3.19.13 (2024-11-14)
- ensure that other value is required when other option is selected for radio and checkbox groups (457a3e3)
3.19.12 (2024-07-07)
- move syncFieldWithNewRow to Helpers to make the feature directly testable (670688a)
- syncFieldWithNewRow incorrectly replacing row values in field className attribute (eae8a5f)
3.19.11 (2024-07-05)
- catch control lookup error so that we can output the custom control specific error (7aa72ce)
- fix lookup of label for custom controls when constructing control panel and adding field (f1b580b)
- translate custom control label if required when setting up the translation map (a5a7f80)
- use correct definition in custom control label and icon lookup (04a66c2)
3.19.10 (2024-07-04)
- add in check for .length to ensure we are within the stage-wrap (d9695cc)
- make css selectors more specific when identifying form control wrap and input-controls (44c94f6)
3.19.9 (2024-07-04)
- remove label's for attribute when we wrap the input with the label for kc-toggle (69f33b7)
3.19.8 (2024-07-04)
- ensure rows attribute is forced to a positive integer (a9ac85d)
3.19.7 (2024-03-13)
- restoring value of typeUserAttr select with attributeName className (d9d59af)
- take a copy of typeUserAttr when processing (7366ddc)
3.19.6 (2024-03-13)
- loading of userData into tinymce control after initialisation (842d322)
3.19.5 (2024-03-06)
- regression in bfa92e8 caused typeUserAttrs of type string to not load formData (3f899c8)
3.19.4 (2024-03-01)
- allow browser to break words in labels, headers, and paragraphs instead over overflowing (e8bc802)
- clicking field controls while using trackpad may trigger drag instead of click (6c7e3a6)
- use flexbox instead of floats for stage and control layout (d25693a)
3.19.3 (2024-03-01)
- ensure that config is per instance of formBuilder (c44dbc4)
- selecting last field id when running in advanced bootstrap mode (8153745)
3.19.2 (2024-03-01)
- provide the value for a number attribute in the tUA array (76db433)
3.19.1 (2024-02-09)
- do not remove valid empty userData from field data struct (1e64c69)
- store result of trimmed values config to the sanitizedField (1504849)
3.19.0 (2024-02-09)
- allow hierarchically defined controlConfig for type and subtype (5d7ff8f)
3.18.0 (2024-01-19)
- Allow control plugins to disable default attributes via the disableAttr key in the plugin definition (54bc369)
3.17.3 (2023-12-08)
- Only setup sortable row wrapper and invisible row placeholders when adding a row to the stage (25a27e6)
- Use last-of-type instead of last-child due to drag/drop placeholder occupying last-child position (dc4f312)
- Use the pointer to for sortable intersect detection when dragging controls from the control panel onto a bootstrap row. jQuery.ui sortable used tolerance: intersect which caused the placeholder in a row to jump around when near the edges and the new control is less than 50% contained. (995fc2e)
- When adding rows, reset the hidden flag for all placeholders (939341c)
3.17.2 (2023-12-08)
- For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (0b64d37)
- For TextArea control have made the value input a textarea and not a single input[type=text] value. Formatting of TextAreas is now preserved. (8da4cb5)
3.17.1 (2023-12-08)
- Ensure subtype attribute is hidden when disabled via disableAttr (4572fe6)
3.17.0 (2023-11-07)
- add additional row cleanup check to ensure no artifacts are left in the DOM (612d009)
- If label is intentionally blank or label is not enabled we fallback to 'type: name' for the control label to ensure a value is visible on the stage (fcff9e9)
- remove bootstrap initialisation of blank row on empty form. It is not required. (b8fd49a)
- remove redundant checkRowCleanup() (9b27a6e)
- remove redundant droppingToPlaceholderRow which uses the same check as droppingToNewRow, and simplify the logic. (62c0562)
- store the bootstrap row's id to the rowWapper via data-row-id (dd68b52)
3.16.13 (2023-11-07)
- ensure that controlConfig is loaded per formBuilder instance. We delay setting the static property controlConfig on class control until we construct the control class in layout. (5f8de00)
3.16.12 (2023-11-01)
- ensure a default value is set for when rows exists but none have numerical indices (e963748)
3.16.11 (2023-11-01)
- For input[type=checkbox], no selection should result in an empty userData otherwise there is no ability to save state when default selected checkboxes are all unchecked (2744a68)
3.16.10 (2023-10-31)
