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🐝 boot your bots in Facebook Messenger with Chatopera in minutes / 脸书自动应答机器人


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Chatopera FMC, Facebook Messenger Connector for Chatopera

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Boot your bots in Facebook Messenger with Chatopera in minutes.

If you decide to launch Chatbots on Facebook Messenger Platform so that all your customers or target audiences can consume your services in the chatbot way via Facebook Messenger, you can run a software with source codes. There are many reasons to run a bot in such way, especially when you have technical skills, you want to leverage the most powerfull features in Facebook Messenger Platform.

As Facebook Messenger Platform is changing and reshaping quickly, in order to use the latest APIs, you have to hands on and do some coding stuffs. Sometimes you want to intergates Facebook Messenger bot and other IT Systems like CRM, OA and 3rd party service together, the best way is starting your work with a project skeleton, this project skeleton has done some general features. Or what you need to do is just making configurations and running it, later your business requirements changes, you want to make some modifications, you would like to touch the source codes and rebuild the software. Chatopera FMC fits into such needs.


  • Services are running with docker containers, cross platform and OS
  • Manage app status with docker-compose, easy to run, backup, upgrade or restore
  • Collect visitors' feedbacks during chats to improve bot further
  • Support Multi Apps and Multi Pages in a single app with a configuration file
  • Support Multi Locales and define a fallback locale as well
  • Integrated with Chatopera Cloud Service for bot customization
    • Support image, button, generic templates, quick replies, typing status, etc. Learn more about Messages in Facebook Messenger
    • Build chat flows with Conversation Designer
    • Add FAQs in Web Portal
    • Bot Analisys and Lattice for tuning bots with chat histories
Collapse to get more about Chatopera Cloud Service





Train Machine Learning model

Write Chat Scripts with Conversation Designer

Test chats

Bot profile


Chats History

Give me a demo

For desktop or mobile devices, click

Or open Chatopera Facebook Page - Click Send Message to bring up the chatbox. There are just many ways to approach Messenger.




All requirements in Setup, with additionals:

  • Node.js 10+, FMC is developed with JavaScript.
  • Text Editor for JavaScript, e.g. VS Code.

Find more development knowledges in Engineering Section.

Mostly, you would work on Setup and add bot chats abilities. It is rare that you need to do FMC development stuffs, if you want some enhancements or provide feedbacks for FMC, please create an Issue first at Issues.

In below documentation, I would talk about Setup and Bot Customization mainly.


If you come to any troubles, find us to get help with Contact Us Link.

Provision your bot service with Facebook Messenger and Chatopera FMC

Step 1/12 Create a Facebook Page

Just login facebook and then click create, you can design your page from here with a Designer Portal, very straight forward.

Step 2/12 Join Facebook Developers Program

Open and register account.

Step 3/12 Create App in Facebook Developer Portal

Step 4/12 Add Messenger from Products list

After your app is created, go to application detail page, from the left sidebar, find section of 'PRODUCTS'. Click '+' and filter 'Messenger', select it.

Make sure you can see Messenger appears in your left sidebar now. Collapse Messenger and click Settings, scroll down this page and find Add or Remove pages, just fill in your page created previously.

Keep in mind, Messenger Settings Page of Developer Portal is a bridge that connects Your Facebook Page's Messenger Chatbox and Chatopera FMC, these two components are core for your bot service. Your Messenger App would also be available from many other channles which implemented by Facebook Messenger.

Now, let's setup your Chatopera FMC Instance, here, instance means a software running somewhere, such as your local Desktop or AWS Machines with these dependiences.

  • Docker && Docker Compose, versions released after 2017.
  • Access to Internet.
  • HTTPS, Chatopera FMC would be requested by Facebook to handle messaging events. There are many ways to accomplish it, I would suggest using ngrok for beginners, also demostrate how to use ngrok to setup HTTPS for Chatopera FMC later.

Step 5/12 Download FMC

Open a terminal to run shell commands, for Windows users, please install Git Bash.

git clone
cd chatpera.fmc # This folder is referenced as $FMC_HOME in follow-up.

SOME_WHERE_AS_ROOT is location you want to persist FMC source codes and data, e.g. ~.

Step 6/12 Configuration

Basically, we need to configure two files: .env and accounts.json.

6.1 .env

.env is used for customize Application level properties.

cp sample.env .env
# edit .env with text editor

Open .env with a text editor, there are some variables and their default values, keep them in default value except FMC_PORT. FMC_PORT is on which port you want to run FMC Service, the default port is 8555, later this value would be used to setup HTTPS, FMC would listen on this port to receive events and send responses, make sure this value does not conflict with other Applications, setting its value to an available port is very important.

Other variables in .env are involved with more technology knowledges, please find more information in Engineering Section.

