v 1.8.0
299 commits
to master
since this release
Added FULL Alternion mod integration.
Added ability to link discord account to steamID
- Lets you manage your alternion loadout from discord
- Removes the need to present a steamID when doing any of the blackwake commands
Added a command to let you see what your alternion ID is
Added support for new alternion skins
- Teacup
- Teawater
- Bucket
Added ability to see public or private skins
Added support for team leaders to assign badges
Added ability for owner to force run full alternion json update
Added elo board integration.
- monthly.
- Elo Leaderboard.
Added 'Misc' BW command
Added CreateWebhook command.
Added supply + demand price influencing when purchasing and selling goods
Added viewing quantity of items in your inventory
Added Current balance view to the work command
Added nice embed to the warn command
- Coloured red if sent by an admin
- Coloured yellow if sent be a moderator
- Removed Legacy mysqlLoginData global object
- Removed unnecessary timers within the updateShopWindow function
- Removed the possibility to lose more money gambling than what you put in
- Fixed some raw embeds not showing the correct colour.
- Fixed levels causing blackwake overview command to break if you are not an elite.
- Fixed purchasing of construction materials
- You can purchase more than one at a time using
;purchase wood 40
- You can purchase more than one at a time using
- Fixed xp+money income interfering with the work command
- Fixed rankcard generation not always working
- Fixed being able to use @here, @everyone through the
- ELO command
- Increased mainDatabaseConnectionPool connectionLimit from 10 to 30.
- Added slight delay to quiz command to help somewhat with spam