Dao is a functional logic solver, unifying code with data, grammar with program, logic with functional, compiling with running. Daonode is a porting, rewriting and upgrading from python to coffeecript(so just javscript) of the dao project. What would happen when lisp meets prolog in javascript?
###what's new in 0.2.0
- now daonode can compile expression(similar to lisp's sexpression) to javascript.
- stuffs in /lib is for the compiler
- Currently no document is written for the comiler, please refer to the document for the interpreter.
- original stuffs for the solver is moved to /lib/interpreter, and they still work.
- all tests is moved /test
- add .travis.yml and use travis-ci.org for Continuous integration, see https://travis-ci.org/chaosim/daonode.
See https://github.com/chaosim/daonode/wiki for documents for daonode. The annotated coffeescript source is in the daonode/doc. See the tests, and you'll get some information about the api and use cases. Some old documents is on http://pythonhosted.org/daot/ (out of date).
the project's repository is on github https://github.com/chaosim/daonode. some old information and related stuff can be reached at pypi distribution and document: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/daot>, http://pythonhosted.org/daot/, http://code.google.com/p/daot dao groups on google: Group name: daot, Group home page: http://groups.google.com/group/daot, Group email address: daot@googlegroups.com google+ pages for news on dao: https://plus.google.com/112050694070234685790
daonode uses the nodeunit test framework, see the folder "test"
To report or search for bugs, please goto https://github.com/chaosim/daonode, or email to simeon.chaos@gmail.com
daonode is developed and tested on Windows 7, node.js 0.10.0, coffeescript 1.6.2.