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Merge pull request #761 from ScorexFoundation/v5.0-finalize-part1
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Finalize v5.0 (part1)
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aslesarenko authored Jan 28, 2022
2 parents 0fa0448 + 5abc74e commit 5aa9945
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Showing 34 changed files with 378 additions and 162 deletions.
31 changes: 28 additions & 3 deletions common/src/main/scala/scalan/util/CollectionUtil.scala
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Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object CollectionUtil {

/** @deprecated shouldn't be used other than for backwards compatibility with v3.x, v4.x. */
def concatArrays[T](xs: Array[T], ys: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val len = xs.length + ys.length
val result = (xs match {
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => new Array[AnyRef](len)
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => new Array[AnyRef](len) // creates an array with invalid type descriptor (i.e. when T == Tuple2)
case arr: Array[Byte] => new Array[Byte](len)
case arr: Array[Short] => new Array[Short](len)
case arr: Array[Int] => new Array[Int](len)
Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,21 @@ object CollectionUtil {

/** Concatenates two arrays into a new resulting array.
* All items of both arrays are copied to the result using System.arraycopy.
* This method takes ClassTag to create proper resulting array.
* Can be used in v5.0 and above.
def concatArrays_v5[T:ClassTag](arr1: Array[T], arr2: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val l1 = arr1.length
val l2 = arr2.length
val length: Int = l1 + l2
val result: Array[T] = new Array[T](length)
System.arraycopy(arr1, 0, result, 0, l1)
System.arraycopy(arr2, 0, result, l1, l2)

def deepHashCode[T](arr: Array[T]): Int = arr match {
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => util.Arrays.deepHashCode(arr)
case arr: Array[Byte] => util.Arrays.hashCode(arr)
Expand All @@ -50,6 +66,10 @@ object CollectionUtil {

/** Group the given sequence of pairs by first values as keys.
* @param kvs sequence of values which is traversed once
* @return a multimap with ArrayBuffer of values for each key.
def createMultiMap[K,V](kvs: GenIterable[(K,V)]): Map[K, ArrayBuffer[V]] = {
val res = HashMap.empty[K, ArrayBuffer[V]]
kvs.foreach { case (k, v) =>
Expand All @@ -62,12 +82,17 @@ object CollectionUtil {

// TODO optimize: using cfor and avoiding allocations
/** Perform relational inner join of two sequences using the given key projections. */
def joinSeqs[O, I, K](outer: GenIterable[O], inner: GenIterable[I])(outKey: O=>K, inKey: I=>K): GenIterable[(O,I)] = {
val kvs = createMultiMap( => (inKey(i), i)))
val res = outer.flatMap(o => {
val ko = outKey(o)
kvs(ko).map(i => (o,i))
kvs.get(ko) match {
case Some(inners) => => (o,i))
case None =>
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37 changes: 33 additions & 4 deletions common/src/test/scala/scalan/util/CollectionUtilTests.scala
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Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,15 @@ class CollectionUtilTests extends BaseTests {
val zs = concatArrays(xs, ys)
assertResult(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))(zs)

// val jxs = Array[JByte](new JByte(1), new JByte(2), new JByte(3))
// val jys = Array[JByte](new JByte(4), new JByte(5), new JByte(6))
// val jzs = concatArrays(jxs, jys)
// assertResult(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))(jzs)
val pairs =
// this reproduces the problem which takes place in v3.x, v4.x (ErgoTree v0, v1)
an[ClassCastException] should be thrownBy(concatArrays(pairs, pairs))

// and this is the fix in v5.0
concatArrays_v5(pairs, pairs) shouldBe Array((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6))

val xOpts =
concatArrays_v5(xOpts, xOpts) shouldBe Array(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), Some(1), Some(2), Some(3))

def join(l: Map[Int,Int], r: Map[Int,Int]) =
Expand All @@ -38,6 +43,30 @@ class CollectionUtilTests extends BaseTests {
def joinPairs(l: Seq[(String,Int)], r: Seq[(String,Int)]) =
outerJoinSeqs(l, r)(l => l._1, r => r._1)((_,l) => l._2, (_,r) => r._2, (k,l,r) => l._2 + r._2)

test("joinSeqs") {
def key(p : (Int, String)): Int = p._1

val res = CollectionUtil.joinSeqs(
outer = Seq(1 -> "o1", 1 -> "o1"),
inner = Seq(1 -> "i1", 2 -> "i2"))(key, key)
res shouldBe Seq(
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1"),
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1")