6.2 accounts.json

accounts.json stores credentails for authentication and authorization among your FMC instance, Facebook Messenger Platform and Chatopera Cloud Service, other settings in accounts.json are for customizing messages or behaviors of bot.

cp fmc/app/config/accounts.json fmc/data/accounts.json
# edit fmc/data/accounts.json with text editor

fmc/app/config/accounts.json is just a template, you have to fill in your bot and page info. Let us take a close look at accounts.json.

    "appName": "{{APP_NAME}}",
    "appId": "{{APP_ID}}",
    "appSecret": "{{APP_SECRET}}",
    "pages": [{ "pageId": "{{PAGE_ID}}", "access_token": "{{PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}}" }],
    "localeDefault": "{{LOCALE_DEFAULT}}",
    "chatopera": {
      "zh_CN": {
        "clientId": "{{BOT_CLIENT_ID}}",
        "secret": "{{BOT_CLIENT_SECRET}}",
        "custom": {
          "GREETING_TEXT": "美好的一天从一声问候开始,你好,我是某某某!",
          "GUESS_MSG": "推荐问题",
          "HELPFUL_MSG": "以上信息有帮助吗?",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN": "有帮助",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN": "没帮助",
          "CLICK_YES_MSG": [
          "CLICK_NO_MSG": [
      "en_US": {
        "clientId": "",
        "secret": "",
        "custom": {
          "GREETING_TEXT": "A good day starts with a greeting, hello, I am Whatever you want ...",
          "GUESS_MSG": "Ask instead for",
          "HELPFUL_MSG": "Was this information helpful?",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN": "Yes",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN": "Nope",
          "CLICK_YES_MSG": [
            "Wow, that's great!",
            "Have a nice day.",
            "Glad to know that."
          "CLICK_NO_MSG": [
            "Please retry other words.",
            "Sorry about that, we would enhance the knowledge further.",
            "Bot is still improving right now, so, please request for a human."
APP_NAME Remember you have create an app in Facebook Developer Portal? APP_NAME is the Application's name. Frontdesk
APP_ID Just copy App ID in the app page, it's a numeric string 309777523718
PAGE_ID Go to Messenger Settings Page, find the pageId value 1541840459186
PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN In Messenger Settings Page, scorll down to Access Tokens, click Generate Token for your page. EAAEZAvbNCuWwBAAyvmG
BOT_CLIENT_ID Go to Chatopera Cloud Service, create a bot which language is set as zh_CN, navigate to Bot Settings page, copy the Client Id value. 5fbf25f3cad362
BOT_CLIENT_SECRET In Bot Settingspage, Secret just close to Client Id, click '复制'. 0887749917bea4b8541
LOCALE_DEFAULT Facebook Messenger can progogate visitor's locale which would be helpful if you want to support multi languages. The fallback language is configured with LOCALE_DEFAULT, zh_CN for 简体中文, zh_TW for 繁体中文, en_US for US English, find out other locale codes in Supported Locales. zh_CN
GREETING_TEXT Before visitor chats with your messenger bot, what would your want to tell them at the first glance? Find out what is Greeting Text. A good day starts with a greeting, hello, I am Whatever you want ...
GUESS_MSG When visitor says something bot can not understand, bot would still reply politely with some potential questions the visitor could ask instead, GUESS_MSG is hint to explain such purpose. Ask instead for
HELPFUL_MSG If bot replies to visitor, is the response helpful? HELPFUL_MSG is asking for feedback. Was this information helpful?
HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN Used along with HELPFUL_MSG, text displayed to collect positive feedback. Yes
HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN Used along with HELPFUL_MSG, text displayed to collect negative feedback. Nope
CLICK_YES_MSG This is an array of text, send to visitor when they clicks HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN ['thanks', 'have a nice day.']
CLICK_NO_MSG This is an array of text, send to visitor when they clicks HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN ['thanks', 'Sorry, please request for a human service.']
Collapse to get an example with values