- set the preview property for custom controls (de67461)
3.16.9 (2023-10-31)
- Add test cases for checkbox group (36c7d0e)
- Don't pull grid classes from SVG elements, The SVG className property is a SVGAnimatedString not a string. Controls like textarea.quill have SVG graphics in their element list. (db27e06)
- prevent togging the edit field if double-clicking within a textarea. Additionally, use the property isContentEditable to check if the element double-clicked is a descendant of a contenteditable field (eg a paragraph withing a div[contenteditable]) (a44ef6e)
- strip form-control from the quill container div if it is set, this class is incompatible with the quill control (533ae80)
- use the correct selector for the checkbox-group other value input, control may not have been added to the document dom at the time of onRender. (0768868)
3.16.8 (2023-10-31)
- When setting a placeholder option a select field set the value to an empty string '' to allow for required validation to occur (924ca5c)
3.16.7 (2023-10-30)
- convert raw HTML strings received from control.build() into HTMLElement(s) to ensure processClassName() can strip bootstrap classes (03e657f)
3.16.6 (2023-10-30)
- allow Bootstrap row identifiers to be any string value after row- (eg row-myrow). This allows default fields or inputSets to be pre-configured with named rows which can then be targeted with CSS rules. (e06f85d)
3.16.5 (2023-10-23)
- define icon() on templateControl (9364525)
3.16.4 (2023-10-19)
- Refactor initialisation of the formBuilder plugin to ensure that two or more concurrent initialisations cannot interfere with each other (199c1cd)
- subtype is critical to defining the control, add subtype to the list of attributes that are hidden rather than removed when disabled via disabledAttrs (28208fa)
3.16.3 (2023-10-19)
- Configure JSDOM to load script tags injected into the dom by getScripts (41c0b20)
- Ensure we load these files via https otherwise these controls cannot be loaded when running from file:// (56602ff)
- formBuilder.actions.setLang now returns a promise (58ec7e5)
- load css files that exist when testing (ad8147a)
3.16.2 (2023-10-19)
- don't bother lifting col/row classes if we don't have any to lift (e012b8b)
- fix lifting bootstrap col/row fields for autocomplete (62b8e3b)
- initialise formRender with an empty formData in cases when no formData is provided, otherwise we are unable to perform setData/render functions on the container (48700de)
3.16.1 (2023-10-19)
- move custom control registration into its own class and initialise it per formBuilder instance. This ensures definitions set in one formBuilder do not interact with definitions in other formBuilder instances (203cac7)
3.16.0 (2023-10-19)
- Remove unmaintained Find Uploader (3243ce3)
3.15.1 (2023-10-17)
- add missing call to getBootstrapColumnClass otherwise check will always fail. Ensure we retain additional styles set on colWrappers by only removing and adding the requested col-* classes (10067e6)
- add test cases for Bootstrap helper methods and align functions with sane return values (2fa6c0b)
- emit an event when clearing the stage, use this to reset formRow counter and stage setup for enhancedBootstrap function (edd5500)
- revert change that incorrectly grabbed the description of the fields (7d61aaf)
- stopIndex is incorrectly calculated when in enhancedBootstrap mode. Fix this by always referring to children of the stage rather than LIs (052a761)
- Unify the regular and enhancedBootstrap UX (c0e6d71)
- use non-deprecated keyboardEvent.code instead of keyboardEvent.keycode. (0881cff)
- when sorting stage items don't allow the placeholder to go before a prepended and after an appended item (6da23a2)
3.15.0 (2023-10-14)
- Support typeUserAttrs and typeUserEvents for all types with a wildcard '*' key (ac0dcf3)
3.14.0 (2023-10-14)
- Add in additional HTML5 inputs time, datetime-local and range [supported by all major browsers]. For BC reasons time and datetime-local implemented as a subtype of date. (0a1c141)
3.13.2 (2023-10-09)
- Bumps postcss to 8.4.31 and updates ancestor dependencies postcss, autoprefixer, css-loader and postcss-loader. Update to postcss is a breaking update due to configuration changes preventing dependabot PR from being merged (9d974b1)
3.13.1 (2023-10-09)
- Add dompurify to dev requirements so that we can test the Sanitizer using the domPurify backend (c342558)
- Control may not be instered into the DOM at the time of onRender, keep a reference to the element in build() and use in onRender() (33ea8c4)