{ // same as above, but swapping inner and outer
val res = CollectionUtil.joinSeqs(
outer = Seq(1 -> "o1", 2 -> "o2"),
inner = Seq(1 -> "i1", 1 -> "i1"))(key, key)
res shouldBe Seq(
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1"),
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1")

test("outerJoin maps") {
val left = Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 3)
val right = Map(2 -> 2, 3 -> 3, 4 -> 4)
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions core/src/main/scala/scalan/TypeDescs.scala
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ abstract class TypeDescs extends Base { self: Scalan =>
case class RMethodDesc(method: Method) extends MethodDesc
case class WMethodDesc(wrapSpec: WrapSpec, method: Method) extends MethodDesc

// TODO benchmark this version agains the version below
// TODO optimize: benchmark this version agains the version below
// def getSourceValues(dataEnv: DataEnv, forWrapper: Boolean, stagedValue: AnyRef, out: DBuffer[AnyRef]): Unit = {
// import OverloadHack._
// stagedValue match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ abstract class TypeDescs extends Base { self: Scalan =>
protected def collectMethods: Map[Method, MethodDesc] = Map() // TODO optimize: all implementations
protected lazy val methods: Map[Method, MethodDesc] = collectMethods

// TODO benchamrk against the version below it
// TODO optimize: benchamrk against the version below it
// def invokeUnlifted(mc: MethodCall, dataEnv: DataEnv): AnyRef = {
// val srcArgs = DBuffer.ofSize[AnyRef](mc.args.length + 10) // with some spare space to have only single allocation
// val res = methods.get(mc.method) match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ abstract class TypeDescs extends Base { self: Scalan =>

// TODO optimize
/** Build a mapping between methods of staged class and the corresponding methods of source class.
* The methods are related using names.
* The computed mapping can be used to project MethodCalls IR nodes back to the corresponding
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Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class CollOverArrayBuilder extends CollBuilder {
override def Monoids: MonoidBuilder = new MonoidBuilderInst

@inline override def pairColl[@specialized A, @specialized B](as: Coll[A], bs: Coll[B]): PairColl[A, B] = {
// TODO HF (2h): use minimal length and slice longer collection
// TODO v6.0 (2h): use minimal length and slice longer collection
// The current implementation doesn't check the case when `as` and `bs` have different lengths.
// in which case the implementation of `PairOfCols` has inconsistent semantics of `map`, `exists` etc methods.
// To fix the problem, the longer collection have to be truncated (which is consistent
Expand Down
58 changes: 52 additions & 6 deletions library/src/test/scala/special/collections/CollsTests.scala
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Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ import special.collection.{Coll, PairOfCols, CollOverArray, CReplColl}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{PropSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import scalan.RType

class CollsTests extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with CollGens { testSuite =>
import Gen._
import special.collection.ExtensionMethods._

def squared[A](f: A => A): ((A, A)) => (A, A) = (p: (A, A)) => (f(p._1), f(p._2))

property("Coll.indices") {
val minSuccess = MinSuccessful(30)
forAll(collGen, collGen, minSuccess) { (col1: Coll[Int], col2: Coll[Int]) =>
Expand All @@ -20,8 +23,41 @@ class CollsTests extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with CollGen

