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List of languages that compile to JS
Shriram Krishnamurthi edited this page Dec 1, 2013
319 revisions
- CoffeeScript Unfancy JavaScript
- CoffeeScript II: The Wrath of Khan Rewrite of the CS compiler
Coco A CoffeeScript dialect that aims to be more radical and practical, also acts as a test bed for features that get imported in CoffeeScript.
- LiveScript is a fork of Coco that is much more compatible with CoffeeScript, more functional, and with more features.
IcedCoffeeScript A CoffeeScript dialect that adds support for
keywords which simplify async control flow. - Parsec CoffeeScript CS based on parser combinators. The project's aim is to add static metaprogramming (i.e. macros + syntax extensibility) to Coffee Script (CS), similar to how Metalua adds such features to Lua. The resulting compiler, once merged with the official compiler, should be usable as a drop-in replacement for it.
- A dialect of CoffeeScript that adds built-in support for contracts.
- Uberscript, a CoffeeScript fork that adds type annotations which are compiled to Google closure compiler type annotation comments.
- ToffeeScript A dialect of CoffeeScript that support Asynchronous Syntax and Regexp operator =~
- Caffeine A dialect of CoffeeScript that support packages and classes import, useful for browser applications
- A dialect of CoffeeScript that offers a C-like type system with manual memory management
- Kaffeine Enhanced Syntax for JavaScript.
- Jack Making programming playful.
- move A simpler and cleaner programming language.
- Moescript Indent-based language
- pogoscript language that emphasises readability, handles async control flow nicely, is friendly to domain specific languages and compiles to regular JavaScript
- LispyScript A JavaScript with Lispy syntax and Macros.
- Wisp Wisp is a homoiconic JavaScript dialect with clojure syntax, s-expressions and macros.
- Hot Cocoa Lisp A Lisp-like language that compiles to JavaScript.
- Sibilant JavaScript with a lisp.
- Ham looks very similar to Javascript at first, but offers (hopefully) many useful features
- GorillaScript Compile-to-JavaScript language designed to empower the user while attempting to prevent some common errors, offers Macros and optional Typing
- RedScript Ruby flavored JavaScript.
- Daonode functional logic solver, compiler.
- Caja Compiles ES5/strict to ES3 and supports object-capabilities
- ADsafe Client-side static verifier and API, making third party scripts safe.
- FBJS Facebook JavaScript, used for scripting FBML (Facebook Markup Language) gadgets.
- Jacaranda Static verifier supporting object-capabilities.
- Microsoft Web Sandbox Technology preview of securing web content through isolation.
- Gatekeeper Microsoft Research project.
- Dojo Secure Framework for building secure mashups.
- Local.js uses Web Workers to sandbox applications and a RESTful messaging protocol called HTTPL (HTTP Local) to communicate between them
- Some of the ones listed below are also statically typed, such as mobl, GWT, JSIL, NS Basic, and Haxe.
- Dart by Google. C/Java-like syntax with optional typing.
- TypeScript by Microsoft. Typed superset of JavaScript.
- TeJaS from Brown PLT. Types for JavaScript (itself).
- asm.js - subset of JavaScript that can be used as a low-level, efficient target language for compilers. Now included in Firefox.
- JavaScript++ adds pluggable type system and type inference, among other features
- MileScript [commercial] A strongly-typed language similar to C# and Java, but which compiles to JS. free for non-profit, educational use.
- Mascara [commercial] Enhances JavaScript with powerful features like classes, namespaces and type-checking.
- Roy tries to meld JavaScript semantics with some features common in static functional languages
- Elm type-safe functional language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- JSX a faster, safer, easier alternative to JavaScript
- Este.js Google Closure written in CoffeeScript statically compiled to JavaScript (and much more).
- Swym - statically typed, with type inference and generics
- Typecast.js - Javascript platform for statically typed variables without a custom compiler.
- Streamline.js Uses underscore (_) to stand for callbacks. This fork preserves line numbers for debugging.
- mobl The new language for programming the mobile web.
- StratifiedJS JavaScript + structured concurrency.
- NarrativeJS JavaScript extension with asynchronous futures and promises.
- jwacs JavaScript With Advanced Continuation Support.
- Wind.js Wind.js is an advanced library which enable us to control flow with plain JavaScript for asynchronous programming (and more) without additional pre-compiling steps.
