A preview of a new version of the cnr script editor (acually basic view and changes can be made/recognized).
Added bin-folder with compiled executable, folderstructure and some .nss-scripts from CNR 3.05
Now at version 0.802 the most data from the recipe is viewed. Changes to those scripts don't work yet, but will be in the future.
With version 0.803 all the data can be viewed and changes can be recognized.
At version 0.804 I did a rewrite of the save check. It should be better, but yet not super and final. Okay, did another change to the save func, it was to complicating (why do I think in such complicated ways?). For now, it isn't finshed yet, but it actualizes the script snippet at the recipe tab for the components and biproducts.
Now at version 0.805 it is possible to fully edit a recipe, save that changes to the script snippet at the first tab and copy that to the clipboard (you have to mark the text and copy per ctrl+c). Also you can edit the script directly by using right mouse button on the script name in the first window (although the script must be extracted, or copied from the module itself. Didn't implemented that yet).
Now I'm focusing on working with erf-files. So it should be possible to work on exported files from NWN 1-Toolset and recreate a importable file for the NWN 1-Toolset.
Within version 0.807 and following, import from erf files is possible through niv's neverwinter.nim tools. In Version 0.808 wrote some numbering for the recipes so the could be easier recognized.