- Fix JSDoc (d2b8629)
- Mark XML helper functions as private and don't export them from utils module (74d19a2)
- Remove unused local variable (53649ae)
- Replace non-standard and deprecated call to String.substr() with String.slice() (813cecf)
- Return true from SanatizerAPI backend when successfully setting HTML (c5d24c8)
3.13.0 (2023-10-06)
- Fix GH-594 and GH-727 Bring non-namespaced css selectors under .form-wrap.form-builder. Consolidate two definitions for .toggle-form. (da89a92), closes #594 #727
- Fix GH-594 and GH-727 Bring non-namespaced css selectors under .rendered-form (0caf26e), closes #594 #727
- Extend disableInjectedStyle option to excluded only the embedded Bootstrap 3 classes while allow the formBuilder styles to be included. (60524bc)
3.12.4 (2023-10-05)
- Setup of fallBack Sanitizer and processing of content when sanitizer is not enabled (69c4a10)
3.12.3 (2023-10-05)
- fallbackSantizer used before defined (4fe4937)
3.12.2 (2023-10-05)
- formData may contain HTML (eg Labels), need to escape for all dataTypes before adding into the code element. JSON is invalid if copy-paste from showData dialog (c6f89d1)
3.12.1 (2023-10-05)
- Calculation of next control insertion point took into account any divs created by enableEnhancedBootstrapGrid, appendNewField expects only LIs in the calculation and therefore inserts in the wrong position if the EnhancedBootstrap feature is enabled (fd83248)
- changing column width in enhancedBootstrap feature did not work will with a touchpad. Mousemove event will fire multiple times (especially on MacOS with accelerated/decelerated scrolling) cauing the columns to erratically increase/decrease in size. (eb4fd68)
- correctly show sort buttons in non-bootstrap mode. Use helpers.toggleHighlight when sorting elements rather than a custom animation (a1f6638)
- Don't allow rows moved via the keyboard in the enhancedBootstrap feature to swap with prepended or appended fields (5af6feb)
- enableEnhancedBootstrapGrid inserts the rowWrapperNode at the end of the stage instead of using the last position causing controls to always be inserted at the end even if prepend option is set. Use the location of the added Field's LI to append the rowWrapper before moving the LI within the row (5990b67)
- helpers.getBootstrapColumnValue return value is an int, no need to parseInt on int (8caa6a2)
- Only enable mobile sorting action buttons when enhancedBootstrap feature is not enabled. Bootstrap feature has functionality to move rows up and down and the two are incompatible (f7fa676)
- Reset the height of the InvisibleRowPlaceholders in enhancedBootstrap feature when hiding them (40bf3fe)
- When cloning a field in enhancedBootstrap mode invisible row placeholders need to be setup for the new fields (49b3363)
- When drag and dropping a Header field (and other types) in enhancedBootstrap mode the preview needs to be cleaned of row- and col- classes otherwise and invalid field element is placed on the stage. (35d8ea5)
- When drag and dropping elements in enhancedBootstrap mode the colWrapper mouseenter could fire after dragging a field onto another field, this would cause the rowPlaceholders to be hidden and then shown with 1px height (ea91499)
3.12.0 (2023-10-05)
- correct the documentation for formRender action clear() (21c206a)
- Improve browserslist target from '> 1%' which has less than 80% global coverage, to 'defaults' which improves coverage to 85.4% global and is equivalent to '> 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead' (01ca0fa)
- Remove Internet Explorer from the supported browser list. It is no longer part of Browserslist >1% (6c2e23f)
3.11.1 (2023-10-05)
- helpers.clearFields no longer supports an animate flag, update calls to this function (ec9aa51)
- helpers.save() is called with and without minify being set, make false by default. Fix call to xmlSave which does not accept a minify parameter. Fix return type of helpers.save() (41b10f0)
3.11.0 (2023-10-05)
- Add missing options to documentation config (b903345)
- doc link (d5648d1)
- fix broken documentation links (fa6b69f)
- fix link to translation demo page from i18n option page in docs (a4de783)
- Improve the definition of utils.trimObj() to not modify the source object (b807646)
- isPotentiallyDangerousAttribute returns false if the Sanitizer backends have been disabled via config (c75ccdb)
