All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.87 (2021-05-04)
- Include function add_cost_to_multiple_grids to avoid calculating the same circle for every different grid the user wants to add the same cost to (6baedc0, thanks to rasper!)
0.0.86 (2021-04-03)
- Fixing bug when going in and out of the same nydus entrance when pathfinding (abf444f1)
0.0.85 (2021-03-27)
- Removed pyastar dependency and the deprecated pathfind_pyastar function completely (c310ac4c)
- Added support for using nyduses with pathfinding (636af5ea)
0.0.84 (2021-02-03)
- test: renamed test pathing function to be more descriptive of what it does (778333d)
- assert that illegal weights are tolerated in Pather (4c846aa)
- fix add_cost crashing when a very specific input is present (bc5052ec)
0.0.83 (2021-02-02)
0.0.82 (2021-01-11)
- Fixed climber grid issue on SubmarineLE (#140)
0.0.81 (2021-01-06)
- Adjust finding eligible pathing points (090eed9)
- Break a choke check loop if choke is removed (9413288)
- Turn path smoothing around, so it works front to back (9413288)
- Fix path smoothing calculations (0a69a87)
- Fix variable having wrong type (3a663d4)
- Fix Crash on cleaning overlapping chokes (6aebbc4)
0.0.80 (2021-01-03)
- Added support for array output in lowest_cost_points_array (06d96e4)
- Pathfinding engine now takes into account unit size (footprint) (ec3abaf5)
- New draw_circle function to replace skdraw.disk (072ee6c)
- Add function to find eligible points nearby in pather (5a2e5c7)
- Add destructable type to grid calculations (7495b9b)
- Pathfinding now allows to query with unit sizes x <= 1 and 1 < x <= 2
- Pathfinding starting and end points are adjusted if they are inside some nonpathable thing such as a building or rocks. The new start or end point will be the closest pathable point, prioritizing points on the same terrain height level first before looking at other points
- Pathing grids update during the game and mostly without much work
- Pathing grid is also now much more accurate. The attempt is to represent each unit with precisely the right size instead of circles that are roughly correct
- Creating new pathing grids when requested is much faster because we don't need to loop over the destructables
- air grid generation (8acbed77)
- air vs ground grid (39ca942d)
- deprecated time.clock() on python version > 3.7 (e83832d4)
- All documentation example now work (e6073df5)
- Test destructable types (cafbead)
- fix air vs ground test (a2f4e27)
- added --doctest-modules flag to pytest.ini. all doc tests use a Goldenwall MapData mock (5364a6c3)
- #116 Update Readme and Docs branch
- #109 Ramp objects should be updated during the game if they have destructables on them
- #91 pathfind can return pathing outside of playable area.
- #82 add instructions for cpp build tools for windows users -- not needed
0.0.79 (2020-12-30)
- add a ladder compatible version of the c extension in the repo (500a900)
- CLI version parse error (c133b7d)
0.0.78 (2020-12-27)
A* pathfinding is now implemented within the library, in C(default) #111
Implementing pathfinding and map analysis in C, allowing to remove pyastar and sc2pathlib as dependencies
Implementing smoothed pathfinding
Fixing choke objects in the mapanalyzer, so they have sides etc that better reflect reality
Fixing ramp objects that come from burnysc2 if the info is broken due to destructables (a8ad54a)
overlord spots + drawing (bfac2bb)
- moving raw chokes into their own class( RawChoke) (bf9aebb)
- test that for each choke a main line actually exists (dcef428)
- testing the choke sides are included in choke points (308cf29)
- remove sc2pathlib (787c6b8)
- pyastar is now deprecated, yet still supported (and can be accessed via
) - RawChoke objects from C ext instead of PathlibChokes from former sc2pathlib
- Improve find_lowest_cost_efficiency (#114)
- int cast bug (b055bf4)
- scout now walks the path (2f04b03)
- temp fix for climber grid test (1f8f611)
- Fix crash on python3.9 (#112)
- #104 float based position & radius should be better for functions like add_cost
- #97 Bug: Geysers too small on pathing grid (EternalEmpire 3oclock base)
- #94 Bug: choke.left and choke.right don't take account the orientation of the choke
