Work done at CNRS-AIST JRL. This package enables the direct visual servoings of to run within a ROS wrapping.
Authors: Guillaume Caron, Antoine Andre, Belinda Naamani, Sinta Schulte, Thomas Duvinage, ...
Dates: from January 2023 to ...
Tested under Ubuntu 20.04
and ROS Noetic
: to use Flir camera (Spinnaker SDK Download, version tested:, create an account and click on Download (Login required))insta360
: to use Insta360 ONE X2 (visit to apply for the SDK, version of 9 September 2022 tested, install it and add udev ruleSUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2e1a", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="0666"
If unclear checkout this
: to use Flir camera with ROS ( -
: to use Insta360 camera with ROS ( -
: to convert ROS messages to ViSP data formats, mainly grayscale images:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-visp-bridge
: to use UR10 robot (
: to control a UR robot in Cartesian velocity; if not yet installed:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-ros-controllers-cartesian
: ROS node to generate reference trajectory and actual trajectory (
: to use the PGM VS ( When runningcatkin_make
, mind to pass the additionalcmake
to make use of libPeR (otherwise PGM VS will not be available) and-DPER_DIR=/path/to/libPeR/install/dir
to allow finding the libPeR library (in that order) -
: to evaluate and compare ideal and actual trajectory from the evs generated ROS bag ( -
: to compute the initial lambda_g based on the differentiability of desired and starting image ( If you don't want to use this, remove it in the cmake.
Prior to using the UR10 robot, one must get its calibration file:
roslaunch ur_calibration calibration_correction.launch robot_ip:= target_filename:=$HOME/AIST_UR10_robot_calibration.yaml
Prior to using a UR5e robot, one must get its calibration file:
roslaunch ur_calibration calibration_correction.launch robot_ip:= target_filename:=$HOME/AIST_UR5_robot_calibration.yaml
Create a directory ros_dvs_bridge
in your directory $HOME/.ros
cd $HOME/.ros && mkdir ros_dvs_bridge
The PGMVS allows a switch between perspective, hemispherical and full-spherical (equirectangular) camera.
Depending on how the camera is mounted to the end effector of the UR robot, the following parameter must be adjusted:
<param name="camera2tool" type="string" value="$(find ros_dvs_bridge)/config/FL3-U3toTool.yml"/>
The .yml FL3-U3toTool
must be changed accordingly. The config
file provides the extrinsic camera calibration for the FL3-U3-13E4C and Insta360 ONE X2 camera with a mounting directly to the tool and a mounting to wrist 3 (checkout img
to see the exact mounting). To check if the calibration is correct send slow velocity commands and check that the motion is indeed on the cameras axis.
Depending on the resizing (to save processing time) the intrinsic calibration must be adjusted:
<param name="cameraXml" type="string" value="$(find ros_dvs_bridge)/config/insta360_one_x2/calib_equi_184_92.xml"/>
The path to and the .xml itself insta360_one_x2/calib_equi_184_92.xml
must be changed accordingly.
- The FL3-U3-13E4C has a resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels. With a camera binning of 2 and a resize of 0.125, this leads to
. Note that the resizing can be with the image_proc package - The Insta360 ONE X2 has a resolution of 2304 x 1152 for the equirectangular image leading to
for a resizing of 0.08. For using theros_insta360
package, apply the resizing in the package launch, to save computation time for calculating the equirectangular image.
To consider the different field of views of the cameras, the cameraType value in the VisualServoing.launch
must be adjusted accordingly (hemispherical: 0, Persp: 1, Equirectangular: 4):
<param name="cameraType" type="int" value="4"/>
The dynamic_reconfigure provides a means to update parameters (lambda_g, gain, scene depth) at runtime without having to restart the node.
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rqt-common-plugins
and run
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Change the default, min, max parameters in the lambda_g.cfg
and run catkin_make
While captuing the desired image and at the beginning of the callback function, a picture will be stored in the $HOME/.ros
directory. This images can be used to calculate the initial lambda_g via a rosservice, based on the difference between those two. Run the service with:
rosrun ros_dvs_bridge lambdaService
Include a mask for the omnidirectional VS case.
Change the intrinsic calibration, gain factor (lambda) and scene depth directly in the launch file.
Terminal 1: run roscore
Terminal 2: run the robot driver with
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge ur10_bringup.launch robot_ip:= kinematics_config:=$HOME/AIST_UR10_robot_calibration.yaml
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge ur5e_bringup.launch robot_ip:= kinematics_config:=$HOME/AIST_UR5_robot_calibration.yaml
and run the External Control URCap on the robot controller (Note: these launch files come from the ur_robot_driver, but modified to start only the twist_controller
, thus shipped with this repository)
Terminal 4:
- to run the camera node, the image resize x0.5 and the desired image capture (this doesn't need the robot driver to run):
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pvsCaptureAndSaveDesired_FL3-U3_resize0p5.launch
- to run the camera node, the image resize x0.5 (for higher control rate) and visual servoing:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pvsPhotometricVisualServoing_UR10_FL3-U3_resize0p5.launch
FL3-U3-13E4C (Mono8, binning: 2, resize: 0.125)
Terminal 3:
- to run the camera node and the resizing 0.125:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge spinnaker_resize.launch
Terminal 4:
- to capture the desired image:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsCaptureAndSaveDesired_FL3-U3_resize0p125.launch
- to start the visual servoing:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsPGMVisualServoing_FL3-U3_resize0p125.launch
Insta360 (hemispherical and equirectangular, resize 0.08)
Terminal 3:
- Resize by 0.08 and run:
roslaunch insta360 bringup.launch
Terminal 4:
- to capture the desired image:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsCaptureAndSaveDesired_Insta360_fisheye_resize0p08.launch
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsCaptureAndSaveDesired_Insta360_equi_resize0p08.launch
- to start the visual servoing:
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsPGMVisualServoing_Insta360_fisheye_resize0p08.launch
roslaunch ros_dvs_bridge pgmvsPGMVisualServoing_Insta360_equi_resize0p08.launch
- Use
to check the difference in desired and current image and image features - Use
to check the residuals (/costTopic
) and velocity (/twist_controller/command/angular
) - To save the experiment data in a folder automatically after a vs task set
<param name="saveExprimentData" type="bool" value="true"/>
in the launch - To change the lambda_g and gain automatically at convergence either use the dynamic_reconfigure manually or set
<param name="twoStepVS" type="bool" value="true"/>
and adjust the treshold for the velocity/residuals - Use
to evaluate the desired and actual trajectory path after the vs task (Note: convert the rosbag into tum file format to plot multiple vs tasks in one plot)
rostopic pub -1 /twist_controller/command geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]'