Nori allows you to package, distribute and deploy your Terraform modules. with nori you can tag and distribute your terraform modules via any docker registry
- Go 1.21.5 or later
- Terraform or OpenTofu 1.5.0 or later
To get started with Nori, You need to install the CLI by running the following command:
export PATH=$PATH:`go env GOPATH`/bin # Only needed if you havent set your GOPATH
go install
To package your Terraform module provide a valid tag and path to your module directory , run the following command:
nori package create-s3-bucket:v1 /modules/s3-bucket
Run the following command to create a preview of your module deployment:
nori plan create-s3-bucket:v1 --values values.yml
To Deploy your Terraform module, run the following command:
nori apply create-s3-bucket:v1 --values values.yml