- make dompurify the primary sanitizer backend if it is available. Sanitizer API is still experimental and not support by all browsers therefore it should only be used if DomPurify isn't included (d0043d0)
- Implement XSS and DOM Clobbering protection (a268a0a)
3.10.6 (2023-09-21)
- Due to recursion protection GitHub actions does not trigger the publish event when the release is created via another action. Instead use the workflow_run event to chain Publish with Deploy Website (a702686)
3.10.5 (2023-09-21)
3.10.4 (2023-09-21)
- Handle the case of Autocomplete providing field as an array of HTMLElements (d1b9b51)
3.10.3 (2023-09-21)
- Cancel stage sort if it would place the field before an appended field or after a prepended field (82242e5)
- Controls added by clicking need to be added as the second last item if opts.append is set (478dbc5)
- invalid selector (a153525)
- Remove unreachable branch in condition. $().closest can be used for both cases as closest() starts traversal from the current element (619005a)
- When dragging a new control onto the stage, ensure the placeholder is placed after any prepended field and before any appended field (d9cf010)
3.10.2 (2023-09-21)
- typeof will always return a string therefore fallback is never called (4ca0dc9)
- warn when the typeUserAttr is unable to be processed instead of silently ignoring (b54ff0d)
3.10.1 (2023-09-21)
- Ensure boolean false values are kept as boolean false when getting the original value (317d778)
3.10.0 (2023-09-15)
- Add disableHTMLLabels option to formRender (0fc2a91)
3.9.18 (2023-09-13)
- Apply the removal of row- and col- to child elements if field is more than just and input element (e.g. checkbox-group) (323ac64)
- tmpCleanColumnInfo may be called multiple times, remove previous work to ensure we don't keep appending tmp- to class names. Adjust class to include a __fb- prefix. (6fd7018)
3.9.17 (2023-09-13)
- --display-entrypoints doesn't exist in webpack v5 (d7de595)
- Bump semantic-release to latest (b3ca67b)
- remove deprecated package "request" and replace with build-in Node fetch API. Add "colors" dependency as it is no longer implicityly required by semantic-release (a07ec5a)
3.9.16 (2023-09-12)
- cleanup duplicate and invalid declarations (d1f07e9)
- ensure that input[type=number] cannot overflow the stage on narrow window (38684f3)
- Remove unused CSS (c8da5e6)
3.9.15 (2023-09-12)
- Ensure generation of CSS rules for .formbuilder-mobile place the selector at the .form-wrap.form-builder level (a364136)
- Show icon for custom controls on mobile phone screen sizes (0f7a786)
- Wrap the inputSet control in a span in the same way as custom controls to ensure CSS selectors are applied correctly (2c42831)
3.9.14 (2023-09-12)
- Implement field action buttons to sort form elements from touch screen devices not supported by jQuery sortable (54fa332)
3.9.13 (2023-09-12)
- Array of strings was removed from support in TinyMCE6, use a plugin definition format supported my all versions (https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/migration-from-5x/#plugin-loading-format-change) (92a8a72)
- Array.concat does not modify the existing arrays, return value was previously discarded (92496e3)
- helper.js classNames was overzealous in removing classNames starting with btn- when syncing with style field, only remove those that are one of the config.js styles.btn styles (922ca80)
- Only load TinyMCE if it hasn't already been loaded by the page, this allows specific versions to be loaded outside the hardcoded version in the plugin (241a83a)
- Remove any plugins we define by default from the options if they have been removed in the loaded version of TinyMCE (de061b2)
- use the Promise interface for initialising tinymce. tinymce.editors is removed in TinyMCE6 so use the tinymce.get() and tinymce.remove() interfaces which is forwards compatible (4583b88)
- window.tinymce.editors[] is not forward compatible with later versions of TinyMCE. Use the get() method instead to retrieve the Editor instance (255ed88)
3.9.12 (2023-09-12)
- revert change made in https://github.com/kevinchappell/formBuilder/commit/e0c0f2ea8f204da6e11d8de938e27ca6687d5588 which declared field as a const prior to the fallback to selecting the last field in the form. This change also prevents incorrect removing of the last field in the case where a fieldID is provided but which was not found in the form (0b7e1bb)
3.9.11 (2023-09-12)
- i18n is a straight key/value pair, it does not contain a get() function (ebe59ce)
