Fixed bugs:
- Vorto repository REST fails on dictionary as a return type #1213
Closed issues:
- Model Creation Wizard that eases the creation of Information Models #1275
- Updated version of Java Client for Repository REST - API. #1261
- Change Getting Started to use TI Sensor Tag for integration #1251
- Fix Generators Health Check #1250
- Sonarcube analysis of source code #1238
- Tutorial: How to describe a device with Vorto DSL, e.g. Fitbit Charge 2 #1218
- Add auto-check for correct license header in travis CI #1202
- To fix Clm for spring-webmvc and spring-web #1195
- 'Event' documentation missing #1190
- Order of function block properties is misleading #1180
- Integration Tests + FW which test the REST v1 API #1175
- Vorto Repository Analytics based on Matomo #1152
- Add travis ci check to validate all readme links #1150
0.10.0.M10 (2018-12-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Pagination doesnt work on last page #1203
- allow keywords contained in the property name, op name #1179
- Model Instance data Validation fails at Integer properties #1172
- Repository Pagination not user friendly #1094
Closed issues:
- 404 status for generators readme file from userguide>generators #1216
- Pagination should not be displayed for results less than defined number of records/page #1208
- Unable to delete an stale function block #1205
- Provide Health Endpoint #1199
- Improve DSL Validation error messages to assist users of correcting the DSL #1176
0.10.0.M9 (2018-11-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- All supported code generators handle function block and datatype inheritance #982
Fixed bugs:
- Using namespace in your namespace #1135
- Allow currently reserved keywords as property/operation name #963
- Show model errors in model details, if model is invalid #1181
Closed issues:
- Vorto repo unable to startup #1191
- To fix CLM scan policy and security issues #1185
- Email template for comments need to be made pretty. #1174
- Documentation for Code-Generators mappings #411
- Documentation for Code-Generators Platform key #410
- Digital Twin Payload Factory in mapping engine #1182
0.10.0.M8 (2018-11-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Vorto Mapping Engine - Mapping Specification Reader from DSL #815
- Introduction of a UUID for Vorto-Models #528
- User can add email for notifications in settings #1140
Fixed bugs:
- Upload/Share models page should not visible without login #539
- Manage menu item is visible after admin user logout #532
- Vorto repository REST fails on dictionary properties #1109
Closed issues:
- Vorto code generator template documentation link broken #1168
- Warnings/Errors in Maven Build #1123
- Modularize converters to plugin in to mapping engine #1120
- Maven dependencies are broken #1118
- List of generators are not shown to anonymous user #1113
- Vorto repository doesn't run the importers in isolation #1101
- Vorto repository scans only for org.eclipse.vorto.repository importers #1100
- Simple Authorization Service #1090
- Tenant Authorization in API Gateway #1087
- When a Vorto Repository URL is copied and pasted, the parameters of the URL is not loaded/respected #1084
- Generator Invocation Context contains imported (original) source file #1070
- REST API to upload and validate a model to the repository for a released meta - model #879
- Separate released models and snapshot/draft models #829
- Design Vorto Logo #640
- Change travis-ci script to tag docker images with release version #505
- Include third party dependencies into static folder #328
- Backup strategy #235
- The model tree in perspective allows to be resizable by the user. #187
- Definition of 'status' in 'functionblock' not explained #90
- Repository Diagnostics that detects error-prone model nodes #1166
- Generator Plugin SDK provides Generator Template #1162
- Add Logo to Vorto Repository #1155
- Add more documentation links in Vorto Repository (Getting Started, Tutorials, ...) #1153
- Clean up broken links in Readme files #1149
- Download Link of Vorto Model with dependencies #1148
- Add Generator Plugin SDK Documentation #1145
- basic security and authentication for registration/deregistration of generator plugins #1144
- Model Browser - Details Button (which user can open in new tab) #1139
- Database migration script #1137
