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Chris Swenson edited this page Jul 12, 2021 · 28 revisions

Welcome to my SAS macro program repository! The best way to explore the macros available here is to search the site or review the categories.

The macros on this site were developed using Base SAS 9.1.3, Base SAS 9.2, and SAS Enterprise Guide 9.3 on Windows. Many may work on non-Windows platforms. Before using any macro in production, please review the code, check for dependencies, and test the macro for compatibility within your system.

Feel free to contact me [External] if you have any questions or feedback regarding these macros.


Subscribe to updates to all of the SAS macros on this website.

  • Subscribe by news feed [External] or by email [External].
  • If you log in to GitHub, you can "watch" a repository as well. Review this help page for more information.



  • SAS Autocall Libraries [External]
    • Please review how to set up SAS autocall libraries. The macro programs provided in this repository work best when downloaded into an autocall library. Alternatively, users can %include each file one at a time.
  • Internal Documentation
    • Most of the macro programs contain a standard header, including a short description of the purpose of the program, authorship information (name, date, changelong), and the definitions of each argument, sometimes including acceptable values. Some arguments are validated in the program, for example, checking for required arguments, specific sets of values (e.g., Y/N), and specific criteria (e.g., the table exists).
  • Documentation
    • Documentation on selected macro programs, including notes regarding the reasoning behind the process.
  • Feedback [External]
    • Feel free to send me feedback, comments, questions, or even macro revisions!



Macro Variable Manipulation

A set of macro programs that create and manage macro variables for later use in the code.

SAS Global Forum 2012

I wrote two papers for the SAS Global Forum in 2012. Here are the links to the full papers as well as links to the code documetation.

User Feedback

My macro programs were featured in a demonstration of a macro library documentation program [External].

The following feedback was sent by users.

My co-worker and I have been reviewing your script with great interest. It is by far the most advanced and well-documented SAS script I ever came across. We are especially impressed by your constant efforts in maintaining and improving the script.

Hung Tam Nguyen, Principal Analyst, Models and Risk Measures, Laurentian Bank of Canada

I just wanted to thank you for all the great code you provide. In particular, the CheckLog macro and its supporting VB scripts reliably report on a dozen automated ETL processes that our agency depends on. All your extra effort making the macro versatile, robust, and well documented enabled someone with absolutely no macro language experience (me), to successfully implement CheckLog.

Nathan Champlin, SAS Intelligence Platform Administrator, Bureau of Automotive Repair of California

I have used your CheckLog macro during my time at university and it has been very beneficial ensuring my program logs are clean, so thank you very much for that! I have found the macro highly useful and has enabled me to produce accurate results with clean logs during my time at Phastar. I have also learnt some tips and tricks by having read through the code which has helped me further develop my SAS programming skills, having only had basic understanding. Thank you so much!"

Ruhel Hussain, Statistical Programmer

Main Pages



Macro Variable Manipulation


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