- If no value was set for a numberAttribute the value attribute's value was used instead. This causes min/max/step/rows/maxLen number attributes to incorrectly be assigned a value if they are not set in formData but a number exists in the value attribute (28b1a6f)
- Use the i18n translated label for boolean typeUserAttrs. Fixes #1391 (bc04612)
3.9.10 (2023-08-27)
- Ensure that default selected checkboxes are unselected when loading userData that doesn't contain them. (2d284c9)
- The major browsers handle new lines in contenteditable blocks by inserting tags. This causes invalid HTML when inserting the content into a
with the paragraph control and when constructing tags. Setting display: inline-block forces the browsers to use a
tag instead for new lines. (5b700cb)
3.9.9 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (aeb32e4)
3.9.8 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (ff7538d)
3.9.7 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (3e87738)
3.9.6 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (3fc6e0d)
3.9.5 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (676a1ec)
3.9.4 (2023-08-20)
- auto deploy site (7da55b2)
3.9.3 (2023-08-20)
- auto site deploy (fe7849e)
3.9.2 (2023-08-20)
- auto site deploy (b9c5a63)
3.9.1 (2023-08-20)
- publish github action (39a73fb)
3.9.0 (2023-08-20)
- update readme (2379b5b)
3.8.3 (2022-03-25)
3.8.2 (2022-03-25)
3.8.1 (2022-03-18)
- contenteditable (4abe7a4)
3.8.0 (2022-03-17)
- enhanced column features (023f8b7)
3.7.4 (2022-03-11)
- textarea: remove type attribute from textarea (bc68b3f)
3.7.3 (2021-07-13)
- documentation code colors (b2db0d7)
3.7.2 (2021-06-07)
- save not returning js formData (490ad72)
3.7.1 (2021-06-04)
3.7.0 (2021-05-28)
3.6.2 (2020-12-07)
3.6.1 (2020-08-24)
- onAddOption default (55f4a8f)
3.6.0 (2020-08-24)
3.5.2 (2020-08-23)
- icon name conflict (1231aae)
3.5.1 (2020-08-23)
- site home url in /docs (b73d695)
3.5.0 (2020-08-23)
3.4.5 (2020-08-23)
3.4.4 (2020-08-22)
3.4.3 (2020-08-22)
3.4.2 (2020-03-04)
- clone id bug (82c29a9)
3.4.1 (2020-03-02)
- multiple attribute added to select (bb04cd4)
3.4.0 (2020-02-02)
- website generation and deployment (6ba8ce0)
- editor: hidden field labels (f9b648c)
3.3.5 (2020-02-02)
- website generation and deployment (6ba8ce0)
3.3.4 (2020-02-01)
- update dependencies (2c81e41)
3.3.3 (2020-02-01)
3.3.2 (2020-01-31)
- build (55721ec)
3.3.1 (2020-01-28)
3.3.0 (2020-01-26)
- demo: clear current id when removed from stage (e0c0f2e)
3.2.6 (2019-12-31)
- adblock because of fb- prefix (e091474)
3.2.5 (2019-06-26)
- browserslist config, build:vendor (32acf6b)
3.2.4 (2019-05-27)
3.2.3 (2019-05-02)
3.2.2 (2019-04-23)
- update jquery dependency (5541494)
3.2.1 (2019-03-30)
- btn: button style classes not correctly applied (3278840)
3.2.0 (2019-03-29)
3.1.3 (2018-12-12)
- dependency: har-validator 5.1.2 was unpublished, causing ci builds to fail. Update dependencies to fix (051c0e0)
- langs: Update formBuilder-languages dependency (5b39cb1)
3.1.2 (2018-11-20)
- xml: fields are nesting (428ad4f)
3.1.1 (2018-11-19)
- formRender: error when destrtcuring null (0b958af)
3.1.0 (2018-11-15)
3.0.2 (2018-11-12)
3.0.1 (2018-11-08)
- plugins: fix plugins build script (de388bd)
3.0.0 (2018-11-07)
- labels: Existing forms created using xml dataType that have html labels will have their labels converted to text
Note: the next major release will drop xml support completely
2.10.9 (2018-11-06)
- docs: use highlightjs 9.12.0 (2c61944)
2.10.8 (2018-11-06)
- cd: website auto deploy (8235f2b)
2.10.7 (2018-11-06)
- cd: update travis config and deploy script (ac03283)
- formData: formData getter not working (235b77e)
2.10.6 (2018-11-06)
- cd: update deploy script to not require babel-node (f161be5)
- cd: update readme, have deploy script return, run deploy script directly (1916870)
2.10.5 (2018-11-06)
- cd: semantic-release plugins, site deploy commands (57325bc)
2.10.4 (2018-11-06)
- cd: update encrypted access keys (d36cab9)
- ci: deploy (68e897a)
- ci: deploy script typo (2e3fbe1)
- ci: deploys (63aa874)
- docs: Add missing documentation (#855) (094573c), closes #678 #648
- package.json: update repository.url (a511e0d)
v2.10.3 - Bugfix fbControlsLoaded #853
v2.10.2 - Bugfix i18n lookups #852
v2.10.1 - Bugfix typeUserAttrs #851
v2.10.0 - Release 2.10.0 #842
- inline checkbox/radio
- bug with clear() as reported in #750 and #828, control type check to clear() so that method doesn't reset the value for checkboxes and radio buttons, which caused the userData getter to work incorrectly.
