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simple helio coord frame schema

jvandegriff edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 1 revision

Simple Heliophysics Coordinate Frame Schema

The schema describes a computer parseable framework and standard set of coordinate system names for use within the metadata of Heliophysics datasets. It is based on a coordinate system names commonly within use inside existing data holdings of NASA's largest Heliophysics archive -- the Space Physics Data Facility at Goddard Space Flight Center.

  'coordinateSystems': [
     {'name' : 'GSE',
      'description': '+X points Earth geometric center to Sun geometric center, +Z is Earth velocity cross +X, +Y completes the triad',
      'alternateNames': ['Geocentric Solar Ecliptic', 'gse']
     {'name' : 'GSM',
      'description': '+X points Earth geometric center to Sun geometric center, +Y is Earth's magnetic south pole cross +X, +Z completes the triad',
    'alternateNames': ['Geocentric Solar Magnetic', 'gsm']

(json needs work - need to specify as JSON schema)