0.0.77 (2020-12-13)
- Debugger now plots choke side a and side b with text indicators (sA, sB) (9dd8c07)
- Polygon now has top,bottom,right,left properties (8f5b0c9)
- Round position in add_cost to reduce inaccuracy (#100)
- left right of choke are now side_a and side_b, sides are computed accuratly now (125f881)
- testing the choke sides are included in choke points (e3b0b26)
0.0.76 (2020-11-24)
- add
in mapdata (0e8aaf9)
0.0.75 (2020-11-07)
- ChokeArea now has left/right properties (be13d59)
- MDRamp offset attribute for walloff, corner_walloff, middle_walloff_depot properties (5fb232c)
- plot_map now also draws the Left/Right bounds of each choke (da66c0e)
- WIP wall off points for each and every choke (e99bb63)
- fix install order in setup (cdbf0f7)
- overlapping chokes from sc2pathlib are merged (still WIP) (38cdaa5)
- typo, import logger from loguru (64d0960)
- add_cost is now a static method (8217749)
- overall static methods to be static (66b4b0e)
- remove log method from MapData (0d98393)
0.0.74 (2020-10-17)
- added example bot ref to README.MD (7ceedf2)
- is an example bot with a few handy use cases showing (35f1cc9)
0.0.73 (2020-10-01)
- fix clean_air_grid being wrongly constructed of integers instead of np.float32 (278241c)
- Added instruction on how to query cost in a specific point on the grid (e0c8e19)
- now testing clean_air_grid for dtype bugfix by checking path lengths (b47bae4)
0.0.72 (2020-09-29)
- fix double transpose bug that happens when requesting low cost points more than once per frame (ffd6b84)
- find low cost points now also tests that the distance between the point and the origin makes sense( the array is not transposed) (76a0e19)
0.0.71 (2020-09-28)
- fixed transposed grid bug when searching for low cost points , added support for grids constructed from outside sources (c127901)
- log compatability with bots (8960716)
- find low cost points is now tested on all grid types (6ec010d)
0.0.70 (2020-09-22)
- MapData now accepts a
variable that will determine the corner distance calculation (294df181)
- add wheel to requirements and (eb663a9)
0.0.69 (2020-09-19)
- fix pathing grid set up incorrectly when there are no vision blockers (d49a084)
0.0.68 (2020-09-19)
- Buildable points now respect flying buildings (b90123f)
- pathfind method will now return the path without the start point in it (06481d8)
- Excluded lowered supply depots from non pathables #85 (#85)
0.0.67 (2020-09-17)
- add cost now accepts
argument ( known use case is for air_vs_ground grid ) (7fe542f)
0.0.66 (2020-09-10)
- map_data.find_lowest_cost_points within a radius (ab5073c)
- map_data.draw_influence_in_game (23d0004)
0.0.64 (2020-09-06)
- (81, 29) on EverDreamLE is considered in map bounds even though it is not (63b91f5)
- air_vs_ground grid now accounts ramp points as pathable (99ad04d)
- removed duplicate calculations from polygon _set_points (948edeb)
- air_vs_ground grid now tests that ramps are computed correctly (6a37be1)
- #77 ramp points which are pathable, are not computed correctly in the air vs ground grid
- #76 Bug (81, 29) is not in map bounds even though it passes the in_bounds check on EverDreamLE
0.0.63 (2020-09-02)
- debugger will now not try to inherit sc2 logger when in arcade mode (03fefd7)
- mapdata will now compile the map in arcade mode, with limited information available (92d9a5f)
0.0.62 (2020-09-02)
- Buildable points are now mapped to Point2, logger now inherits sc2.main.logger (7d8dc88)
- MapData now accepts arcade boolean argument on init (d380f2e)
- Pather changed the unpacking method of vision blockers into the grid (7f4b9c3)
0.0.61 (2020-08-30)
- no need to convert path(numpy) to list anymore []
added check that returns only points that are in bounds (86891c9)
pather now includes geysers as non pathable (94d592c)
- #70 pather ignores geysers
- #73 clean_air_grid size is bigger than playable area size, so pather with try to path to areas where units can't go
0.0.60 (2020-08-30)
- visionblockers are now counted as pathable in the path grid (8120fe9)
0.0.59 (2020-08-27)
- removed in_region_i (f8c7103)
- region tests now deault to using
instead ofwhere
(1ec9fc1) - removed