- Fix API Backwards compatibility #1128
- Vorto Device Adapter API for device discovery and message exchange between app and device in a Vorto compliant way #1115
- Split up web-ui artefacts from Repository Service(s) #1110
- Explicit Configuration in User Settings to save users email for giving email notifications for pending tasks #1098
- Generator Plugin SDK that allows external platform vendors to plugin self-hosted Generators #1092
- Run DSL Validators when saving a model in the repository #1046
- REST - API to query models by different search criteria #883
0.10.0.M7 (2018-10-14)
Fixed bugs:
- The repository does not autorefresh after a model is deleted #866
Closed issues:
- Anonymous access to Vorto Models of all states #1104
- Change ModelID pattern to <namespace>:<name>:<version> #1059
- A user can create payload mappings and test them using the repository web UI #973
0.10.0.M6 (2018-09-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Non admins are allowed to delete attachments (only UI) #1052
- Attachment tagged as Imported must not be deleted as it gives info from which source it orginates from #1043
- Search 'State' filter should pre-select 'Released' to show only released models by default #1069
- Fix XXE security bug when uploading malicious ipso model XMLs #1060
- Review comments allow to publish empty messages #1051
- Unicode support? #1027
Closed issues:
- Genrators break after login #1055
- To update the code in style.css #1048
- Information Model can define/override constraints of used function blocks #1041
- Operation parameter cannot use "operations" as a name #1038
- mandatory/optional cannot be used as property names #1037
- Configuration properties are not generated by Bosch IoT Suite Generators #1058
- Provide docker image on docker-hub for easy Repository Setup #1047
0.10.0.M5 (2018-08-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Model Preview content is empty sometimes, when loading Model details #1036
- Accessing GET on api/v1/models/{modelId}/content causes infinite loop when model is enum #1031
- Generation of Java Code directly from a function block , output not correct #1030
- Mapping Library not working #1029
- REST API > Querying for image of an informationmodel returns 500 in the response code #951
Closed issues:
- Use released vorto models for tutorials #1034
- Web UI Generator documentation dead link #1033
- Add UI feedback for long running request of getting all code generators #1032
- Model References and Used By shows model type and model state #1001
- A user can create a new version of a released version #1000
- Generators: Documentation link for the Bosch IoT Suite is invalid #867
- Vorto Web Site Content Restructuring #835
0.10.0.M4 (2018-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Overriding properties inline #823
Fixed bugs:
- Generatos not working #998
- Newly imported models / Deleted models only appear / disappear after refresh in search #985
- Keywords as a part of the Vorto models #956
- Uploading an invalid file (e.g. a .txt file) to the repository, throws Internal server error #943
- "Dictionary" as a name generates NullPointerException #908
Closed issues:
- Vorto documentation -> 404 #1019
- Vorto missing in Eclipse perspective and "new project" #1018
- Operation name cannot be same as custom type (Enum / Entity) name #965
- Vorto > Downloads > Provide links and description to download the Nightly / Other versions from the Update Site #950
- Invalid model in repository - examples.datatypes.state.Presence:1.0.0 #946
- Delete Account does not anonymize the author after deleting the account #944
- Link Broken on vorto website #931
- Meta Property Plugin for Vorto Meta Model #891
- Elastic Search Service that indexes all Vorto Github/gitlab projects to query models by different criteria #890
- Ad multiple keyword to Information Model Function Block Properties #1012
- Remove 'Deprecated' from default (anonymous) view in search result #1011
- Anonymous access to repository only shows 'Released' models #1002
- A user can easily create vorto payload mappings using a web-based UI #970
- Repository REST API v1 Refactorings #969
- Workflow Validators which validate the input when executing a workflow transition #967
- The model owner can edit his draft model directly via the repository #961
- Authenticated users can access models of any state #955