// TODO shouldBe
property("") {
// TODO v6.0: make sure forall: T, col: Coll[T] => col.length shouldBe col.toArray.length
// The above equality should hold for all possible collection instances
property("Coll.length") {
def equalLength[A: RType](xs: Coll[A]) = {
val arr = xs.toArray
xs.length shouldBe arr.length shouldBe shouldBe ++ arr).length
xs.append(xs).zip(xs).length shouldBe (arr ++ arr).zip(arr).length

def equalLengthMapped[A: RType](xs: Coll[A], f: A => A) = {
val arr = xs.toArray
val ys =
ys.length shouldBe xs.length
ys.length shouldBe


forAll(MinSuccessful(100)) { xs: Coll[Int] =>
val arr = xs.toArray
equalLengthMapped(xs, inc)

equalLengthMapped(xs.append(xs), inc)

val pairs =


property("Coll.flatMap") {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +234,15 @@ class CollsTests extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with CollGen

property("Coll.append") {

{ // this shows how the problem with CollectionUtil.concatArrays manifests itself in Coll.append
val xs = builder.fromItems(1, 2)
val pairs =
val ys = // this map transforms PairOfCols to CollOverArray
// due to the problem with concatArrays
an[ClassCastException] should be thrownBy (ys.append(ys))

forAll(collGen, collGen, valGen, MinSuccessful(50)) { (col1, col2, v) =>

Expand All @@ -212,13 +257,18 @@ class CollsTests extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with CollGen
val repl1 = builder.replicate(col1.length, v)
val repl2 = builder.replicate(col2.length, v)

val arepl = repl1.append(repl2)
arepl.toArray shouldBe (repl1.toArray ++ repl2.toArray)

val pairs1 =
assert(pairs1.isInstanceOf[PairOfCols[Int, Int]])

val pairs2 =
val apairs = pairs1.append(pairs2)
assert(apairs.isInstanceOf[PairOfCols[Int, Int]])
apairs.toArray shouldBe (pairs1.toArray ++ pairs2.toArray)

apairs match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,10 +316,6 @@ class CollsTests extends PropSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers with CollGen
res.toArray shouldBe col.toArray.reverse
val pairs =
pairs.reverse.toArray shouldBe pairs.toArray.reverse
// TODO should work
// val c1 = col.asInstanceOf[Coll[Any]]
// val appended = c1.append(c1)
// appended.toArray shouldBe (c1.toArray ++ c1.toArray)

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class TestSigmaDslBuilder extends SigmaDslBuilder {

override def xorOf(conditions: Coll[Boolean]): Boolean = {
// TODO HF (2h): see
// This is buggy version used in v4.x interpreter (for ErgoTrees v0, v1)
conditions.toArray.distinct.length == 2

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ class ErgoLikeContext(val lastBlockUtxoRoot: AvlTreeData,
val vars = contextVars(varMap ++ extensions)
val avlTree = CAvlTree(lastBlockUtxoRoot)
// so selfBox is never one of the `inputs` instances
// as result selfBoxIndex is always (erroneously) returns -1 in ErgoTree v0, v1
val selfBox = boxesToSpend(selfIndex).toTestBox(isCost)
val ergoTreeVersion = currentErgoTreeVersion.getOrElse(
Interpreter.error(s"Undefined context property: currentErgoTreeVersion"))
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ class ErgoLikeInterpreter(implicit val IR: IRContext) extends Interpreter {
case _ =>
// TODO HF (1h): this case is not possible because `ErgoBox.get`
// this case is not possible because `ErgoBox.get`
// returns lookups values from `additionalRegisters` Map with values
// of type EvaluatedValue, which are always Constant nodes in practice.
// Also, this branch is never executed so can be safely removed
// (better as part of the HF)
// Also, this branch is never executed so can be safely removed, but
// we keep it here explicitly for clarity
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Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ object DataValueComparer {
final val OpDesc_EQ_COA_AvlTree = NamedDesc("EQ_COA_AvlTree")
final val EQ_COA_AvlTree = OperationCostInfo(CostKind_EQ_COA_AvlTree, OpDesc_EQ_COA_AvlTree)

