related to emacs






No packages published