- Repository Importer API for models underlying a different meta - model #938
- Workflow State Management of Models #918
- Create platform - specific Mappings in a textual Web editor #492
0.10.0.M3 (2018-05-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Eclipse editor can be more friendly in case of an invalid DSL definition #912
Fixed bugs:
- Bug when processing usernames which contain special characters. #774
- Resolution of datatype models in functionblockmodel DSL not working properly #88
- "New Vorto Project" wizard generates: IllegalArgumentException: Path for project must have only one segment. #913
- Operations cannot use Dictionary type #907
- Support of Enums/Entities in Device Stub Generators #906
Closed issues:
- Mapping Library that converts arbitrary device data to Eclipse Ditto format #899
- Add links to Vorto Repository for Data Privacy and Terms&Cond #893
- Simplify Vorto Web Site #921
- When a repository is started up, Upgrade-Handlers are executed to migrate models of the repository #919
- Eclipse Hono Generator for Arduino,Python,Java #917
- Demo category is promoted #909
- complex operation params can be assigned to target platform json in C&C mapper #904
- Eclipse Ditto Protocol in Arduino Generator #898
- Eclipse Ditto protocol for Python Generator #897
- Inform user about deletion process #896
- Export of User Data #895
- Restrict users from uploading images to the Vorto Repository #887
- A user can only publish (bulk of) information models via Vorto Repository Web UI #885
- Remove unneeded (w/o purpose) personal information from Vorto Repository #884
- Get acknowledgment on terms&cond upon first access by repo user #882
- Optional / mandatory use of function blocks in information models #153
Merged pull requests:
- updated base property to /vorto #901 (vlvanchin)
- added prod config.yml and updated base.html for fix links #900 (vlvanchin)
0.10.0.M2 (2018-04-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Protobuf Generator #663
- Re-open project takes long time until project resources are displayed #646
- Web Editor - Adding a model from the repository does not get displayed in the project tree #629
- Web Editor - Usability - Visibility of the menu items of a model is not intuitive #620
- Usability - Vorto Repository - Provide a spinning icon while fetching records #533
- Allow sorting entries of Model Repository in IDE by clicking on column header (e.g. "Name") #350
- REST API to look up a model by a specific attribute value defined in the mapping #299
- Describing data types where all properties are optional, but at least one must be present #220
- Show Progress bar for long running tasks #193
- Javabean Generator omitts events #171
- Client library to access the Repository REST API #144
- Replace web cdn references to maven coordinates #121
- Undertow server for Vorto Repository and Vorto Generators #99
- Invalid functionblock naming in information models #86
- Proper Exception Handling for Code Generators #62
Fixed bugs:
- Uploading function block with correct import is rejected #852
- Importing .zip file via website of repository failed #848
- Failure to register new generator that is not available in database #739
- Fix Kura Generator missing imports #736
- Kura Generator generates pom.xml #719
- Repo - Swagger editor - An additional "/" in the REST URL gives a response code 404 as the search result #710
- First time Sign-up page shows "Share" menu item #669
- Removing an imported model does not refresh tree #667
- A user can drop an entity onto an enum from the vorto repository #666
- Improper nesting of html tags #541
- Generator Ratings are reset when generator is restarted #507
- Javabean Generator omitts events #171
Closed issues:
- Broken LInk in Git hub tutorials #863
- Option to plug-in target platform payload mapper into Mapping Engine #862
- What is category for? #859
- Formatter bug in Eclipse Vorto Editor #857
- Eclipse Hono / Ditto Generator that sends device payload via MQTT #849
- Remove Bosch IoT Suite specific tutorials -> migrate to #834
- Bug: Arduino generated code throws compilation error #832
- A Model author is allowed to overwrite his/her model in the repository #828
- Delete property/method in inheriting entity/functionblock/etc. #822