// TODO v5.0: update value after serialization is avoided to compute
/** Equals two CollOverArray of Box type. */
final val CostKind_EQ_COA_Box = PerItemCost(
baseCost = JitCost(15), perChunkCost = JitCost(5), chunkSize = 1)
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions sigmastate/src/main/scala/sigmastate/UnprovenTree.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,8 +201,6 @@ case class UnprovenDiffieHellmanTuple(override val proposition: ProveDHTuple,
override def withPosition(updatedPosition: NodePosition) = this.copy(position = updatedPosition)

// TODO coverage (8h): write a test that restores the tree from this string and check that the result is equal,
// in order to make sure this conversion is unambiguous
object FiatShamirTree {
/** Prefix byte which is put before the other ProofTreeConjecture serialized bytes. */
val internalNodePrefix: Byte = 0
Expand Down
43 changes: 9 additions & 34 deletions sigmastate/src/main/scala/sigmastate/Values.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ package sigmastate
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.util
import java.util.Objects

import org.bitbucket.inkytonik.kiama.rewriting.Rewriter.{count, everywherebu, strategy}
import org.ergoplatform.settings.ErgoAlgos
import org.ergoplatform.validation.ValidationException
import scalan.{Nullable, RType}
import scalan.util.CollectionUtil._
import sigmastate.SCollection.{SByteArray, SIntArray}
import sigmastate.interpreter.CryptoConstants.EcPointType
import sigmastate.interpreter.{CompanionDesc, CryptoConstants, ErgoTreeEvaluator, NamedDesc}
import sigmastate.interpreter.{CompanionDesc, CryptoConstants, ErgoTreeEvaluator, Interpreter, NamedDesc}
import sigmastate.serialization.{ConstantStore, OpCodes, _}
import sigmastate.serialization.OpCodes._
import sigmastate.TrivialProp.{FalseProp, TrueProp}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -885,18 +884,14 @@ object Values {
* @param items source collection of expressions
case class Tuple(items: IndexedSeq[Value[SType]]) extends EvaluatedValue[STuple] with EvaluatedCollection[SAny.type, STuple] {
case class Tuple(items: IndexedSeq[Value[SType]]) extends Value[STuple] {
override def companion = Tuple
override def elementType = SAny
override lazy val tpe = STuple(
override lazy val value = { // TODO coverage
val xs = items.cast[EvaluatedValue[SAny.type]].map(_.value)
override def opType: SFunc = ???
protected final override def eval(env: DataEnv)(implicit E: ErgoTreeEvaluator): Any = {
// in v5.0 version we support only tuples of 2 elements to be equivalent with v4.x
if (items.length != 2)
error(s"Invalid tuple $this")
Interpreter.error(s"Invalid tuple $this")

val item0 = items(0)
val x = item0.evalTo[Any](env)
Expand All @@ -923,8 +918,8 @@ object Values {
trait OptionValue[T <: SType] extends Value[SOption[T]] {

// TODO HF (4h): SomeValue and NoneValue are not used in ErgoTree and can be
// either removed or implemented in v4.x
// TODO v6.0 (4h): SomeValue and NoneValue are not used in ErgoTree and can be
// either removed or implemented in v6.0
case class SomeValue[T <: SType](x: Value[T]) extends OptionValue[T] {
override def companion = SomeValue
val tpe = SOption(x.tpe)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1175,13 +1170,7 @@ object Values {

protected final override def eval(env: DataEnv)(implicit E: ErgoTreeEvaluator): Any = {
if (args.length == 0) {
// TODO coverage
() => {
else if (args.length == 1) {
if (args.length == 1) {
val arg0 = args(0)
(vArg: Any) => {
Value.checkType(arg0._2, vArg)
Expand All @@ -1194,22 +1183,8 @@ object Values {
Value.checkType(body, res)
else {
// TODO coverage
(vArgs: Seq[Any]) => {
var env1 = env
val len = args.length
cfor(0)(_ < len, _ + 1) { i =>
val id = args(i)._1
val v = vArgs(i)
FuncValue.AddToEnvironmentDesc) {
env1 = env1 + (id -> v)
} else {
Interpreter.error(s"Function must have 1 argument, but was: $this")
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