- TameJS adds new keywords 'await' and 'defer'
- async.js Async utilities for node and the browser
- Continuation.js A lightweight JIT compiler for simplifying asynchronous JavaScript programming with no runtime dependences. It supports both Node.js and browser-side JavaScript and is compatible with CoffeeScript (also TypeScript, and any other scripts compile to js).
- Kal makes asynchronous programming easy and clean by allowing functions to pause and wait for I/O, replacing an awkward callback syntax with a clean, simple syntax
- ContextJS is an implementation of Context-oriented Programming for JavaScript.
- Objective-J Shares with JavaScript the same relationship that Objective-C has with the C programming language: that of being a strict, but small, superset.
- Mochiscript Object-oriented JavaScript with syntactic sugar. Released as a Ruby gem.
- jangaroo AS3 (ActionScript) to JavaScript.
- Flapjax Event-driven, reactive evaluation.
- jLang adds object oriented syntax, namespaces, operators overriding
- Restrict Mode
- TIScript gentle extension of JavaScript
- Six Six is a language super-set of JavaScript that enables new syntactic features from the 6th edition of ECMAScript to be used, through a transpiler, in your scripts today.
- js-- Javascript subset for interactive/visual programming.
- Opal Ruby to Javascript compiler.
- HotRuby Runs opcode, compiled by YARV on Ruby inside a web browser or in Flash.
- ColdRuby Compiler of Ruby 1.9 MRI bytecode, and a runtime written in JavaScript to aid in execution of Ruby code.
- rb2js Converts Ruby to JavaScript.
- RubyJS A successor to rb2js
- Red Writes like Ruby and runs like JavaScript
- Quby Used for game coding site, open source.
- 8ball ruby-to-javascript source-to-source transformer
- PYXC-PJ [CS friend] Python to JS. Can generate a (line/col)-number mappings file.
- Pyjamas Python to JS.
- Pyjaco Python to JavaScript compiler with module support.
- Pyjs Python to (readable) JS.
- Skulpt Python. Client side.
- PyCow Python to MooTools JS.
- PyvaScript Python-like syntax to JavaScript.
- RapydScript Improved PyvaScript
- Brython browser python
- PythonScript Python-like compiled to Javascript
- pythonscript Python compiled to readable Javascript using the AST. (proof of concept)
- Perlito Project to compile Perl 5/6 to JavaScript, Ruby, SBCL, and Go.
- GWT Google Web Toolkit, compiles Java to JavaScript.
- Java2Script Eclipse Java to JavaScript compiler plugin and JavaScript version of SWT.
- j2js Java bytecode to JavaScript.
- Strongly-Typed JavaScript (STJS) - JavaScript code generator from Java source. It is built as a Maven plugin.
- BicaJVM JavaScript implementation of JVM.
- Doppio JVM interpreter on Coffeescript.
- Processing, a Java-based visualization language that interprets to JavaScript.
- Kotlin has a nascent JavaScript backend.
- Ceylon a modular static-typed JVM language compilable to JavaScript.
- GrooScript a framework to convert Groovy code to Javascript.
- node-jvm java virtual machine in pure node.js
- Scala.js A Scala to JavaScript compiler
- js-scala JavaScript as an embedded DSL in Scala
- scalagwt enhanced GWT (accepts jribble as well as Java) plus Scala to jribble.
- JScala Scala macro that produces JavaScript from Scala code.
- jsc [experimental] Recompile your .NET assembly to JavaScript, ActionScript, PHP or Java.
- JSIL MSIL (.NET bytecode) to Javascript
- Script# Compiles C# to JS.
- Prefix in development
- Blade Visual Studio add-on for converting C# to JavaScript
- SharpKit [commercial] C# to JavaScript Cross-Compiler
- Saltarelle C# to JavaScript Compiler
- FunScript F# to JavaScript compiler with JQuery etc. mappings through a TypeScript type provider
- Pit F# to Javascript compiler
- WebSharper Lets you compile F# to JS.
- NemerleWeb Nemerle language compiled to JS.
- Blue Storm F# to JavaScript (and some other languages).
- JScriptSuite .NET to JavaScript compiler (cross browser API, client site controls and components).
- BiwaScheme Scheme(R6RS) in JavaScript
- ClojureScript Clojure to JS, the official version. Supports the majority of Clojure including persistent datastructures.