- #530, Modified helpers.js::xmlSave() to serialize field data so any XML in a field's attributes is properly escaped. (#804)
- doubleclick event handler, resolves #535
- new option name, resolves #687
- name attribute for inputs with multiple, resolves #736
- current formData not carried over to new formBuilder instance on language change, resolves #735
- attrString util, resolves #739
- Lock dev dependency versions, prevents breaking changes introduced by node_modules
- Ensure custom attributes are included in exported data resolves #824 resolves #773
- Other option should hide input value when deselected, resolves #808
- do not disable className or name attributes- resolves #819
- ensure html from label is correctly escaped, resolves #816
- inputSet bug
- label saving, add esc to close data modal, resolves #757
- attribute placeholder typo, fix label added when it should be removed, resolves #763
- bug where empty className is not applied
- label overflow problem, resolves #779
- duplicate custom controls
- Deploy script
- formbuilder-languages module
- disableSubtypes option
to typeUserEventsdisableHTMLLabels
option, resolves #747replaceFields
and render actions to formRender, resolves #770onFieldAdd
option andtoggleFieldEdit
action, resolves #772- Enable multiple select field for typeUserAttrs, resolves #776
option, resolves #777
- remove mi18n network dependency
- package-lock.json
- replace comma, resolves #740
- unused modules
- gulp
- Documentation
- xmlSave performance and code style
- Demo, moved to src so can transpile, inline style, more api buttons for manual testing
- Switch to yarn
- Use existing formBuilder instance instead of creating a new one on setLang, fixes memory leak where reference was maintained to old instance
- typeUserAttrs docs, resolves #810
- code style and cleanup
- use spaces instead of tabs for data formatting
- use both instance methods and jQuery plugin calls ie.
and$('.build-wrap').formBuilder('setData', formData)
- update mi18n, add support checkbox custom attributes
- reduce file churn
- improve stickyControls
- use onRender instead of setTimeout
v2.9.8 - hotfix(inputSets): control icon #634
v2.9.7 - Merge branch 'hotfix/2.9.7'
v2.9.6 - Removed unused style, add get-data class to data button #605
v2.9.5 - Improvements(options) disabledFieldButtons option #604
v2.9.4 - Pull primary input outside of label for "other" option #598
v2.9.3 - Fix Edge "Help Text" issue #560 #596
v2.9.2 - Do not default select radio #603
v2.9.1 - Move bootstrap stuff inside .formbuilder selector #602
v2.9.0 - feature(option) replaceFields #593
v2.8.0 - improvement(checkbox): markup change #585
v2.7.0 - v2.6.0
v2.6.0 - Add support for disabling form action buttons (copy, edit, remove) #550
v2.5.3 - Hotfix: paragraph label overflow resolves #517 #525
v2.5.2 - Fineuploader error handling & reporting #516
- fixed autocomplete control behaviour #521
v2.5.1 - copy in control config rather than reference it so any alterations arent global. support fineuploader handler having querystring args. fix bug in applying fineuploader config to defaults. #513
v2.5.0 - upgraded fineuploader plugin to use cdnjs by default so it no longer … #509
v2.4.1 - Hotfix: disableFields option #508
v2.4.0 - New control plugin to replace the default file upload type #506
v2.3.5 - Hotfix: Constraint API #505
v2.3.4 - Hotfix: preload values to exisitng field types, fix fieldOrder #501
v2.3.3 - Hotfix: actionButtons are submitting forms #498
v2.3.2 - Hotfix: btn-undefined #496
v2.3.1 - Hotfix: opts.messages, sourcemaps #495
v2.3.0 - General cleanup, actionButtons option #494
v2.2.8 - Bug/extend fields #493
v2.2.7 - Make checkbox valid when at least one checkbox is checked #490
v2.2.6 - Remove outdated unminified files #488
v2.2.5 - Update package manager files to serve correct- updated version #487
v2.2.4 - Fix Other input behavior #485
v2.2.3 - Return unformatted JSON by default #481
v2.2.2 - Hotfix: getData #464
v2.2.1 - Hotfix: bootstrap addon style, Update documentation
v2.2.0 - Feature: Controls API, see: https://formbuilder.online/docs/formBuilder/overview/ Feature: Injected styles, no longer to need include css file.