    "appName": "Frontdesk",
    "appId": "1541840459186",
    "appSecret": "EAAEZAvbNCuWwBAAyvmGhlB4aWk",
    "pages": [
        "pageId": "1541840459186685",
        "access_token": "EAAEZAvbNCuWwBA"
    "localeDefault": "zh_CN",
    "chatopera": {
      "zh_CN": {
        "clientId": "5fbf25f3cad362001b4e",
        "secret": "0887749917bea4b85415066315e5",
        "custom": {
          "GREETING_TEXT": "你好,{{user_first_name}}。Chatopera 在 Messenger 上的演示 Bot,帮助您更好的了解对话机器人的能力。",
          "GUESS_MSG": "发送\"帮助\"或\"h\"获得导航信息,推荐问题",
          "HELPFUL_MSG": "以上信息有帮助吗?",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN": "有帮助",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN": "没帮助",
          "CLICK_YES_MSG": [
          "CLICK_NO_MSG": [
      "en_US": {
        "clientId": "5fbf25f3cad362001b4e4",
        "secret": "0887749917bea4b8566315e4bc75",
        "custom": {
          "GREETING_TEXT": "Hello, {{user_first_name}}. Demo bot provided by Chatopera, play with me to grasp bot abilities and power.",
          "GUESS_MSG": "Send \"h\" to get help, ask instead for",
          "HELPFUL_MSG": "Was this information helpful?",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_YES_BTN": "Yes",
          "HELPFUL_FEEDBACK_NO_BTN": "Nope",
          "CLICK_YES_MSG": [
            "Wow, that's great!",
            "Have a nice day.",
            "Glad to know that."
          "CLICK_NO_MSG": [
            "Please retry other words.",
            "Sorry about that, we would enhance the knowledge further.",
            "Bot is still improving right now. Find more contacts on our website."

Step 7/12 Run FMC

After you create the .env and accounts.json and docker & docker-compose are installed, let's start FMC with following commands.

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps       # check container states

For the first time, it would take some minutes to download FMC docker images.

Make sure FMC is started as expected, use docker-compose logs to check logs.

docker-compose logs -f  # check logs

If you have seen something like this, it means the app is fully started and running.

      ___           ___           ___
     /\  \         /\__\         /\  \
    /::\  \       /::|  |       /::\  \
   /:/\:\  \     /:|:|  |      /:/\:\  \
  /::\~\:\  \   /:/|:|__|__   /:/  \:\  \
 /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |::::\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\
 \/__\:\ \/__/ \/__/~~/:/  / \:\  \  \/__/
      \:\__\         /:/  /   \:\  \
       \/__/        /:/  /     \:\  \
                   /:/  /       \:\__\
                   \/__/         \/__/

==================== Powered by Chatopera Inc. =================
Facebook Messenger Connector for Chatopera
License Apache 2.0
Powered by
版权所有 © 北京华夏春松科技有限公司️
server listening on port 8555

Step 8/12 Host with HTTPS

You can choose many solutions to run FMC with HTTPS, I would suggest ngrok for demo purpose, it is easy to use, assume FMC is running on 8555 port, run ngrok command in a terminal as below.

ngrok http 8555

Now, you would get a screen like this

So, HTTPS is hooked with your FMC instance, in our situation, http://localhost:8555 is proxied as via ngrok. Now, Facebook Messenger Platform can access your FMC instance with

Keep the ngrok http 8555 command running, if it goes down, the requests would not be received by your FMC instance.

Step 9/12 Update Callback URL for webhook

In Messenger Settings Page, scroll down to webhooks, click Edit Callback URL. Fill in your HTTPS URL with path and "works" as Verify Token, click Verify and Save.


As previous work with ngrok, the Callback URL is

Step 10/12 Verify chatbox

Now, go to your Facebook Page, and view as Visitor. As you are admin of this Facebook page, URL of its Visitor view is something like.

Click Send Message, a chatbox is pop-up. If everything works, it would display the greeting message, and then click Get started.

Not get the Send Message Button? Maybe you should turn on Messages option in Settings, Settings URL is like

Step 11/12 Customize your bot

Now, your FMC instance, Chatopera Cloud Service and Facebook Page are connected, so, let's add chat abilities with Chatopera Cloud Service.

Find quick start and other knowledges with Bot Customization Guide. In the quick start, you would get a powerful chatbot with several clicks.

With Chatopera Cloud Service, you get a powerful toolkit to build bots, but getting a deep design or development skills is key to make great bot services, there are a lot books to help you for bot UX, e.g. Designing Bots: Creating Conversational Experiences, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.

Step 12/12 Submission & Review Process

With all these works, you have a great bot that can deliver foods, book cab or tell jokes, how to publish it to public in Facebook?

Read Submission & Review Process from Facebook Messenger Platform.

I won't go to details, the Facebook guide tells very clearly. Currently, the only permission you need to request is pages_messaging.

pages_user_locale is not required, so I would suggest not add it into your submission for this time, later, you may support many locales in your bot, then submit another review.

At last, just switch your app from Development mode to Live mode.


Your bot is alive, next you want to share it to your audiences. Read more about me link, chat plugin and other things in Discovery & Re-engagement.

You would still need to refine, enhance your bot's chats in days to come, but by the end of the day, you are going to touch millions people's life with your bot, cheers🍻!


Start to develop FMC project with GUIDE, PRs are all welcome!


Requirements to deploy a Messenger app

Build your first Messenger bot fast



Copyright (2018-2020) 北京华夏春松科技有限公司

Apache License Version 2.0

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