- clojurejs Subset of Clojure to JS.
- Chlorinejs A fork of ClojureJs with a port of clojure.core library.
- wisp Homoiconic JS with clojure syntax, s-expressions & macros.
- EdgeLisp A Lisp in the tradition of Common Lisp
- Fargo Scheme in JavaScript
- Moby Scheme A Scheme running in JS.
- nconc scheme interpreter in javascript with stack-friendly tail calls and full call/cc
- Parenscript Subset of Common Lisp to JS.
- Ralph Lisp-1 dialect that compiles to JavaScript, inspired by Dylan
- scheme2js Scheme to JavaScript.
- Scriptjure Library for generating JavaScript from Clojure forms.
- Spock A Scheme to JavaScript compiler that uses Henry Baker's Cheney-on-the-MTA compilation strategy
- Whalesong Racket to JS compiler
- Oppo A javascripter's lisp. Inspired by javascript, clojure and coffeescript. Compiler built using Jison.
- Outlet A simple Lisp that supports CPS and in-browser stepping debugging, and other things. In development.
- Ocamljs OCaml to JS.
- O'Browser OCaml bytecode interpreter in JS.
- Js_of_ocaml OCaml bytecode to JS compiler.
- UHC (Utrecht Haskell Compiler) backend converts UHC core to JavaScript, allowing the compiling of Haskell code to JS.
- ghcjs Compile normal Haskell into JS
- jmacro Quasi-Quoted JS that you can insert Haskell values into (there is also shakespeare-js for that purpose), but also supports a more haskellish syntactic version of javascript.
- Compile a subset of Haskell into JS
- YHC (York Haskell Compiler) backend, as above but with YHC core language.
- jshaskell
- haste
- fay A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript
- forml A contemporary programming language intended to approximate the safety of Haskell and the expressiveness of Ruby.
- Amber - formerly known as Jtalk
- Clamato a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime.
- Silver Smalltalk [commercial?] Smalltalk in the browser. (Still active?)
- Lively Kernel - smalltalk/squeak-like development environment in the browser. See also Avocado, built on top of it.
- Little Smallscript Little Smalltalk to Javascript translator.
- Emscripten LLVM to JavaScript compiler. LLVM is "an aggressive open-source compiler for C and C++," as well as other languages.
- Duetto LLVM to JavaScript compiler. "compiles C++ applications to binary code and Javascript"
- maja vala (gobject) to javascript
- Clue C language compiler to different runtimes (Lua, JS, Perl 5, C, Java, CL).
- LLJS typed dialect of JavaScript that offers a C-like type system with manual memory management
- Mandreel Can convert C++ and Objective-C applications based on OpenGL ES to JavaScript or Action Script 3 web application.
- NS Basic/App Studio [commercial] Visual Basic-style BASIC to JavaScript compiler. Includes IDE. Targets iOS and Android
- qb.js An implementation of QBASIC in Javascript
- Smart Mobile Studio [commercial] Object Pascal to JavaScript compiler and Delphi like IDE that brings classes, inheritance, interfaces and more to JavaScript
- Elevate Web Builder [commercial] Visual development tool for web applications that compiles standard Object Pascal source code into JavaScript
- Go2js Line-to-line translator from Go to JavaScript.
- Haxe compiles to several platforms (C++, Flash, JS, Neko, PHP).
- Fantom Evolutionary object-oriented language emphasizing succinct and effective APIs (JVM, CLR, JS).
- LZX (Laszlo XML) LZX is OpenLaszlo's declarative user interface language, which is compiled into JavaScript 2 as an intermediary format, and further compiled into either JavaScript 1.5 or ActionScript 3.
- Clue and jsc above target multiple runtimes in addition to javascript
- Nimrod compiles to C and JavaScript
- Monkey [commercial] compiles to several platforms (JavaScript, ActionScript 3, C++, Java, CSharp).
- Fun A programming language for realtime webapps - compiles to client-side and server-side JS.
- Ur In the tradition of ML and Haskell.
- mobl The new language for programming the mobile web.
- E Compiles E to JS. E is a secure distributed persistent pure object language.
- Sugar new programming language designed to replace JavaScript for client-side (and server-side) web development
- Opa write your complete application in just one language, and the compiler will transform it into a self-sufficient executable
- Waterbear
- Snap - Javascript of BYOB, which is a fork of Scratch
- ScriptBlocks
- Illumination [Commercial] Visual, cross-platform tool creates apps for Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktops and HTML5 or Flash websites. The I language underlies the tool.