- Device Simulator (Java-based) that sends Vorto compliant test data via MQTT to Eclipse IoT Hono #819
- Conditions for mapping rules in mapping spec #818
- Update ThingWorx generator's about page #810
- Include about.html to projects #809
- Sends out email to newly registered user to Vorto Repository containing info about getting started #805
- Boost performance when searching models #801
- A user can search for vorto mappings via the web repository #800
- Improve UX for supported mappings for vorto models #799
- Remove Passwords/Tokens in Github Eclipse Vorto #791
- Remove Passwords/Tokens in Github Eclipse Vorto #785
- UI Position issue #776
- Indicate Generator Popularity by amount of downloads #770
- User is able to delete his/her account permanently #769
- Tutorial about how to use the map arbitrary json data to Eclipse Ditto format #762
- A developer can share models via the Repository Client API #761
- Ditto Mapper is able to map only function blocks/features for matching device input #759
- Vorto Mapping Engine can be parameterized to map a single function block #752
- Corporate Style Plugin for Vorto Repository #746
- Javabean Generator can be configured for packageName #742
- Kura Generator supporting Hono and MQTT #740
- Howto create Generator to integrate with Eclipse Hono #738
- Android-things Generator #737
- Modify Kura tutorial to use virtual XDK Firmware #735
- AWS Code Generator tutorial #721
- Deploy automated deployment script to Eclipse VM #717
- Vorto Device Profiles containing protocol specific mapping logic from device data to functionblock data #716
- REST API providing both vorto model content and target platform mapped content merged in a single document #715
- Update target platform for new eclipse releases #713
- Repository Web Search box supporting Ajax filters #711
- Generator Configuration UI can also contain other html form elements besides checkboxes #709
- Remove /secret directory settings in file of generated kura project if without bosch-iot-suite integration #707
- Authors of a shared information model are allowed to delete the very model from the repo #705
- How to delete the older Information Model in #704
- An admin is allowed to overwrite model files in the repository #703
- Modeshape Backend for Web Editor #702
- Polymer web components for Vorto function blocks #701
- Models from other projects are shown when a user tries to publish #696
- Sonar Cube failure in Github #695
- Repository - Logout the user, once the session has timedout #694
- Repository - Disable the CheckIn button once a model is shared successfully #693
- Is Vorto usable at all right now? #688
- Archive older releases/milestone update-sites upon release #686
- Update Site contains generator feature to be compatible with Eclipse Marketplace #684
- Vulnerability issue in using Spring's spring-security-oauth module. #681
- Tutorial Howto: Information Models for Rapid Prototyping #662
- Tutorial Howto: Information Models for Auto detection Use Case #656
- Import 3rd party LWM2M objects from OMA to Vorto Repository as Functionblocks and mappings #639
- Tutorial: Discover BLE devices with Vorto to connect to Eclipse Hono #638
- iOS Generator that integrates a device with a configured IoT Cloud backend #637
- Fetch LWM2M object definition xml from OMA LWM2M Registry in Generator #578
- LWM2M Importer REST Endpoint #577
- Model with DRAFT or SNAPSHOT version can be re-published to Repository (overwrite) #550
- Vorto CLI error on Mac #542
- Automated Web Site Deployment #536
- Full Automated Module Testing of Vorto Repository and setup KPI measurements #535
- Model Property Lookup REST API #520
- Reorder columns of the Model Repository view within eclipse IDE to be the same as that of the model repository website #519
- Use the Java REST Client to checkin models #506
- Automated Deployment of Docker Containers to Eclipse from Hudson #504
- Handle reserved keywords when generating java code #490
- Concept of Eclipse Unide and Vorto Integration #469
- Show referenced models from Vorto Repository in Project Tree Viewer #433
- Seamless integration of maven generation plugin from toolset #417
- Web Editor Mode-Shape Persistence to manage projects #405
- When a model becomes valid/invalid the tab indicates the validation status immediately #402
- LWM2M Object Definition XML Importer to Functionblocks #393
