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Macro Variable Manipulation Examples

Chris Swenson edited this page Nov 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

Example Data

The library "Medical" has the following tables, columns, and values. These are dimensional tables, that is, they have unique rows for each entity.


Clinic_ID     Clinic_Name

01            Main

02            West

03            East

04            Othertown

Provider_ID  Provider_Name

1001         Dr. John A

1002         Dr. Jim B

1003         Dr. Jane C

1004         Dr. Jessica D 


To generate a macro variable with a list of all Clinic_ID values or Provider_ID values:

%IntoList(Clinics, Clinic_ID, ClinicList, sepby=COMMA);

The macro will generate 1 macro variable: ClinicList = 01, 02, 03, 04

%IntoList(Providers, Provider_ID, ProviderList, sepby=QQC);

The macro will generate 1 macro variable: ProviderList = "1001", "1002", "1003", "1004"

Note: These macro variables are good for using in IN lists. Check the macro documentation for additional delimiters (sepby=).


To generate multiple macro variables, one for each clinic or provider:

%ObsMac(Clinics, Clinic_ID, Clinic);

The macro will generate 4 macro variables with the values: Clinic1 = 01 Clinic2 = 02 Clinic3 = 03 Clinic4 = 04

Note: These macro variables are good for using in macro loops that iterate based on macro variable names. For example:

%macro loop;
  %local i;
  /* Note: ClinicCNT is generated by the ObsMac macro program */
  %do i=1 %to &ClinicCNT;
    %let current=&&CLINIC&I;
    proc sql;
      create table Clinic_&CURRENT._Patients as
      select *
      from patients
      where clinic_id="&CURRENT"
%mend loop;


To generate macro variables for each column names in a table:

%SetVars(Clinics, ClinicVars);

The macro will generate 2 macro variables with the values: ClinicVars1 = Clinic_ID ClinicVars2 = Clinic_Name

%SetVars(Clinics, ClinicVars, type=LIST);

The macro will generate 1 macro variable: ClinicsVars = Clinic_ID Clinic_Name

Note: The type is set to MULTI by default; thus, it is not necessary to specify it in the first SetVars example.


To set the tables themselves to macro variables:

%TableVars(Medical, table);

The macro will generate 2 macro variables with the values:

table1 = Clinics table2 = Providers

Note: This is also good for looping (see below). This macro is essentially a copy of ObsMac with a fixed data source (SASHELP.VTABLE).

%macro loop;
  %local i;
  /* Note: TABLECNT is generated by the TableVars macro program */
  %do i=1 %to &TABLECNT;
    %let current=&&TABLE&I;
    data _temp_;
      set &CURRENT;
    /* Additional code... */
%mend loop;


To create macro variables with their names based on values in a column and the macro variable values based on values in another column:

%VarMac(Clinics, Clinic_Name, Clinic_ID);

The macro will generate 4 macro variables with the values: Main = 01 West = 02 East = 03 Othertown = 04

Note: This can be useful to convert one type of identification to another. It is also useful to specify the source for a query and still be able to change it if necessary (e.g., a macro variable named "source" with the value "table_a").

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