Releases: cheesenibbles123/OliverbotPublic
v 2.0
v 1.8.0
Added FULL Alternion mod integration.
Added ability to link discord account to steamID
- Lets you manage your alternion loadout from discord
- Removes the need to present a steamID when doing any of the blackwake commands
Added a command to let you see what your alternion ID is
Added support for new alternion skins
- Teacup
- Teawater
- Bucket
Added ability to see public or private skins
Added support for team leaders to assign badges
Added ability for owner to force run full alternion json update
Added elo board integration.
- monthly.
- Elo Leaderboard.
Added 'Misc' BW command
Added CreateWebhook command.
Added supply + demand price influencing when purchasing and selling goods
Added viewing quantity of items in your inventory
Added Current balance view to the work command
Added nice embed to the warn command
- Coloured red if sent by an admin
- Coloured yellow if sent be a moderator
- Removed Legacy mysqlLoginData global object
- Removed unnecessary timers within the updateShopWindow function
- Removed the possibility to lose more money gambling than what you put in
- Fixed some raw embeds not showing the correct colour.
- Fixed levels causing blackwake overview command to break if you are not an elite.
- Fixed purchasing of construction materials
- You can purchase more than one at a time using
;purchase wood 40
- You can purchase more than one at a time using
- Fixed xp+money income interfering with the work command
- Fixed rankcard generation not always working
- Fixed being able to use @here, @everyone through the
- ELO command
- Increased mainDatabaseConnectionPool connectionLimit from 10 to 30.
- Added slight delay to quiz command to help somewhat with spam
v 1.7.0 : More databasing and economying
- Adjusted cooldown time
- 60sec => 120sec
- Allowed alternative non income (non cooldown) option
- Moved the quiz data to the database, roughly halved the size of my datafile.json
- Added baseIncome variable (allows easily altering of the base income amount, will move to DB soon)
Database Connections
- Switched to a pooled system
- Allows much nicer looking code
- Reduces number of lines significantly
- Should fix some users not getting their income
- Seemingly runs significantly faster (maybe due to not needing any timeout functions, long ones atleast)
- Unused scheduling code
- Commented backup code
- level displaying to the blackwake overview command
- Owner only DB command, allows querying the DB (STILL WIP, NOT VERY GOOD LOOKING/FUNCTIONAL YET)
- Now stores N word counter on a per user + server basis
- Stores shop window message + channel information inside the database now
- Fixed coin amount display in the richest + poorest users board
- Adjusted shop window display to have different messages for each category of item
- info
- income
- ships
- etc
mysqlLoginData constant is optional, and was simply left for legacy purposes, will be removed next update
Added support for dynamic reaction role menu system
- Works with both unicode and custom emojis
- Admins have the ability to refresh the reaction roles list using a command
Added support for an initial join reaction confirmation message + reaction + role
- Used for communities to make people read the rules prior to accepting
Added work command
Added support for income boosters
- in the shop window
- boosts/reduces income earned each time an individual
Fixed typo that would break the beg
Fixed the embed that caused the advice
function to break
- as well as fixing the
Fixed code to work with v12 that was missing/unchanged before
Fixed incorrect time + date + delay on the work
Fixed the warn
- Now checks if someone/thing is even warned
- Checks if user can even recieve DM
Fixed totalusers
Fixed type in payday2
function arguments
Fixed issue with userinfo
- When pinging a user after the command to get specific user stats, it now displays the information about the user who was pinged correctlyFixed issue with
Removed user avatar from the userinfo
command, and added nitro information
Removed jeanieAPI command
- Removed reference in commands listing
Updated config.json TEMPLATE to match current version
Update v 1.5.2
- Added logging for total messages in a channel, and total messages sent by a user
- Added
function, which displays a message if a user lacks the roles to use a specific command - Added three commands to help section
- userinfo
- channelinfo
- savequote
- Fixed
command not displaying total members that can view correctly- Moved to it's own function to help with variable name/declaration conflicts
Update v 1.5.1
Fixed an issue where a user leaving a guild would cause an empty embed to be sent.
Replaced if block within the stats allocation in the
function to aswitch (case)
- Replaced if block within compare aspect of the
function to aswitch (case)
- Replaced if block within compare aspect of the
Inserted more commands into the main
switch (case)
- BotInfo
- Ban
- ServerInfo
- ChannelInfo
- Warn
- TotalUsers
- SaveQuote
- UserInfo
- Payday2
Added default 🤔 reaction to commands that are not in the main switch block
Update v1.5.0
- Converted
from an if block to a switch (case) - Converted
from an if block to a switch (case) - Converted
from an if block to a switch (case) - Altered Blackwake command
- Added new check with response to user
- renamed all usage cases of bwstats to blackwake, this includes the ;help bwstats command which is now ;help blackwake
- Altered the Embed management function for the raw events
- Added a flag to prevent unneeded blank embeds being sent
- Added try catch around
- Added try catch around
- Added check to ignore if incoming message is a DM
- fixed typo line 4 of
( A => B )
A)if(args.lgenth === 0){
B)if (args.length === 0){
- fixed n-word filter showing ID not ping on user interaction
- Fixed the
firing on Blackwake command usage- Now doesn't remind you to set your profile public if your stats are displayed and your profile is public anyway
- Removed unneeded
- Existed only because i was too lazy to type out console.log() each time
Now at 4681 lines of code!
1.4.7: Updating main js file
I guess tech its "github release version 1.0" but actually its like or something idk, i didnt keep track, so i guess we get a random number to start on: v1.4.7
Patch notes for latest update:
- Converted main code from if minefield to switch case
- Was in use for a while, but didn't transfer over all commands as some required new functions to be written
- Altered all commands that use the datafile to use the same function
- Altered the help command
- Now within the main switch statement
- Main bit now uses a switch case instead of many if statements
- Altered the blackwake command
- Now within the main switch statement
- Added try{}catch(){} around main switch statement
- Altered economy display
- Shop now uses a switch case instead of many if statements
- Altered gamble command
- Result now uses a switch case instead of many if statements
Added WIP work command
Commented out MC stats call
- Server closed
- Some other stuff, i probably missed a few things
- didn't keep a proper patch notes list till it was too late
To do:
- Reaction Roles:
- Allow oliverbot to create the reaction roles message(s) where users react
- Allow oliverbot to alter for role additions and removals
- Alter payday2 command
- Move to within the main switch statement
- Alter Administrator commands
- Move to within the main switch statement
- Alter Moderator commands
- Move to within the main switch statement
- Alter raw event
- Change from if statements to a switch statement
- Try and merge the embed creations for same topic events
- All Channel events
- All Reaction events
- All Role events
- etc...