- Describe about FunctionBlock Inheritance #389
- Step by Step Generation Implementation Guide #380
- Enhance MqTT generator to produce MQTT messages #348
- Create Github Wiki with Resource Links, Developer Documentation etc. #337
- Repository CF Service Broker #324
- JSON messages in the generated Web UI are validated against generated JSON Schema #310
- Preview of different model outputs #301
- Possibility to generate for a specific model from the generators overview #284
- SWTBot UI Tests #247
- A way to add more documentation to Function blocks #217
- Add function block mappings for AWS Generator #195
- Eclipse Che extension for Vorto Tooling #163
- Generating for AWS IoT with Vorto - Blog Post #162
- Vorto to Protobuf Schema #151
- Vorto Repository Code Generator service registry using Eureka #127
- Provide instruction for running docker-compose command on docker hub page #123
- Handler error in codegen infra when empty information models are generated. #113
- Pagination for Vorto blogs and news #109
- Forgot password option on login screen #106
- DSL Editors should give clearer and user-friendly error/warning messages #95
- A user is able to specify default and fixed value for a field #94
- User should be able to unlink references in models using the perspective #93
- Allow the modelling of user-specific property categories #89
- A user can specify the technology binding for information models #84
- Include vorto source bundles during installation via update site / offline archive #83
- Add section 'Why Vorto' on homepage #78
- Eclipse Help for Vorto Features #74
- Give help how to configure maven settings in order to build Vorto #73
- Hello World with Vorto Generators Blog Post #70
- Setup Docker on Eclipse Vorto VM #67
- Show error or warning when there are errors in model files during generation #64
- Add settings.xml with repo configurations #61
0.10.0.M1 (2017-07-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Web Editor - UI - Projects are displayed in an adhoc way #626
- SSO to Vorto Repository with Bosch eIDP #165
Fixed bugs:
- CLI for Windows - Vorto Commands are not working #682
- Repository - Email confirmation field does not match with the same email id entered in the email field #678
- Toolset - Deleting a project from the Vorto perspective throws error in console #677
- Web UI Generator produces invalid java source for Sample Data Service #675
- Toolset - Error in code generated via Web Application Generator #674
- Toolset - Generators throw error #672
- Unable to install Vorto Toolset from the update site #665
- Maven validation of code generator sample fails #664
- Create and delete model with same name restores "old" definition #657
- Model Xtext resource session is not cleared properly #650
- Cannot close project when no model resource is opened in editor #648
- Save button does not save the editor session to persistence #645
- Web Editor - Adding a function block with reference to an Information model throws an error message #630
- Web Editor - UI - Opening a model from the project tree does not activate the model tab, if the model is opened already in one of the model view tabs #628
- Models are displayed in Content assist that have been imported by other projects #625
- Error when Drag and Drop a Datatype to Project #624
- Success Dialog in Eclipse Toolset is titled "A problem occured" #623
- absolute references in models without stated as "using" result in inconsistency in repo #622
- Web Editor - Tooltip flickers over the information icon in repository search results #619
- Unsaved changes in the editor are persisted even when the user clicks on do not save #613
- Info button of Model Browser in Web Editor does not open model in #612
- Web Editor malfunctioning for set contextpath #600
- Generation through Model Repository does not work when using GeneratorServiceInfo Class from Version 0.9.0 #596
- java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not postprocess downloaded generated files #546
- Mappings are not retrieved from the model repository to the vorto project space #518
- Duplicate model validation is not handled #516
- Drag and Drop of enum within enum should be restricted #511
Closed issues:
- Getting Started with Repository Client SDK #671
- Automated Compliance Check #670
- Add Alexa Skillset for Bosch IoT Things to AWS IoT generator blueprint #653