v2.1.2 - Update npm scripts
v2.1.1 - Required checkbox fix, form-horizontal css alignment fix #422
v2.1.0 - Update docs & Critical fixes #420
v2.0.0 - ✨ Custom Controls, Automatic i18n, WYSIWYG Editor, HTML Labels ✨ #414
v1.24.7 - Fix textarea value not saving when preview changed #408
v1.24.6 - Bugfix: XMLParser children in ie #369, date form-control class #351 #373
v1.24.5 - Code cleanup, alignment issues, check select required fix
v1.24.4 - Bug fixes: bower.json, formRender children undefined
v1.24.2 - Hotfix: typeUserEvents, attribute array converted to comma separated list #297
v1.24.1 - Bugfix: defaultFields names are overwritten #295
v1.24.0 - Hotfix and Feature bonanza #293
v1.23.1 - Hotfix: deleteId undefined #291
v1.23.0 - Feature: inputSets #285
v1.22.1 - Bugfix: updateJSON does not set correct version #284
v1.22.0 - Feature: Rows Attribute for TextArea #282
v1.21.3 - Hotfix: addField index 0 without fields #279
v1.21.2 - Add Build and commit to gulp tag task #278
v1.21.1 - Chore: Add gulp tag task #277
v1.21.0 - Feature: addField and removeField actions #276
v1.20.3 - Bugfix: multi option name attribute #274
v1.20.2 - Bugfix: gulp font-edit #263
v1.20.1 - Bugfix: XML other option #262
v1.20.0 - Feature: typeUserEvents #260
v1.19.4 - Bugfix: typeUserAttrs repeated value from formData #258
v1.19.3 - Feature: tel subtype #256
v1.19.2 - Hotfix: Correctly escape attributes #255
v1.19.1 - Hotfix: typeUserAttrs duplicate attributes #254
v1.19.0 - Feature: Copy button #252
v1.18.0 - Feature: typeUserAttrs #247
v1.17.2 - Bugfix: Classes not saving in XML mode and option pre-select issues#250
v1.17.1 - Bugfix:
action will error if no fields on stage#245 -
v1.17.0 - Feature:
option andshowData
action#244 -
v1.16.0 - Feature: JSON support#237
v1.15.6 - Bugfix: Remove fields from
option.#231 -
v1.15.5 - Feature:
action #228 -
v1.15.4 - Bugfix: formRender textarea value undefined #224
v1.15.3 - Bugfix: Cannot run formRender on multiple elements #223
v1.15.2 - Feature/Bugfix: Actions, formRender textarea
bugfix #219 -
v1.15.0 - Feature/Bugfix: Allow multiple files, bugfixes #211
v1.14.6 - Hotfix: set Sortable
#206 -
v1.14.5 - Chore: Add composer.json #207
v1.14.4 - Bugfix: Form not saving when fields added by click #203
v1.14.3 - Bugfix/Chore: fix formRender missing bootstrap styling, updated demo #202
v1.14.2 - Feature: Value attribute, improved mobile styling #199
v1.14.1 - Bugfix: Option defaults not rendering #198
v1.14.0 - Feature: Fast edit options. Click to add field, sticky controls, auto edit toggle #190
v1.11.0 - Feature: Number input #188
v1.10.6 - Bugfix: Limit scope of bootstrap helpers #187
v1.10.5 - Bugfix: Other option for radio and checkbox xml attribute #186
v1.10.4 - Bugfix: Object.assign #181
v1.10.3 - Bugfix: defaultFields multiple select not applied #176
v1.10.2 - Bugfix: Remove role limit #175
v1.10.1 - Bugfix: Removing an option causes error #169
v1.10.0 - Feature: Add "Other" option to checkbox and radio group fields #168
v1.9.33 - Bugfix: field close tab callback fired twice on mobile #167
v1.9.32 - Bugfix: Change validators to run on blur instead of keyup #164
v1.9.31 - Bugfix: Firefox loses reference to textarea #161
v1.9.30 - Bugfix: Block elements missing classNames #159
v1.9.28 - Bugfix: Remove polyfills causing problems in some apps #151
v1.9.27 - Bugfix: Header subtypes #136
v1.9.26 - Bugfix: saved subtypes not rendering #134
v1.9.25 - Bugfix: Standardizes how field variables are processed from xml, defaultfields and new field sources #129
v1.9.24 - Bugfix: Update internal field id to better handle multiple editors #126
v1.9.23 - Bugfix: editing class attribute is wonky #122
v1.9.22 - Feature:
option. #118 -
v1.9.21 - Bugfix: Add pull left and right to
v1.9.20 - Feature: sortableFields #114
- Feature: controlPosition option #114
- Feature: sortableFields option #114
v1.9.18 - Bugfix: Button variables not processed from XML #113
v1.9.17 - Bugfix: Umlauts break XML #112
v1.9.16 - Bugfix: XML parse issue #110