- JsMaker visual JavaScript programming
- Meemoo flow-based visual programming framework for hackable web apps
- NoFlo JavaScript implementation of Flow-Based Programming. Programs (network graphs) can be visually created with DrawFBP
- Blockly web-based, graphical programming language. Users can drag blocks together to build an application
- Maeda Block - visual game programming language powered by enchant.js and Google Blockly. See also the Japanese version.
- Oia A port of Io to JavaScript.
- Plaid A gradually-typed, typestate-oriented language designed as a better Java.
- Quixe a Glulx VM interpreter written in Javascript
- Gnusto a Z-Machine VM interpreter written in Javascript
- Logo Interpreter
- p2js perl to javascript converter
- Reb2Static Rebol to Javascript
- RPN Interpreter for a language with a Reverse Polish Notation syntax.
- phype run PHP code directly in your browser
- jsForth
- wForth
- Agda a dependently typed functional programming language and mechanized proof assistant
- XLCC Interpret LCC into Javascript on node
- SMLtoJs SML to Javascript compiler
- lua.js Lua parser
- Brozula Lua bytecode interpreter
- Pygmy a dynamic language that compiles to Javascript designed to be readable but concise enough to be competitive in code golf.
- browserl An Erlang Emulator written in javascript
- ErlyJS (abandoned) Javascript to Erlang compiler
- Topaz Rebol inspired language on top of Javascript
- NGN APL an APL-to-JavaScript compiler written in CoffeeScript
- CobolScript COBOL language compiler to Javascript.
- Idris Dependently typed functional language with a JavaScript backend.
- dogescript
Narcissus Mozilla's experimental JavaScript compiler in JavaScript by Brendan Eich and others.
- CommonJS version in DoctorJS
- Jasy: Python port of Narcissus with some enhancements
- PyNarcissus Narcissus's parser ported to Python (used in pyjon)
- rbnarcissus Narcissus' parser ported to Ruby.
- Traceur Google's vehicle for Javascript Language Design Experimentation
- EcmaScript 5 Parser (es-lab)
- EcmaScript 5 Parser (qfox)
- reflect.js Implementation of Mozilla's (SpiderMonkey) Parser API in JavaScript
- bdParse a JavaScript LL(1) parser in JavaScript
- parse-js common lisp javascript parser
- ZeParser
- Esprima Educational (but fast) ECMAScript parser with output compatible to Mozilla Parser API
- js.js A JavaScript JavaScript interpreter. Instead of trying to create an interpreter from scratch, SpiderMonkey is compiled into LLVM and then emscripten translates the output into JavaScript.
- Closure Compiler An optimizing compiler. Can generate a (line/col)-number mappings file.
- UglifyJS
- jison Bison in javascript, used by Coffeescript
- OMeta/JS (source) metacompiler for many languages to many targets, including js.
- PEG.js parser generator for JavaScript based on the parsing expression grammar formalism
- languagejs - PEG parser written in JavaScript with first class errors
- Canopy Self-hosting PEG parser compiler for JavaScript, influenced by Ruby parser generators such as Treetop and Citrus
- JS/CC LALR(1) parser generator
- jsparse PEG by Grandmaster Chris Double
- ReParse parser combinator library for Javascript like Haskell's Parsec
- p4js Monadic parser library for JavaScript
- JSGLR Scannerless, Generalized Left-to-right Rightmost (SGLR) derivation parser for JavaScript
- antlr has a javascript target
- Cruiser.Parse LL(k) parser
- Closure Compiler AST Documentation
- Spidermonkey Parser API - see also reflect.js above
- JsonML AST format used by the es5 parser
- treehugger Javascript AST transformation tools
- JavaScript Shaper JavaScript syntax tree shaping
- burrito & js-traverse - see this post for more info, as well as node-stackedy for an example and node-browserify for running it in a browser instead of node
- javascript types - lambdajs, flow typing
- SourceMap map javascript debugger output to original source
- Zeon A static visual JavaScript analyzer / editor. See also ZeParser.
- escodegen - Javascript code generator
- esmangler mangler / minifier for Mozilla Parser API AST
- jswiki another github wiki with listings of various javascript libraries