- Add Web Dashboard & Kura blueprint generator for Bosch IoT Suite #652
- Web Editor - Unable to view the DSL of the selected model #617
- Model explorer missing in the Vorto perspective of 0.10.0M1 Snapshot version #616
- Bosch IoT Permissions Support for Dashboard Generator #611
- Distribute mac and linux CLI on downloads server #607
- Eclipse Kura Generator using Functionblock API #606
- Web Device Dashboard Generator #605
- UAT Testings #603
- Request CQ Approvals for used 3rd party libs #602
- Tidy-up code #601
- Setup Web Editor on Eclipse VM #599
- Improve UX of Web Editor #598
- Multi-tenancy of Web Editor #597
- LWM2M generator results in error for vorto models not mapped to LWM2M #575
- Documentation on How to Deploy Vorto-repo and Generators as Docker Containers #563
- Migrate all Vorto tutorials to #543
- Option to run backend generators as single bundle to save resources on target environment #537
- Eclipse Vorto Toolset, Code generators, Model repository bundled into virtual machine #531
- Web UI Generator generates model specific UI , defined in the UI Mapping #529
- Overhaul Generate View in Model Details #523
- Setup Vorto Repository as Docker Container on Eclipse VM #500
- Create Docker-Compose for Eclipse VM to setup infra #499
- Setup Docker Container for Web-UI Generator on Eclipse VM #498
- Bosch IoT Things Generator Image is passed as Environment Variables to the Generator #485
- Drag & Drop of Models in Tree Viewer #428
- Replace default generator images with platform specific images #378
- Scrolling Model browsers with the mouse wheel doesn't work #344
- Intro Vorto Animation on homepage (Vorto at a glance), short length (~1 min) #111
- Extend Web Device Generator to use mapping API #105
- Automate creation of docker images and push to docker-hub #59
0.9.0.RELEASE (2017-02-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Web-based Dev Tool to create Information Models #66
Fixed bugs:
- StringOutOfBoundsException in Prosyst Generator during operation processing #497
- Hudson Vorto does not sign bundles #493
- IllegalArgumentException when invoking remote prosyst generator from toolset #449
- ProSyst logo on Vorto Repository not properly displayed #447
- LWM2M Generator throws error in console #442
- Json Schema Generator throws error in console #441
- No response while doing Drag&Drop on an infomodel without a model project #440
- Unable to install Vorto #437
- Provide correct links in the vorto website's download page #436
- Model does not disappear from tree viewer when deleted #429
- Installation failed from nightly build #418
Closed issues:
- Web Development Tools Project Repository File Storage Implementation #491
- Fetch a specific file from the generated output zip #489
- Provide java rest client #484
- Add support for constraints in Model Content API #483
- Setup ProSyst Generator on AWS #482
- Setup Bosch Things Generator on AWS #481
- Setup Vorto Repository on AWS #480
- Rest API to get model content as json #476
- Review current Repository REST API #475
- Common interface to resolve model id by a mapped attribute for a given service key #472
- Auto-Create docker images and deploy to docker-hub #470
- Changes in model are not reflected in generated output #468
- Bosch IoT Things Generator only generates code for Single Function Block when invoked from Web #465
- Javadoc Documentation of all Interfaces #460
- Bosch IoT things generator outputs folder structure matching things paradigm #459
- Add more metadata to the description of generated json files #458
- Change documentation links for Prosyst and Things Generator #456
- add tags for backend generators #454
- Use color Icon "+" for creating project in Vorto perspective #448
- Deploy Bosch IoT Things Generator to Eclipse VM #439
- Clean up Codebase #438
- Model Browser only populated when the user searches based on the users' search criteria #430
- Modify Json Schema generator to include for events, configuration and status properties #421
- Bosch IoT Things Generator #419
- REST endpoint to resolve function blocks by LWM2M object id #415
- Maven plugin to integrate generation with maven build process #413
- A user is able to delete a model in the treeviewer #409
- The Project Editor provides a treeviewer showing all models #408
- Web Editor for entities and enums #407