0.0.58 (2020-08-26)
- geysers are now accounted for iin the path grid, lowered mineral radius, changed the radius constants to more descriptive name (radius_factor) (94d592c)
0.0.57 (2020-08-26)
- Polygon.buildable_points -> Polygon.buildables
- debugger now has .scatter method, moved readme examples to docs (91be892)
- slight style changes (dbc321c)
0.0.56 (2020-08-22)
- fixed the calling order in polygon._set_points() (2e60287)
- pretty up with autoapi (4835350)
- version attribute is now in , updated versionbump methods in vb, and adjusted setup (4409c7d)
0.0.55 (2020-08-20)
- all point properties are now converted to int instead of + tests for tuple vs Point2 (120b27f)
- Polygon now calls ._set_points() instead of doing it in init (02229e2)
- build changlog for new version (b5b357b)
- clean up + fix vb makedocs (3e68375)
- clean up readme a bit (d7250fa)
- documented polygon, region, constructs (131bbd3)
0.0.54 (2020-08-19)
- add_influence to add_cost, r to radius, p to position, arr to grid (4bfbfee)
- compile_map is now a private method (_compile_map) (8b27883)
- all points returned from mapdata object will now be of type Point2, and populated with standard integers
- documentation is in draft stage and can be found at
0.0.53 (2020-08-16)
MapData.region_connectivity_all_paths will now return all options for pathing from Region to Region, while respecting a not_through list of regions to be excluded. (9758950)
Base (#65) -> dev -> master (#66) (60e2d2d), closes #65 #66 #64
0.0.52 (2020-08-15)
- Region is now a Child of Polygon (Refactor)
regions and ramps now set each other correctly
mapdata test for plotting (b987fb6)
0.0.51 (2020-08-14)
- bool compatibility with burnysc2 (9618799)
0.0.50 (2020-08-13)
- Polygon/ Region now has the property 'buildable_points' (25952f7)
- [#61] pathfind will not crash the bot when start or goal are not passed properly, also a logging error will print out (08466b5)
- fix point_to_numpy_array method (4d56755)
- points_to_numpy_array now filters out outofbounds (aedf9d2)
0.0.49 (2020-08-12)
- #58 climber_grid is now aware of nonpathables (such as minerals, destructibles etc) (98dcbec)
- #59 clean air grid will now accept 'default_weight' argument (MapData, Pather) (355ab7d)
- climber_grid tests (5216d0c)
- import error on region-polygon (b8ea912)
- mapdata test for plotting (26a7c15)
- versionbump cli now commits before calling standard-version (50eb667)
- added cli reminder to commit on versionbump (28a65a3)
0.0.48 (2020-08-11)
- path through destructables. destructables rocks radius factor from 0.8 to 1 (2fd1a32)
0.0.47 (2020-08-11)
- feat: get_air_vs_ground_grid, get_clean_air_grid
- fix: max_region_size up to 8500 to fix goldenwall
- added air_pathing deprecation warning for requesting through pyastar
0.0.46 (2020-08-10)
- moved changelog from to (0927cba)
0.0.45 (2020-08-10)
Climber grid (#52)
- feat: get_climber_grid a pathing grid for climbing units such as colossus and reapers
0.0.43 (2020-08-10)
- Pather will no longer try to path through mineral walls ( like in goldenwall)
- Fix circular import bug on Debugger
- Fixed malformed point orientation in rare cases
- Now testing both installation types ( and requirements.txt)
- Every test will now use the MapAnalyzer.util functions when it can
- Removed redundant test_map_data from TestSanity, and put it in its right place, test_mapdata
- #46 Feature Request: possibility to enable pathing through rocks when calculating a path
- #45 Feature Request: Add air grid
- #44 Feature Request: add a setting for a custom default weight for the pathing grid
- #39 Feature : add path_sensitivity for returning a sliced path (every nth point )
- #38 pathfiner should return a list of Point2 and not numpy array
- Now inspects stack and will not save on tests
- Will no longer circular call map_data for plotting
- Radius for resource blockers is now 2, this passes all tests
- Grouped methods in map_data for better readablitiy
- Moved
to utils - Resource_blockers are now calculated with original coords
- Removed usage of neighbores , instead adding influence with radius
0.0.42 (2020-08-07)
- cli interface for version bump: Bump Version + changelog generation (20b1e70)