v1.9.15 - Bugfix: Option character encoding problem #109
v1.9.14 -
v1.9.13 - Bugfix: Add
to formData #103 -
v1.9.12 - Feature: disableFields option, formRender jQuery fallback, formSaved Event #101
v1.9.11 - Bugfix: formRender hidden field issue #100
v1.9.10 - Bugfix: formRender not rendering with containers #98
v1.9.9 - Bugfix: formRender reinit, take regular js object #97
v1.9.8 - Bugfix: Enter toggles XML field #95
v1.9.7 - Bugfix: Radio group and checkbox group not rendered correctly in IE #93
v1.9.6 - Bugfix: Arrows functions don't work with arguments.callee #92
v1.9.5 - Bugfix: IE Element.remove() polyfill #91
v1.9.4 - Bugfix: IE compatibility issues #90
v1.9.3 - Bugfix: Update .jshintrc #89
v1.9.2 - Bugfix: remove CustomEvent, no IE support #88
v1.9.1 - Bugfix: invalid package.json #86
v1.9.0 - Feature: Style and data updates, Class attribute #85
v1.8.2 - Bugfix: Radio group preview #82
v1.8.1 - Feature: File upload element #80
v1.8.0 - Feature: Button element #79
v1.7.10 - Bugfix: stringify bug causing
to be 'null' -
v1.7.9 -
- Add options to formRender
: defaults totrue
, will not render the html fields if set false.notify
: Allows you to define your own handler for notifications. defaults to console.log, console.warn and console.error.
- Set form field data to template element to be used by other modules.
- Add options to formRender
v1.7.8 - Add fontello fonts with config and Makefile for editing icons.
- Bugfix: Close button doesn't close #71
- Bugfix: max-length attribute should be maxlength #70
- Chore: Add gulp plumber to build process to catch errors instead of fail build.
v1.7.6 - Bugfix: radio and checkbox group options without values cause formRender error.
v1.7.4 - Feature: Multiple selection. See: #65
v1.7.3 - Feature: Mobile support for touch based drag and drop. See: #64
v1.7.2 - Bugfix/Feature: Added placeholder attribute for
fields. See: #63 -
v1.7.1 - Bugfix/Feature: Added reinitialization to formBuilder. See: #62
v1.7.0 - Feature: Added sub-types to the
input forpassword
, andemail
html5 inputs. -
v1.6.8 - Bugfix: Description and required not rendered in formRender
v1.6.7 - Bugfix: fields are not sortable
v1.6.6 - Bugfix: change should be triggered when hidden textarea updated
v1.6.5 - Feature: Make rendered fields targetable
v1.6.4 - Bugfix: User options should be deep copied with
v1.6.3 - Bugfix: Remove
attribute for hidden fields, Update preview and label fortextarea
v1.6.2 - Bugfix: Option text not rendered in IE #39
v1.6.1 - Bugfix: required attribute should not be rendered when false.
v1.6.0 - Feature: Hidden input field type added
v1.5.4 - update gulp to autopush tags
v1.5.3 - Bugfix: multiple formBuilder on one page.
v1.5.2 - Bugfix: formRender radio-group invalid name property
v1.5.1 - Bugfix: Add minimal Bootstrap styling for
v1.5 - Feature: checkbox inputs can now be made into toggle switch. details here
v1.4.0 - Feature:
is a companion plugin to render saved formData into a usable form. details here -
v1.3.5 - Bugfix: XML parse and save
- This fix brings a slight update in XML markup for multiple value fields, specifically the
node. The changes is to move away from the proprietary XML parser formBuilder was made for.
<field name="checkbox-group-1" label="Checkbox Group" style="multiple" required="false" type="checkbox-group" > <option label="Option 1">option-1</option> <option label="Option 2">option-2</option> </field>
<field name="checkbox-group-1" label="Checkbox Group" style="multiple" required="false" type="checkbox-group" > <option value="option-1">Option 1</option> <option value="option-2">Option 2</option> </field>
- This fix brings a slight update in XML markup for multiple value fields, specifically the
v1.3.4 - Bugfix: fix self closing xml for radio-group field
v1.3.3 - Bugfix: preview not toggling correctly
v1.3.2 - Bugfix: preview for Multiple fields not updating
v1.3.1 - Bugfix: multiple value fields not saving XML
v1.3.0 - Live previews, icon font
v1.2.0 - Add default fields, and call-to-action text