- A developer is able to publish a web editor project to the Vorto Repository #406
- An already registered Vorto user is able to authenticate to the Web Editor #404
- Resolve function block for a given LWM2M object ID #394
- create audio for Vorto Intro Video #359
- Function block Resolver from IDs, declared in mappings #347
- Automated deployment of nightly builds / releases to Maven Central #80
- Signing of eclipse plugin bundles #79
Merged pull requests:
- Add plugin repo of eclipse to maven plugin project #515 (erlemantos)
- Downgrade the version of the interceptor #514 (erlemantos)
- Fix javadoc problems in build. #513 (erlemantos)
- Added license, scm, developer information, and javadoc profile #510 (erlemantos)
0.9.0_M2 (2016-09-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Extend getMappedElement() function to consider Entities and Enumerations #386
Closed issues:
- REST Url to download information model image #399
- remove leshan code generator in docker compose #395
- Convert "Vorto in 5 min" into Getting Started #379
- Making Vorto generators configurable at runtime #98
- Vorto Repository Backup / Restore of Models #76
0.9.0_M1 (2016-08-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Run search in Model Repository on 'Enter' #351
- In the toolset, A code generator accepts invalid vorto models #300
- In case of generation errors, the generated zip file contains a generation-errors.log file with the errors #231
Fixed bugs:
- Code Generation in New Workspace is not possible #385
- Error in Eclipse "Model not properly selected" #374
- Adding Modeldependency empties model #339
- Encoding is changed on code generation #327
- Lwm2m code generator generates empty operations value in xml file #325
- Unexpected Namespace in Functionblock Wizard #322
- Broken link to CLI tool documentation under Downloads #321
- Vorto does not allow suffix 'Reply' #306
- In the toolset, A code generator accepts invalid vorto models #300
- Vorto perspective appears twice in Open perspective window #272
- Include vorto repository tab in vorto default perspective of eclipse. #270
- Recursive model references causes error during generation #243
- LWM2M Generator fails on due to missing mappings #228
- Mapping Context is not populated properly for embedded toolset generators #58
- vorto command line tool: "No datatype could be defined" as response to download #51
- vorto command line tool on OS X: download yields illegal file names #50
Closed issues:
- API to allow generators to invoke dependent generators #377
- Generate from function block model #376
- Bug in Drag/Drop from Model Repository Browser #369
- Create 0.9.0 Milestone 1 #367
- Embed HTML Intro Video into web site homepage #360
- Documentation on how to develop the Vorto CLI tool #355
- MySQL Configuration for Vorto Repository #353
- Allow to generate code from a function block definition #346
- Modify Json Schema generator to make use of DSL constraints in operations #332
- Return error information if code generation fails #331
- Add default mappings to lwm2m code generator #329
- Getting started with Vorto #318
- Vorto Mapping #317
- Vorto Tutorial #316
- Vorto Features Overview #315
- Installation Guide Vorto Toolset #258
- Vorto CLI Tool #254
- Update DSL Grammar #253
- Example Code Generators #251
- Vorto Model Editors #250
- System Requirements for using Vorto Toolset #249
- An option to provide error conditions for operations #219
- Developer Documentation "How to implement a code generator" #170
- Support Key strokes in Model Repository Search #166
- Create a demo video for showing the capabilities of vorto #134
- Setup Sonar for Quality Report #81
0.4.0_M4 (2016-06-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- consolidate Leshan and LwM2M xml generator #287
- Support for drag-n-drop of function block to function block #260
- A Vorto primitive for map structure #222
- An option to provide constraints to operation parameters and return values #218
- Create mapping model from Vorto perspective using Mapping Model Wizard #189
- Simplify Mapping Rule API #149
- Better error messages in toolset when network failures to Vorto Repo happens #117
- Do not allow Entity to be dropped inside Enum #92
Fixed bugs:
- Eclipse generator wizard outputs old API code #303
- Authentication failed after successful sign-up #293
