config to use S3 as a backend as a alternative to local backend:
nori init --backend s3://com.mycompany.terraform --backend-region eu-west-1
Example of login to a AWS ECR registry:
nori login --username AWS --password $(aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1)
Flag | Description |
--username | The username to authenticate with the registry |
--password | The password to authenticate with the registry |
--password-stdin | Take the password from stdin |
To create a preview of your module deployment, run the following command:
nori plan create-s3-bucket:v1 --values ./values.yaml
Flag | Description |
--values | The path to the values file |
--release | The release id of the deployment to update |
--provider | The path to the provider file |
To Deploy your Terraform module, run the following command:
nori apply test-bucket create-s3-bucket:v1 --values ./values.yaml
Flag | Description |
--values | The path to the values file |
--provider | The path to the provider file |
To package your Terraform module provide a valid tag and path to your module directory, tags that do not include a remote host will be considered local only e.g. create-s3-bucket:v1
, run the following command:
nori package create-s3-bucket:v1 ./modules/s3-bucket
Use tag to rename a module in the local registry:
nori tag create-s3-bucket:v1
To push your packaged module to a container registry, run the following command:
nori push
Flag | Description |
--insecure | Allow insecure connections to the registry |
To pull your packaged module from a container registry, run the following command:
nori pull
Flag | Description |
--create | Exports the pulled image to the local working directory |
List all local packages
nori list
get details about a package from its manifest
nori inspect create-s3-bucket:v2
Projects are the same as workspaces and make up the logical naming of groups of resoruces. when you run nori init
the your project will be sent as default
Setting project:
nori config --set-project storage
Get current Project
nori config project
List Releases that have been deployed.
nori release list
Destorys the state for all resources in a release.
nori destroy test-bucket