Releases: liulab-dfci/TRUST4
Releases · liulab-dfci/TRUST4
TRUST4 v1.1.5
- Significantly Improve the computational efficiency for the k-mer count stage and for barcode/UMI-based data (both speed and memory)
- Add the option "--contigMinCov" to filter contigs with shallow coverage in the middle in the output.
- Improve the ability to distinguish reads that both strands can hit TCR/BCR genes in the extractor step.
TRUST4 v1.1.4
TRUST4 v1.1.3
- Add the option "--imgtAdditionalGap" to specify where IMGT introduces the additional gaps. This option is useful to handle the TRAV gene for mouse.
- Fix a serious bug in handling the additional gap that may cause the CDR3's 3' end shift when there are additional gaps. (#295 )
- Fix a serious bug that may crash the program when imputing TCR sequences (#294 )
- Fix a small bug of missing short V gene in a contig.
TRUST4 v1.1.2
- Detect special gaps in V genes from IMGT, e.g. mouse TRAV genes, and adjust the CDR3 coordinate accordingly.
- Always realign the reads to the contigs for abundance estimation. Orignally, this step is skipped in barcoded data. (#281 )
- Change the definition of the "complete_vdj" column as the sequence with 5' V to 3' J sequence. Originally, it requires the presence of C gene.
- Fix a bug in the airr_alignment file from annotator that may miss some column for contigs with CDR3 information
- Fix a bug of wrong V, J gene range after imputing TCRs
TRUST4 v1.1.1
TRUST4 v1.1.0
- Change the license to MIT
- Significantly improved performance on data with barcode, e.g. 10x Genomics, TCR/BCR-seq with UMIs (--barcodeLevel molecule)
- Allow gzipped barcode whitelist
- Allow recursive folder creation by @TaverB (#252 )
- Add cell_id to smart-seq's AIRR-format output (#253 )
- Fix a serious bug that some reads may be used to calculate other barcode's chain's abundances (#254 )
- Fix a bug that the UMI information may be wrong when there are missing barcodes for 10x Genomics-like data (#254 )
- Fix a bug for some V and J gene alignment ranges if the anchor is too short
TRUST4 v1.0.14
- Improved sensitivity and precision by fixing a bug when merging two mate pairs.
- Add the option "--clean INT" to clean up intermediate files (#247)
- Do not suppress out-of-frame assemblies in "--barcodeLevel molecule" mode (#248)
- Allow TCR full-length assembly with --repseq option (#241 )
- Add c_cigar to the AIRR format output (#244)
- More robust implementation when there is no toassemble reads at all (#127)
- Suppress the CDR3s with length >= 7000, probably due to misannotation. (#242)
- Fix a bug if the read header is too long in the final.out file. (#237)
- Fix a bug where the "--barcode" option has to be specified before "--UMI". (#232)
TRUST4 v1.0.13
- "annotator" can take multiple-line fasta/fastq files now.
- The --read-format will not internally sort the segments, so users can fully control the read structure.
- Add "locus" column in the AIRR output.
- Fix a bug causing false positive TCRs during imputation. (An error was identified in the comment:
- Slightly improve the consensus choice when ties.
TRUST4 v1.0.12
TRUST4 v1.0.11
- "annotator" can directly output AIRR-format annotations, so it can be served as a stand-alone IgBLAST-like annotation method now. (
- Remove a redundant ';' in the secondary chain in the barcode_report file. (#197)