- Vorto toolset doesn't set the proxy username/password #282
- Fixed height problem in Bulk Upload result #265
- Error when installing Toolset from nightly Update Site #256
- Uploading models with certain mappings fails to upload #237
- Information Model Editor UI in Eclipse Toolset does not work #236
- Creation of Mapping Models not possible anymore #223
- Removing model reference does not unlink model in perspective #214
- Delete in vorto perspective behaves strangely #213
- Changes made in Java Perspective not reflected in Vorto perspective #209
- Error when invoking a Code Generator from Vorto Perspective #192
- With more than one project in the perspective, project selector jumps to first project after Drag & Drop was used #183
- Local toolset generator's mapping context is not populated #148
- ThingWorx Generator throws ClassNotFoundException when run locally #143
- Database connection timeout Vorto Repository #129
- Swagger REST Documentation cannot be scrolled (has fixed height) #57
- Swagger Rest API documentation takes long time to load #56
- Dangerous privilege recommendation: 'chmod 777' #54
Closed issues:
- for Repository & Backend Generators #309
- New Model wizard allows to define namespace #305
- Test Yatta Profiles on Nightly Build & Dev Branch #304
- Re-organize folder structure of repository #302
- Update #298
- create 0.4.0 Milestone 4 #294
- Remove redundant code for docker-compose-build.yml #288
- Create leshan code generator #279
- Change the color of "+" icon #273
- Upload of models without authentication #263
- Oomph profile need to be updated with correct xtext version #259
- Vorto Repository Feature description #252
- Vorto Features Overview #248
- Icons in Model Repository View is not the same as icons in tree viewer #245
- "Delete" Icon for project deletion should be consistent in toolset #241
- Images of models in repository (toolset) not updated to latest state #240
- Hudson build fails ! #234
- Github Hook which triggers full build of Vorto for Pull Requests , e.g. using circleCI #230
- Allow Functional blocks to extend other Functional blocks #215
- LWM2M Generator #211
- Improve Vorto REST API Swagger documentation #210
- Sharing models other than Web UI results in error #207
- Include version in model filenames to avoid clashes #194
- Remove the individual wizard items from New Project wizard dialog. #190
- In perspective an invalid model is indicated by a "error" icon in the treeviewer #188
- Button "+" (for add project) and "-" (for delete project) in perspective #186
- Enum model allows to be defined without having any literals defined #185
- Expand model element (level:2) after a model was dropped onto it #184
- Docker: remove redundancy in docker-compose-build.yml file #174
- Yatta: improve eclipse boot up time #173
- Yatta profiles for different Users of Vorto #172
- Amazon Web Service (AWS) Generator #161
- Put Eclipse next to Vorto for homepage #154
- Vorto perspective shall allow to switch between different Vorto model projects #145
- Make the contributing companies logo layout to be mobile friendly #139
- Error messages on the share dialog are not reflected in the table #135
- Point to waffle from GitHub #133
- Monitor Vorto website services uptime periodically #130
- The Vorto Respository shall be accessible via the link #126
- Show logos of Vorto supporting companies on Vorto homepage #125
- Descriptions in DSL for operation signature #119
- Error during invocation of code generators from repository for certain cases #115
- Point to Github Issues for bugtracking instead of bugzilla in homepage #114
- Content assist templates when editing a model using the DSL #96
- Preview of a shared model found by the toolset - repository browser. #91
- Descriptions in DSL for operation signature and datatype models #87
- Step By Step Tutorial Documentation (Examples) #71
- Bulk upload of models (zip archived) #68
- Allow the possibility to have a single project with many vorto models #65
- Mapping-rules of events are ignored when generating code #63
- No documentation for model repo REST API -- is there an overview? #53
- "REST API" link on the repo page doesn't trigger any response #52
0.4.0_M3 (2016-03-04)
0.4.0_M2 (2015-12-11)
0.4.0_M1 (2015-08-27)
Merged pull requests:
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator