- feat(preview-error): Display file icon based on extension for errors (#1536) (d0b10cb), closes #1536 /github.com/box/box-ui-elements/blob/1850977829e4888139462a6f65794b1cffc52a08/src/components/preview/previewIcons.ts#L183
- chore(docs): remove polyfill.io from README (#1532) (ac1a091), closes #1532
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1530) (ea172c1), closes #1530
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1534) (0cdea26), closes #1534
- chore(tests): Migrate from Enzyme to RTL (1st batch) (#1535) (9a2ed15), closes #1535
- fix(error-messages): Fix bracket in notification message (#1526) (e0b4f52), closes #1526
- fix(preview): Fix highlighting text when performing click and drag (#1531) (2a3459d), closes #1531
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1525) (9659c47), closes #1525
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1527) (c8a71cc), closes #1527
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1528) (acb8faa), closes #1528
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1529) (585d367), closes #1529
- feat: update to react-intl 6 (#1524) (26a073f), closes #1524
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1523) (6e3a86d), closes #1523
- feat(pdfjs): upgrade pdf.js to 4.3.136 (#1517) (87d1b17), closes #1517
- fix(annotations): Fix annotation region in mobile (#1521) (d281190), closes #1521
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1520) (6af703f), closes #1520
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1522) (9eb6adc), closes #1522
- feat(error-messages): Update error messages in preview (#1519) (89fa483), closes #1519
- chore(readme): Update link to supported filetypes (#1516) (dced77d), closes #1516
- fix(polyfill): Remove IE11 polyfills (#1515) (978aadd), closes #1515
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1512) (a1aae25), closes #1512
- fix(build): Update package json build params (#1513) (e4e8733), closes #1513
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1465) (1dc284e), closes #1465
- feat(aci): use feature check for aci (#1508) (4616da7), closes #1508
- feat(error-codes): Add additional conversion error codes (#1511) (7bb420f), closes #1511
- feat(remote-sync): Enable remote syncing based on an API response (#1506) (11cfaa7), closes #1506
- fix(preview): remove overriding style (#1483) (01fb40a), closes #1483
- fix(pdf): fix disappearing form data (#1503) (401c8f4), closes #1503
- fix(preview): license readme updates (#1504) (b687e16), closes #1504
- feat(node-18-upgrade): Node 18 Upgrade (#1500) (e763af9), closes #1500
- fix(a11y): screen reader support for view only file preview (#1495) (9a0b4ab), closes #1495
- fix(pdf): Move controls layer above popup layer (#1499) (9598097), closes #1499
- feat(pdf): Move annotation marker styling back to sdk (#1498) (a6821cf), closes #1498
- feat(pdf): Move annotation styling to box-annotations (#1497) (07fccf2), closes #1497
- feat(node-18-upgrade): Node 18 Upgrade (#1491) (05f31b8), closes #1491
- feat(pdf): Fix commenting on expiring embed links (#1493) (b3c8b6f), closes #1493
- Revert "feat(node-18-upgrade): Node 18 Upgrade (#1491)" (#1494) (df8a3d5), closes #1491 #1494
- fix(preview): fix auto scroll issue with embed preview (#1492) (58f278f), closes #1492
- fix(a11y): replace instructions (#1488) (50ff7bb), closes #1488
- fix(a11y): video player thumbnail has no text alternative (#1486) (bd3935b), closes #1486
- fix(copy-paste-issue): PDFJS copy paste fix (#1489) (9625e46), closes #1489
- feat(pdf): Fix search and highlight + comment tooltip (#1490) (f937052), closes #1490
- feat(pdf): Upgrade Cypress for PDFjs update (#1482) (92758e6), closes #1482
- feat(pdf): Upgrade PDFjs version (#1485) (d81771d), closes #1485
- fix(e2e-tests): fixing hd video player test (#1484) (42a9eb8), closes #1484
- chore(sass): replace node-sass with sass (#1479) (46c63e9), closes #1479
- feat(feature-toggles): Add feature object to standardize feature toggles (#1477) (27792bb), closes #1477
- fix(e2e-tests): Update doc assets to 2.90 (#1478) (0f172a8), closes #1478
- fix(content-insights): events recurrent request issue (#1472) (7797b3e), closes #1472
- fix(version): revert package.json version (#1471) (5d01bb4), closes #1471
- chore(release): 2.91.0 (fd503db)
- feat(content-insights): Added ACI support to track per page time spent (#1455) (a05e504), closes #1455
- revert package.json change (#1469) (96b9198), closes #1469
- fix(pdf): fix for blurry/pixelated images (#1466) (b749108), closes #1466
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1447) (b111cf2), closes #1447
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1454) (7ebcd4e), closes #1454
- feat(annotations): Add annotations-only controls (#1446) (5150b0c), closes #1446
- feat(annotations): hide page steppers on small-medium widths (#1450) (fb500bd), closes #1450
- feat(annotations): remove thumbnail toggle on small modalities (#1449) (952a7bf), closes #1449
- feat(annotations): remove zoom ctrls on mobile (#1451) (7e92795), closes #1451
- feat(annotations): responsive media queries for annotations-only ctrls (#1448) (4385fbc), closes #1448
- feat(pdf): Update closure compiler to Babel (#1458) (9d35e22), closes #1458
- fix(fullscreen): fix fullscreen mode for ios/iphone combo (#1453) (8345f7b), closes #1453
- feat(viewer): remove traces of boxdicom support (#1438) (6c39352), closes #1438
- chore: Remove deprecated strict merge rules from mergify config (#1442) (1edbfff), closes #1442
- feat(viewer): Add support for disabling .boxdicom file type (#1436) (8b9a4a8), closes #1436
- feat(viewer): use unsupported file type error message for .boxdicom (#1437) (7af11c4), closes #1437
- fix(a11y): wrong focus selection on toggleFullscreen method (#1431) (8153de6), closes #1431
- fix(preview): Close color palette when tabbed out of the palette focus (#1435) (0a2b990), closes #1435
- fix(security): Upgrade axios to address security issues (#1433) (542243a), closes #1433
- fix(security): Upgrade webpack-dev-server to address security issues (#1434) (681624b), closes #1434
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1432) (3b22630), closes #1432
- ci(mergify): Add check for pull request title (#1430) (8964227), closes #1430
- Wrong focus on close findbar (#1429) (8b6aff7), closes #1429
- build(env): Upgrade node to v14 and yarn to v1.22 (#1427) (88c55d8), closes #1427
- fix(preview): Update supported indesign extensions (#1426) (9758340), closes #1426
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1423) (59bbd40), closes #1423
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1424) (a210418), closes #1424
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1425) (6f11969), closes #1425
- fix: add descriptive attributes (#1421) (01b497b), closes #1421
- fix(a11y): Add keyboard support for highlight comment flow (#1422) (5df2dd2), closes #1422
- fix(doc): Show IE11 banner for office online exts (#1420) (55df0a0), closes #1420
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1418) (0c37748), closes #1418
- feat(office): Preview PDF rep if using internet explorer (#1416) (c104cd2), closes #1416
- fix(ThumbnailsSidebar): A11Y - add aria-current to ThumbnailsSidebar (#1417) (75ede5e), closes #1417
- docs(pdfjs): Adding comment to upgrade script (#1415) (5c83224), closes #1415
- fix(pdfjs): Use allowlist for exporting font data (#1414) (8dea22e), closes #1414
- refactor(pdfjs): Copy assets from 2.16.0 to 2.76.0 (#1413) (ea95b91), closes #1413
- feat(dash): Add react version of filmstrip controls (#1408) (7fc29a3), closes #1408
- feat(preview): Add preview support for indesign file extensions (#1411) (762ac35), closes #1411
- feat(slider): Migrate to custom slider due to range input limitations (#1410) (19722e6), closes #1410
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1409) (e1d5280), closes #1409
- fix(controls): Add aria-expanded to sidebar toggle button (#1407) (9187577), closes #1407
- fix(controls): color correction on contols (#1402) (6291777), closes #1402
- fix(controls): Default to show CC (#1405) (68f8502), closes #1405
- fix(controls): Make badge part of SettingsToggle button (#1403) (ff7dbfb), closes #1403
- fix(dash): Disable Settings menu when HD is not available (#1406) (778e455), closes #1406
- feat(controls): Add Subtitles menu for Dash (#1400) (6d04ebc), closes #1400
- feat(controls): Add support for autogenerated captions (#1404) (7c59cb1), closes #1404
- perf(presentation): Improve presentation rendering performance in Safari (#1401) (2ffb42e), closes #1401
- test(e2e): Add more media settings tests for dash (#1399) (6be9662), closes #1399
- test(e2e): Add tests for basic Media Settings (#1398) (05db195), closes #1398
- chore: Add support for collections for start:dev (#1397) (4fa91c8), closes #1397
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1394) (8eb0597), closes #1394
- fix(model3d): Save defaults returned from metadata (#1392) (d027f10), closes #1392
- feat(annotations tooltip): Close on click outside to avoid UI issues (#1387) (9d76b1e), closes #1387
- feat(controls): Add React controls for Image360 (#1388) (09fadfa), closes #1388
- feat(controls): Audio tracks menu for Dash viewer (#1391) (688aa03), closes #1391
- feat(controls): Base React controls for Dash (#1390) (6954be0), closes #1390
- refactor(controls): Rename controls model3d -> box3d (#1389) (9604879), closes #1389
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1386) (725ae47), closes #1386
- feat(annotations tooltip): Add class for specific styles to element (#1385) (fd74923), closes #1385
- feat(annotations): fix annotations tooltip (#1383) (87e36b3), closes #1383
- feat(annotations): tooltip (#1364) (d030fe3), closes #1364
- feat(annotations): update mode if necessary for experiences (#1375) (a3eb40c), closes #1375
- feat(controls): Add Checkbox component for settings (#1376) (b103cd5), closes #1376
- feat(controls): Add react controls for mp4 viewer (#1374) (29a6487), closes #1374
- feat(controls): Add Settings menu to Model3D (#1377) (e37e30b), closes #1377
- feat(controls): Add VR button to Model3D controls (#1379) (d84e12d), closes #1379
- feat(model3d): Add flyout for animation clips (#1369) (09eefd9), closes #1369
- feat(model3d): Basic React controls (#1368) (528b065), closes #1368
- feat(settings): Add Dropdown component (#1373) (8b2044d), closes #1373
- fix(controls): Add forwardRef to Dropdown and Checkbox (#1381) (79fbd40), closes #1381
- fix(loading): Fix presentation performance issues in Big Sur Safari (#1382) (b6dd0da), closes #1382
- fix(model3d): Fix react controls to reset to defaults (#1384) (f305ea7), closes #1384
- chore(deps): Upgarde box-ui-elements to latest available version (#1380) (1bc9f6f), closes #1380
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1370) (8a83f34), closes #1370
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1372) (16a1dc4), closes #1372
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1378) (179decb), closes #1378
- refactor(media): Renaming MediaSetting to Settings (#1371) (3164ac3), closes #1371
- feat(documents): Add drop shadow for document pages and placeholders (#1367) (0a8f089), closes #1367
- fix(controls): Avoid showing focus styles for disabled controls (#1365) (f8e8b8b), closes #1365
- fix(thumbnails): Fix position of ContentPreview navigate button (#1366) (086752a), closes #1366
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1359) (91ce7e1), closes #1359
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1360) (0849f6e), closes #1360
- fix(thumbnails): Fix thumbnail widths in IE11 (#1361) (36fba31), closes #1361
- feat(loading): Update loading ux for pages, thumbnails, preloaders (#1355) (fa5dd30), closes #1355
- feat(thumbnails): Update document thumbnails to latest designs (#1357) (5e35537), closes #1357
- feat(toolbar): Update control toolbars to latest design (#1358) (b7ba972), closes #1358
- chore(deps): Remove unused dependencies (#1346) (dc46a48), closes #1346
- chore(deps): Upgarde box-ui-elements to latest available version (#1347) (910b8a3), closes #1347
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1351) (a80ab58), closes #1351
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1356) (9e5dc5d), closes #1356
- chore(loading): Remove sub-header progress bar experience (#1348) (c40435e), closes #1348
- fix(a11y): Add aria-label to DocFindBar input field (#1350) (e1ce28b), closes #1350
- fix(a11y): Add meaningful alt text to custom logo (#1352) (4e11fbe), closes #1352
- fix(a11y): Add meaningful alt text to image viewer (#1349) (fc9c662), closes #1349
- feat(loading): Update loading experience to latest designs (#1345) (5d248d5), closes #1345
- feat(controls): Add core media settings control components (#1340) (1d26190), closes #1340
- feat(controls): Add media settings control item components (#1341) (81ae0c4), closes #1341
- feat(controls): Add MP3 settings controls (#1343) (76f6e1a), closes #1343
- fix(dash): Mock shaka.polyfill.installAll (#1342) (fcbca02), closes #1342
- chore(deps): Upgrade React dependencies to v17 (#1334) (5de1252), closes #1334
- chore(deps): Move shaka-player update to 2.66.0 folder (#1337) (4153bbc), closes #1337
- chore(deps): Upgrade Shake Player to 3.0.8 (#1335) (68ec8b8), closes #1335
- feat(controls): Add Settings Controls icons (#1333) (46dc15a), closes #1333
- build(deps): Upgrade highlightjs to 9.18.1 (#1328) (4f70945), closes #1328
- build(deps): Upgrade Papaparse to 5.0.0 (#1330) (9e66b55), closes #1330
- build(deps): Upgrade remarkable to 2.0.1 (#1329) (df692c4), closes #1329
- fix(headers): Add support for case-insensitive http response headers (#1327) (5ec964e), closes #1327
- build: add manifest.json in third-party folders (#1325) (b2e64d8), closes #1325
- build: Add upgrade scripts for text assets (#1326) (95dd3f3), closes #1326
- build(highlightjs): Add upgrade script for highlightjs (#1324) (2fcae6a), closes #1324
- feat(controls): Add react version of mp3 controls behind option (#1302) (e437b13), closes #1302
- fix(controls): Center thumbnail toggle icon when visible (#1320) (4c33de0), closes #1320
- fix(drawing): Fix Safari doesn't focus and blur color picker button (#1321) (bd66999), closes #1321
- fix(thumbnails): Replace remove method that is unsupported in IE11 (#1323) (3c37b79), closes #1323
- fix(annotations): Fix user cannot tab to color picker (#1319) (e25ab79), closes #1319
- fix(drawing): show sub-shadow in color picker control button (#1318) (63f555c), closes #1318
- fix(annotations): Fix Palette doesn't close when blurred (#1317) (bd6413b), closes #1317
- fix(controls): Hide thumbnails toggle on small screens and fullscreen (#1313) (e34ee42), closes #1313
- fix(controls): Prevent controls from hiding when already unmounted (#1316) (c695342), closes #1316
- fix(drawing): emit color event when color picker is opened (#1315) (39bff92), closes #1315
- feat(controls): Add react versions of time and volume scrubbers (#1314) (800971a), closes #1314
- feat(controls): Cleanup legacy controls from non-media viewers (#1312) (e8a3c57), closes #1312
- fix(controls): Hide find and thumbnail toggles if options are disabled (#1311) (46df6e4), closes #1311
- fix(drawing): fix accessibility for color picker components (#1310) (97b18c6), closes #1310
- feat(annotations): Emit annotations color (#1309) (d1a9e08), closes #1309
- feat(controls): Add react versions of core media controls (#1308) (4adb425), closes #1308
- feat(drawing): add ColorPickerControl for images (#1307) (0f8d7d9), closes #1307
- Add annotation module (#1305) (3d2149e), closes #1305
- feat(controls): Add option for react controls to CSV viewer (#1306) (e34cc02), closes #1306
- feat(controls): Add react versions of existing media control icons (#1301) (3fc73a8), closes #1301
- feat(drawing): add color picker component (#1300) (30090ec), closes #1300
- test(cypress): Change access token for annotations access (#1303) (93f9e9e), closes #1303
- test(cypress): Change to new primary token (#1304) (f9b07fd), closes #1304
- chore(annotations): Remove highlight text option (#1294) (5ea6b2b), closes #1294
- chore(build): Add prepush script to run jest tests on push (#1297) (b88a215), closes #1297
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1298) (e582a2b), closes #1298
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1299) (8980493), closes #1299
- feat(annotations): add drawing button to preview controls (#1296) (f88ba0e), closes #1296
- fix(annotations): remove bp prefix from region cursor keys (#1295) (5856512), closes #1295
- feat(annotations): add ftux cursor logic (#1281) (b1a47b4), closes #1281
- feat(annotations): Update CSS pointer-events for drawing (#1293) (39eec82), closes #1293
- feat(controls): Add react version of annotations controls (#1291) (06c9084), closes #1291
- feat(controls): Add react versions of findbar and sidebar controls (#1288) (9426404), closes #1288
- feat(controls): Create new rotate control + add to image viewer (#1286) (17eac90), closes #1286
- feat(controls): Create react core controls for image viewers (#1285) (ede8e42), closes #1285
- feat(controls): Create react version of page controls (#1292) (20739ec), closes #1292
- fix(annotations): Fix AnnotationControlsFSM reset when fullscreen enter (#1287) (65763fe), closes #1287
- fix(zoom): Round scale before comparing against max and min values (#1290) (0dc7e65), closes #1290
- chore(settings): enable typescript format and validation (#1289) (e8ec68a), closes #1289
- feat(controls): Add react versions of core control components (#1282) (d00879d), closes #1282
- feat(controls): Add react versions of existing control icons (#1280) (43fe1d5), closes #1280
- feat(controls): Add react versions of fullscreen and zoom controls (#1283) (443746e), closes #1283
- feat(controls): Add react versions of text viewer controls (#1284) (3d9ef91), closes #1284
- feat(discoverability): Add instrumentation for annotation creation (#1275) (480a90d), closes #1275
- feat(react): Upgrade react and react-dom to ^16.9.0 (#1278) (0cbc74d), closes #1278
- fix(annotations): Select newly created annotation (#1276) (7f11114), closes #1276
- fix(office): Allow download of files via embedded links in Chrome (#1277) (281b9ab), closes #1277
- fix(pdf): Revert pdf.js to v2.2.228 due to font rendering issue (#1274) (741da26), closes #1274
- fix(discoverability): add getInitialAnnotationMode override (#1273) (b64d8fc), closes #1273
- feat(discoverability): add image cursor experience (#1270) (b42768a), closes #1270
- fix(annotations): Fix text blocked by old highlight selection background (#1272) (ce69954), closes #1272
- fix(annotations): move discoverability changes into DocBaseViewer (#1271) (cb26355), closes #1271
- fix(image): Remove unsupported svs file extension from image loaders (#1269) (24fd78d), closes #1269
- feat(pdf): Upgrade pdf.js to v2.6.347 and closure compiler to v20200719 (#1252) (296f23b), closes #1252
- test(jest): Convert the remaining 3D viewer unit tests to Jest (#1267) (907661d), closes #1267
- test(jest): Migrate all unit tests from Karma to Jest (#1264) (09e8d31), closes #1264
- fix(discoverability): set mode to REGION on escape key press (#1263) (e72a7c7), closes #1263
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1265) (9a81ad3), closes #1265
- feat(annotations): Disable highlight button if no download permission (#1253) (b3a72d6), closes #1253
- feat(annotations): Disable target pointer-events when explicit creation (#1262) (b2dcd45), closes #1262
- feat(annotations): Handle annotations creator status change event (#1254) (46aad4f), closes #1254
- feat(annotations): Hide PopupCursor in discovery default mode (#1259) (bf5bf17), closes #1259
- feat(annotations): Set region as default mode if discover FF is on (#1255) (9311be8), closes #1255
- feat(discoverability): add class to bp-content if FF is enabled (#1256) (c6e3379), closes #1256
- fix(annotations): Fix cursor when drawing region in default mode (#1261) (6b4f76d), closes #1261
- fix(discoverability): set mode to REGION instead of NONE (#1260) (6ccbb55), closes #1260
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1257) (b88eedc), closes #1257
- feat(annotations): Handle annotations staged change event (#1247) (37e7003), closes #1247
- feat(doc): Updated text selection color (#1245) (6ab482e), closes #1245
- feat(perf): Add support for document viewer performance options (#1249) (4047402), closes #1249
- chore(annotations): remove annotations_mode_change handling (#1251) (aa7f6f6), closes #1251
- feat(annotations): Handle mode change events (#1244) (bf74f86), closes #1244
- fix(office): Pass viewer options to loaders (#1243) (1e63d6c), closes #1243
- chore: get features from BoxAnnotations (#1241) (033668b), closes #1241
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1237) (3b134b4), closes #1237
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1238) (c8f8ba2), closes #1238
- feat(annotations): Add Highlight Text button in toolbar (#1236) (c0869fe), closes #1236
- feat(office): Add viewer option for max file size (#1235) (96942d6), closes #1235
- fix(image): Disallow creation of annotations on rotated images (#1232) (2e99220), closes #1232
- fix(image): Fix zoom for rotated image when annotations is enabled (#1231) (a9edcd4), closes #1231
- chore(resin): Add annotations resin tags (#1230) (6312e28), closes #1230
- fix(annotations): Fix region toggle button does not exit region mode (#1228) (e8b3cbb), closes #1228
- fix(controls): Fix background color position for region toggle button (#1229) (70747eb), closes #1229
- feat(annotations): Add support for image annotations (#1221) (94d52f5), closes #1221
- feat(annotations): Enable annotations for non-spreadsheet iWork files (#1227) (0b58d4d), closes #1227
- feat(annotations): Press Esc to exit annotations mode (#1226) (96786d5), closes #1226
- feat(annotations): Add annotator create event (#1219) (e9d21a0), closes #1219
- feat(annotations): scroll to annotation on load (#1224) (dd4195f), closes #1224
- fix(annotations): Scroll to presentation page only when necessary (#1223) (4b6ef6a), closes #1223
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1218) (178f245), closes #1218
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1216) (d7a066e), closes #1216
- fix(annotations): handle scrollToAnnotation in Preview (#1214) (ea523ae), closes #1214
- fix(annotator): Fail silently if annotator destroy call fails (#1215) (841cd5a), closes #1215
- fix(controls): stop event propagation from controls (#1210) (bd51261), closes #1210
- fix(controls): update region annotation icon (#1212) (699e859), closes #1212
- fix(annotations): Fix annotations control shows if no create permission (#1209) (57d9bb4), closes #1209
- fix(annotations): Fix annotations control shows if no permission (#1204) (4a97878), closes #1204
- fix(annotations): Sync set visibility event name (#1205) (b0c4a62), closes #1205
- fix(documents): Fix specificity issues with page styles in webapp (#1208) (19675be), closes #1208
- feat(annotations): add support for passed annotations options (#1206) (213f46d), closes #1206
- feat(permissions): Add checks for new permission values on file object (#1207) (1f7cda6), closes #1207
- feat(annotations): Disable annotations for excel and iWork formats (#1202) (05d665e), closes #1202
- feat(annotations): Support multiple annotations at a time (#1201) (976fa7b), closes #1201
- chore(tests): Add data-testid attribute to region toggle button (#1203) (5e79571), closes #1203
- feat(annotation): handle create event (#1199) (888b4ae), closes #1199
- feat(images): support multi-page jpg reps for tif files (#1197) (206350e), closes #1197
- chore(testing): allow data-testid in production (#1200) (f9f2c6b), closes #1200
- feat(annotations): Add region comment button in toolbar (#1183) (04ea830), closes #1183
- feat(annotations): Exit annotations mode when enter fullscreen (#1196) (c689e42), closes #1196
- feat(annotations): Hide annotation controls when fullscreen is active (#1188) (8b5126e), closes #1188
- feat(annotations): Hide annotations when fullscreen is active (#1195) (72471f6), closes #1195
- feat(annotations): Toggle region annotation mode (#1192) (a0c0827), closes #1192
- chore: enable annotations sourcemaps while linked (#1184) (45f92a5), closes #1184
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1186) (04970ee), closes #1186
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1191) (ff45da5), closes #1191
- chore(typescript): Fix wrong rootDir in tsconfig (#1194) (5c3f64b), closes #1194
- docs(license): Update license link to Box CLA (#1189) (7d925bb), closes #1189
- fix(controls): Remove controls wrapper (#1185) (14ed545), closes #1185
- chore(deps): Upgrade minimist to ^1.2.2 to address security issue (#1181) (c9b05aa), closes #1181
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1178) (31f65e5), closes #1178
- fix(log): Fix log not getting serialized properly (#1180) (e9b0c8e), closes #1180
- test(e2e): Remove the line checking error message in Thumbnails e2e test (#1179) (c3471f0), closes #1179
- chore(codeowners): Update codeowners to reflect new groups (#1175) (03f2fc2), closes #1175
- feat(annotations): Send react-intl strings to annotations (#1174) (715d77e), closes #1174
- fix(archive): Folders come before files when sorting (#1171) (4a618fe), closes #1171
- fix(archive): Reset vertical scroll when navigating folders (#1172) (b072491), closes #1172
- fix(archive): Fix inconsistent search bar style on mobile devices (#1165) (e058a8e), closes #1165
- fix(archive): Fix truncated breadcrumb when file name is too long (#1166) (13fe306), closes #1166
- fix(build): fix cmd to return correct codes (#1164) (7d9f4c8), closes #1164
- fix(build): guard for removing readme file (#1169) (245bab7), closes #1169
- fix(doc): Remove unnecessary http header for iOS (#1167) (664b73f), closes #1167
- fix(test): Fix archive e2e test due to default sort by Name (#1168) (041dd89), closes #1168
- chore(deps): Upgrade node and yarn version requirements (#1163) (da4c4ff), closes #1163
- fix(archive): Add default sort order (#1162) (c986852), closes #1162
- fix(archive): Fix blank screen when sorting (#1153) (5c6cc96), closes #1153
- fix(archive): Fix column misaligned in expiring embed (#1160) (be4b645), closes #1160
- fix(archive): Fix IE11 does not respect line-height (#1157) (56d0a94), closes #1157
- fix(archive): Fix inconsistent search cancel button in Expiring Embed (#1161) (dc2102d), closes #1161
- fix(archive): Fix table width not responsive (#1156) (0903343), closes #1156
- fix(archive): should not trigger search when input length is less than 2 (#1154) (9937133), closes #1154
- test(archive): Add e2e test (#1140) (6fd3ce3), closes #1140
- test(archive): Disable archive e2e tests temporarily (#1158) (a2e9052), closes #1158
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1152) (a23deeb), closes #1152
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1155) (471b4f2), closes #1155
- feat(archive): Add root folder (#1149) (c47e6b6), closes #1149
- feat(archive): Change column name to match Content Explorer (#1150) (9d3c468), closes #1150
- feat(archive): Change data parsing for new data format (#1145) (0ebd9ab), closes #1145
- feat(archive): Change folder size to '--' (#1144) (55c9044), closes #1144
- feat(archive): Fix virtualized table cannot scroll (#1146) (ea915b7), closes #1146
- feat(perf): Add new event to report modern performance metrics (#1138) (8f9d0a3), closes #1138
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1147) (f3b8b8a), closes #1147
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1148) (2106492), closes #1148
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1151) (7e4abd3), closes #1151
- chore(deps): Upgrade cypress to latest available version (#1139) (c79ce5f), closes #1139
- feat(archive): Add archive loader to prepare for conversion feature flip (#1137) (0250432), closes #1137
- feat(archive): Catch random errors in BoxArchive and throw preview error (#1142) (e83f0e8), closes #1142
- fix(test): Re-enable the e2e test due to conversion error (#1141) (320a709), closes #1141
- chore(archive): Add resin to ArchiveViewer (#1134) (40eab74), closes #1134
- chore(build): Add dry run option (#1116) (3c14e52), closes #1116
- chore(deps): Upgrade @box/frontend and related dev dependencies (#1135) (b3bc23f), closes #1135
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1115) (7472809), closes #1115
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1118) (43ae203), closes #1118
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1122) (5dadce5), closes #1122
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1125) (8abfb53), closes #1125
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1127) (15d60a7), closes #1127
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1131) (1671f64), closes #1131
- chore(release): Remove eval from release script (#1124) (415a1bc), closes #1124
- chore(tests): Clean up content in test file (8b91e80)
- chore(types): Add support for typescript and add types to api module (#1132) (0a4ed88), closes #1132
- fix(preloader): Fix preload experience for presentation viewer (#1129) (9fe2a25), closes #1129
- fix(test): Fix possible sanity test bug (#1117) (dc71bed), closes #1117
- fix(video): Change event type for setting up video element (#1133) (f99bf5a), closes #1133
- build(tests): Use cheaper source maps to speed up test compilation (#1130) (b840356), closes #1130
- feat(archive-viewer): add archive loader, viewer, and archive explorer (#1112) (6797c70), closes #1112
- feat(archive-viewer): Add breadcrumbs (#1119) (d09738f), closes #1119
- feat(archive-viewer): Add search (#1121) (2897851), closes #1121
- feat(archive): Add sortable columns to ArchiveExplorer (#1126) (477300a), closes #1126
- feat(archive): Add support for archive viewer internationalization (#1120) (b8c60e9), closes #1120
- feat(pdf): parse disableFontFace option from viewer options (#1128) (c38bac4), closes #1128
- fix(viewer): Annotations render correctly for presentation files (#1114) (990fb00), closes #1114
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1113) (7a31aff), closes #1113
- fix(find): Allow find input to receive focus upon find icon click (#1108) (8b31ec0), closes #1108
- fix(find): Find bar container should only be created when needed (#1104) (c42e02c), closes #1104
- fix(viewer): Set default size on SVG images if parsing fails in IE11 (#1105) (4b08683), closes #1105
- fix(zoom): Add zoom min/max limits for image and text files (#1107) (1e84a70), closes #1107
- fix(zoom): Simplify and minify zoom icons for better compatibility (#1111) (8d869db), closes #1111
- feat(icons): Update file icons to match latest design language (#1109) (c2d19fd), closes #1109
- feat(viewer): Add loading icons for raw image file extensions (#1110) (87177b7), closes #1110
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1106) (646c67b), closes #1106
- chore(controls): add e2e tests for toggle findbar and zoom (#1099) (b21c506), closes #1099
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1103) (035d424), closes #1103
- fix(find): Add tooltips and hover styles to find control buttons (#1102) (1558bc4), closes #1102
- fix(viewer): Find controls in PPT files update current page (#1101) (ff74694), closes #1101
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1095) (fcae150), closes #1095
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1098) (29e58b8), closes #1098
- fix(doc zoom): Move zoom control update to pagerender handler (#1097) (085131e), closes #1097
- refactor(controls): Adjusting the size of the grouped controls (#1096) (b04e7e6), closes #1096
- feat(docviewer): Toggle find bar control (#1088) (1cca56c), closes #1088
- feat(zoom controls): Restyle zoom controls (#1092) (a9e66bf), closes #1092
- fix(multiimage): Re-enable pan when zoomed in (#1094) (004db6c), closes #1094
- style(doc-find-bar): Misaligned in Chrome (#1093) (09508b3), closes #1093
- fix(mediaviewer): Refresh token if token expired (#1087) (a69c0aa), closes #1087
- feat(printing): Move print() to imageBase (a5a2b45)
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1083) (8c46793), closes #1083
- fix(download): show appropriate download error (#1081) (269c9ff), closes #1081
- chore(viewer): Enable GZIP for users in the US (#1082) (e7a427d), closes #1082
- docs(examples): Provide example for startAt option (#1080) (5011b81), closes #1080
- fix(viewer): Fix 3D viewer menu layout too narrow (#1078) (c01b1a8), closes #1078
- fix(text): Hide print content for users without download permission (#1076) (40a20ce), closes #1076
- feat(loader): Add support for previewing raw image file types (#1075) (1cae4d1), closes #1075
- chore(dashviewer): change video end metric to lag ratio (#1074) (9baf0b2), closes #1074
- feat(dashviewer): Video performance instrumentation (#1071) (ed492c1), closes #1071 #2
- fix(viewer): Pause audio instead of muting it if autoplay is prevented (#1068) (09b22cf), closes #1068
- fix(viewer): Re-enable support for range requests for most users (#1072) (83424d0), closes #1072
- fix(pdf): Enable pdf font conversion option for Safari user agents (#1070) (d83196c), closes #1070
- fix(preview): remove auto-preview experience (#1069) (ffb5854), closes #1069
- fix(viewer): Update volume icon after UI is loaded (#1066) (7c6a491), closes #1066
- chore: Re-enable running karma tests for a single test file (#1064) (d2deb4d), closes #1064
- chore(csv): Emit CSVViewer parse errors silently (#1062) (5bb3491), closes #1062
- chore(deps): Upgrade @box/frontend and associated dependencies (#1065) (e6071f7), closes #1065
- feat(errors): Show specific error for conversion failure (#1063) (effb263), closes #1063
- fix(csv): Avoid mutation in CSV viewer when sorting for column count (#1057) (4154bd3), closes #1057
- fix(csv): Base CSV viewer column count on longest row (#1056) (b2c8e61), closes #1056
- fix(images): Show UI earlier for large multi-page images (#1061) (a41eba7), closes #1061
- fix(pdf): Re-enable support for unverified signatures in PDF files (#1059) (da531a9), closes #1059
- feat(pdf): Update pdf.js to v2.2.228 and closure compiler to v20190729 (#1048) (44cd681), closes #1048
- chore(i18n): Update Translations (#1055) (734e3c0), closes #1055
- fix(find): Prevent loss of focus on content when find bar is closed (#1052) (0a210dd), closes #1052
- fix(viewer): Audio can muted autoplay if failed (#1054) (f55857e), closes #1054
- build(travis): Add libgconf addon to travis config for cypress tests (#1053) (28fd209), closes #1053
- fix(api): Add support for http interceptors (#1039) (fbe052b), closes #1039
- chore(deps): Upgrade to Babel 7 (#1047) (bad7359), closes #1047
- chore(deps): Upgrade to Webpack 4 (#944) (b8d6a85), closes #944
- chore(deps): Update Shaka Player to 2.5.3 (#1041) (9a4e663), closes #1041
- build(config): Switch to @box/frontend package for configs (#1043) (1b9cc8e), closes #1043
- build(release): Update conventional-github-releaser to latest (#1044) (522a489), closes #1044
- Chore: Add codeowners file to automatically request reviews (#1042) (ec3957d), closes #1042
- Fix: Add sharedLink header for autocad metadata (#1035) (1a2e4db), closes #1035
- Fix: Chrome Print Preview Fix (#1030) (0fee384), closes #1030
- Fix: Set dimensions for close button svg (#1032) (2c2d479), closes #1032
- Upgrade: Bump handlebars from 4.0.11 to 4.1.2 (#1033) (3ce93e6), closes #1033
- Chore: Update CLA link (#1031) (8717624), closes #1031
- Update Translations (85d67d3)
- Update Translations (4ed5e57)
- Update Translations (17cb8b8)
- Update Translations (#1018) (72eddb1), closes #1018
- Update Translations (#1022) (4f7a10c), closes #1022
- Update Translations (#1027) (58c6e0d), closes #1027
- Fix: Move notification to be child of preview content (#1019) (fde40a0), closes #1019
- Fix: OfficeViewer no pdfUrl for .xlsb files (c877dfa)
- Fix: Remove bg color for cc button on hover (#1025) (d41c05b), closes #1025
- Upgrade: Bump macaddress from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 (#1021) (f9aaf5e), closes #1021
- Upgrade: Bump stringstream from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (#1026) (49b1ce0), closes #1026
- New(preview): Adding preview with excel online for xlsb & xlsm files (#1001) (c6359cd), closes #1001
- Chore: Update autocad xref language (#1020) (8533e99), closes #1020
- Build: Add Mergify configuration (#1023) (5f10915), closes #1023
- New: Autocad svg (#1016) (a2508e6), closes #1016
- New: Emit metric when missing xrefs (#1015) (eca5b2c), closes #1015
- New: metadataAPI.js (#1010) (5e4de5f), closes #1010
- New: Show banner when doc has xrefs (#1013) (6f9fca7), closes #1013
- Update Translations (54b0eb9)
- Update Translations (#1014) (0f278dc), closes #1014
- Docs: Add fileOptions example (6b72ec9)
- Fix: Add type to preview buttons (155e0cc)
- Fix: Resize preview when thumbnails open (01c549b)
- Fix: updated error text for unsupported file types (#1002) (4f4a8f1), closes #1002
- Update Translations (a8a7d44)
- Update: Upgrade axios to address security vulnerability (#1003) (6bfb3c4), closes #1003
- Fix: Fix resize logic during preload and opening of thumbnails (2b72679)
- Fix: Prevent focus loss in IE when navigating thumbnails (685b4b5)
- Update: Support .dwg files in the DocumentViewer (#992) (6c8b630), closes #992
- Fix: Center video element and maintain its size and ratio (#995) (dd7a6ec), closes #995
- Fix: Keyboard shortcuts for thumbnails sidebar (62eb6ca)
- Chore: Update readme with new codepen domains (#996) (e1e03b7), closes #996
- Docs: Update self host instructions with new commands (#993) (adc2064), closes #993
- Fix: Avoid adding thumbnail sidebar classes if option is disabled (#990) (c5eac30), closes #990
- Fix: Load images via img elements to avoid CORS issues with XHRs (#988) (fa6e82a), closes #988
- Fix: Media controls now visible for videos in narrow window (#987) (753fc14), closes #987
- Fix: Show next/previous buttons for file collections in error viewer (#989) (ce3e834), closes #989
- Fix: Temporarily remove focus outline from scrollable content (a8e574b)
- Docs: Add comment around cypress auth (#985) (bd51d09), closes #985
- Update: Thumbnails default closed for single page docs (#984) (207140b), closes #984
- Update: emit thumbnailsOpen in DocBaseViewer (#977) (979a912), closes #977
- Update: Higher resolution thumbnails (#982) (975c1ee), closes #982
- Chore: Update script names to latest conventions (#981) (b9eae0a), closes #981
- Fix: Adding file nav button transition (#974) (3b09559), closes #974
- Fix: Allow scrollable viewers to accept keyboard input when focused (47eadd9)
- Fix: Check correct DOM element in 'checkDocumentLoaded()' (5e33773)
- Fix: Cleanup the thumbnail sidebar when preview errors (#976) (05fa0a2), closes #976
- Fix: On Thumbnails initial render, scroll item into view (#975) (55ad49d), closes #975
- Fix: Position bp-content left in fullscreen (#979) (2f191b8), closes #979
- Fix: Print poup and buffering DOM references (#980) (cbc57a1), closes #980
- Docs: update latest version in readme (c3830f9)
- Update: Open Preview Thumbnails by default (#971) (5be09ef), closes #971
- Fix: Fail intentionally when preview image files with deleted reps (#964) (f5c4de4), closes #964
- Fix: Handle failed document preload for deleted representations (#968) (0a1d0ef), closes #968
- Fix: Hide thumbnails in mobile portrait (#967) (8d5cbb8), closes #967
- Fix: Keyboard navigation should only focus meaningful elements (#970) (cb6fe25), closes #970
- Fix: Thumbnail navigation now animates correctly in IE11 (#972) (cf53a79), closes #972
- Update: Add hover state to thumbnails (#965) (096b183), closes #965
- Update: Wider thumbnails (#963) (6f2200a), closes #963
- Fix: Fail gracefully when previewing a doc with deleted reps (#962) (d8cd848), closes #962
- Chore: Add e2e Thumbnail tests for large doc (#959) (6557229), closes #959
- Chore: Add test for internal presentation links (#951) (ebb6e75), closes #951
- Chore: Text Viewer e2e tests (#958) (eadedf1), closes #958
- Fix: Get response as text from axios (#957) (68fa4d1), closes #957
- Fix: Only execute viewer setup if not already setup (#955) (8c2b193), closes #955
- Update: Animate Thumbnails Sidebar transition (#948) (5616b74), closes #948
- Update: Thumbnails Sidebar dark mode (#952) (f2da5da), closes #952
- Update Translations (#956) (eb3dbfd), closes #956
- Fix: DownloadReachability regex (#950) (9cb9f7c), closes #950
- Fix: Fix internal presentation links (#946) (e575a89), closes #946
- Chore: Update test file location (#949) (904d452), closes #949
- Update Translations (#947) (7e3b86c), closes #947
- Update: Moving thumbnail page numbers (#943) (3a48a14), closes #943
- Chore: Address Security updates (#945) (98c585a), closes #945
- Chore: Downgrade annotations to 2.3.0 (#941) (1af4c75), closes #941
- Chore: Replace loading doc loading animation with a GIF (#923) (35fb9f7), closes #923
- Fix: Apply new loading GIF to presentations (#938) (f0507bb), closes #938
- Fix: Do not destroy fullscreen on viewer destroy (#935) (adca14f), closes #935
- Fix: Manually dispatch scroll event (#940) (8954639), closes #940
- Fix: Remove .bp-content outline (#933) (a523125), closes #933
- Fix: Use pointer for Thumbnails cursor (#936) (a53d450), closes #936
- Update Translations (#934) (3121a48), closes #934
- Update Translations (#942) (bf9c94f), closes #942
- Upgrade: Migrate from whatwg-fetch to axios for all requests (#939) (fb76b13), closes #939
- New: Thumbnails Sidebar (#932) (4d3ecc3), closes #932
- Fix: Fullscreen classes are now removed when pressing escape (#927) (66ed344), closes #927
- Chore(metrics): add new timer for full preview load time tracking (#922) (7da1899), closes #922
- Fix: Prevent overwrite of cached page on presentation preview init (#916) (9256dcc), closes #916
- Upgrade: Upgrade box-annotations to v3.10.0 (#918) (214e366), closes #918
- Chore: Add preload metric to Document viewers (#907) (f4956aa), closes #907
- Chore: Add support for integration testing with Cypress (#909) (68e962e), closes #909
- Chore: Adding Cypress tests to cover existing functional tests (#912) (0093c93), closes #912
- Chore: Downgrade annotations to 2.3 (#914) (bdef1a3), closes #914
- Chore: removing functional tests (#913) (c2f5d97), closes #913
- Chore: track encoding type for documents (#911) (d2a0e46), closes #911
- Fix: Display bullets for unordered list in markdown previews (#910) (a18002b), closes #910
- Fix: Prevent Annotations errors from triggering a Preview failure (#904) (0db8b4b), closes #904
- Fixing self hosting instructions (#905) (72bf820), closes #905
- Updating README to latest release (0c93444)
- Update: box-annotations to v3.7.1 (#897) (8e2fb91), closes #897
- Chore: Add webpack-dev-server to support local development (#902) (568842c), closes #902
- Chore: Improve fullscreen logic to use fscreen for compatibility (#903) (aa13d00), closes #903
- Chore: upgrade node-sass to 4.9.3, to match other projects (#899) (3b7f40a), closes #899
- Chore: Upgrade deps and scripts to work with node 10 (#893) (279fc2e), closes #893
- Chore: Upgrade to React 16.7 (#895) (06c9a31), closes #895
- Update: Continuous progress bar through retries (#883) (6782e47), closes #883
- Chore: change functional tests to use puppeteer (#881) (725ca3d), closes #881
- Chore: Copy doc assets to new bundle (#872) (acce333), closes #872
- Chore: Downgrade annotations to 2.3.0 (#873) (fc61785), closes #873
- Chore: Remove nsp (#878) (7a3030d), closes #878
- Fix: Add NodeList.forEach polyfill for IE (#869) (8f3a024), closes #869
- Fix: Don't wait when rep status is none (#871) (893e724), closes #871
- Mojito: Update translations (#865) (258f3f5), closes #865
- Chore: Update media player docs to reflect userInitiated change (#870) (1a71790), closes #870
- Update: box-annotations to 3.3.0 (#867) (712a3db), closes #867
- Chore: Emit pause event with flag if initiated by user (#861) (8d7091c), closes #861
- Fix: Better error message for file of unknown type (#862) (de1246a), closes #862
- Fix: Downgrade annotations to 2.3.0 (#866) (0589f23), closes #866
- Fix: Focus on correct element when entering fullscreen in Firefox (#864) (3d7cf79), closes #864
- Update: box-annotations to v3.2.0 (#863) (18b7832), closes #863
- New: Enable PDF Signatures in PDF.js (#853) (15fc355), closes #853
- Chore: Remove outline from preview container (#860) (5d9415e), closes #860
- Update: box-annotations to v3.1.0 (#859) (64c5806), closes #859
- Fix: Add tabindex to preview container (#858) (a37fdb7), closes #858
- Chore: Add test to check PDFjs headers to avoid preflight (#855) (d8077f5), closes #855
- Chore: Enable PDF signatures in future builds of PDF.js (#852) (4d61afa), closes #852
- Chore: Upgrade Box Annotations to v3.0.0 (#856) (3d4bd9e), closes #856
- Fix: Prevent extra multi image page padding added by preview consumers (#854) (3f8ee16), closes #854
- Update: box-annotations to v2.3.0 (#851) (ed4d81e), closes #851
- Fix: Adding annotations back to MultiImageViewer (#847) (6e0ecb0), closes #847
- Fix: Pass shaka data to error detail so it can be logged (#848) (8fdd344), closes #848
- Fix: resize preload in document viewer (#850) (d29afa6), closes #850
- Chore: Moving header into container (#849) (9528761), closes #849
- Update: adding the headerElement option to Preview.show (#846) (70eae04), closes #846
- New: Add gzip encoding param to pdf reps (#845) (5137a01), closes #845
- Fix: Check to see if viewers want to show annotations (#843) (2aa9914), closes #843
- Mojito: Update translations (#830) (bdb45e9), closes #830
- Fix: add min-width to video (#839) (b655d90), closes #839
- Fix: navigation buttons shouldn't cover scrollbar (#838) (55b4d8e), closes #838
- Chore: Allow load metrics emission without file info (#828) (863be29), closes #828
- New: Adding NodeJS version check to Release script (#834) (f28558c), closes #834
- Chore: Adding find bar metrics (#835) (15f6984), closes #835
- Fix: Preview should not auto focus itself unless told to do so (#833) (d5ce4ef), closes #833
- Revert "Release: 1.49.0" (#831) (acb4523), closes #831
- Revert "Release: 1.49.0" (#832) (9bcf3c0), closes #832
- Release: 1.49.0 (32e2c1d)
- Release: 1.49.0 (47cf6f4)
- Fix: Display correct error when handling an asset error (#829) (2f70273), closes #829
- Chore: Support auto captions in legacy and edited captions (#825) (7b23933), closes #825
- Fix: Fix scenario where skills are present with no transcript (#824) (26b8c9b), closes #824
- Revert "Release: 1.47.0" (#822) (b4fd3ac), closes #822
- Revert "Upgrade: packages (#813)" (#823) (b3f1421), closes #813 #823
- Release: 1.47.0 (2953369)
- Mojito: Update translations (#812) (f557e5e), closes #812
- Mojito: Update translations (#818) (6a17036), closes #818
- Mojito: Update translations (#821) (f8a5205), closes #821
- Fix: Downgrade optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin package (#819) (a3391a9), closes #819
- Fix: Flaky ImageViewer test (#811) (7ac4797), closes #811
- New: Auto-generated captions (#816) (a5cd36f), closes #816
- Build: Hide rsync file list (#815) (e1e4b57), closes #815
- Upgrade: packages (#813) (d865b59), closes #813
- Fix: Retry logic (#808) (906d47a), closes #808
- Add docs for token generator function (#807) (8791f4e), closes #807
- Update README.md (35b2462)
- Mojito: Update translations (#806) (18b5fde), closes #806
- Mojito: Update translations (#809) (2a83b31), closes #809
- Update: box-annotations to v2.2.0 (#804) (bc61f9f), closes #804
- Fix: Preview well-formed file in offline (fixes #793) (#799) (fac6e9c), closes #793 #799 #793
- Fix: Show file undownloadable error for cached previews (#802) (29318d8), closes #802
- Fix: video controls are cut off (#801) (bab0c98), closes #801
- Chore: update codeceptjs dependencies (#795) (78daa71), closes #795
- Update: box-annotations to v2.0.1 (#798) (20023dc), closes #798
- Update: box-annotations to v2.1.0 (#803) (0826bf9), closes #803
- Fix: Add HEIC to image icon list (#800) (736966e), closes #800
- New: Enable HEIC preview (#796) (b80833a), closes #796
- Update: box-annotations to v2.0.0 (#797) (678bd85), closes #797
- Chore: Move access token to environment variable (#785) (2f446cc), closes #785
- Chore: Update issue templates (#791) (a5533cc), closes #791
- Update issue templates (#792) (2124b3c), closes #792
- Fix: Correct media settings checkmark icon color on hover (#790) (708082a), closes #790
- Update: box-annotations to v1.6.0 (#789) (f3ea47c), closes #789
- Fix: Embedded notes in Box WebApp (#788) (223c0b8), closes #788
- Fix: Guard session/local storage usage in download reachability (#784) (65ec0b5), closes #784
- Chore: Adding preview end and download attempt metrics (#781) (8166c25), closes #781
- Chore: Round timer values to integers (#786) (740181c), closes #786
- Update: box-annotations to v1.5.0 (#783) (097fe86), closes #783
- Chore: build tweaks to remove stages to speed up cron (#766) (5de7093), closes #766
- Chore: functional test running tweaks (#767) (c3ea1e6), closes #767
- Chore: improve functional test reliability by unhiding controls (#777) (67d8e8c), closes #777
- Chore: Refactor functional tests (#774) (10d7cba), closes #774
- Chore: Refactor Timer to allow a reset of multiple tags (#778) (4f2f577), closes #778
- Chore: update timeouts for saucelabs for hanging builds (#780) (95f9fd4), closes #780
- Fix: .bp-page-num-input CSS (#779) (31265d8), closes #779
- New: Navigation arrows now remain visible when focused (#775) (6f4af87), closes #775
- Update: box-annotations to v1.3.1 (#765) (60e2af4), closes #765
- Update: box-annotations to v1.4.0 (#776) (d72f75c), closes #776
- Chore: Add rep_type to logs (#773) (5142e45), closes #773
- Mojito: Update translations (#771) (bd2e74f), closes #771
- Docs: Update functional tests README.md (#768) (5ed871e), closes #768
- Revert "Fix: Add blend mode fallbacks if not supported (#758)" (#769) (b80dafc), closes #758 #769
- Update: box-annotations to v1.3.0 (#764) (77bb4cc), closes #764
- Update: Issue template (#762) (23a0059), closes #762
- Fix: Add blend mode fallbacks if not supported (#758) (95def3b), closes #758
- Fix: release script (#757) (203e55d), closes #757
- Fix: Remove use of manifest loaded event (#763) (99edac8), closes #763
- Fix: Revert media duration setting to on loadeddata (#759) (df798d1), closes #759
- Mojito: Update translations (#755) (94e605f), closes #755
- Update: box-annotations to v1.2.0 (#756) (9a2fd61), closes #756
- Chore: Add nsp package and include with CI build (#748) (f3b83d6), closes #748
- Chore: Only reset to upstream/master for major/minor releases (#750) (aa2b8ab), closes #750
- Docs: Updating issue template (#753) (a90bc73), closes #753
- Fix: presentation viewer keyboard shortcuts (#754) (9014bad), closes #754
- Fix: Retain quality setting when setting/switching audio tracks (#720) (adc84e1), closes #720
- Fix: Download watermarked (#746) (de4475d), closes #746
- Fix: Only check flash for SWF files (#747) (85b8ee4), closes #747
- Update: box-annotations to v1.1.1 (#751) (8b267aa), closes #751
- Chore: Remove unused babel-polyfill (#737) (85f6d7e), closes #737
- Chore: Use key decoder from box react ui to prevent duplication (#749) (575821f), closes #749
- Update: box-annotations to v1.1.0 (#744) (03e889c), closes #744
- Chore: Add header for pdf compression (#591) (ad97a90), closes #591
- Chore: Cleanup docs (#743) (a902138), closes #743
- Chore: document controls functional tests + improve reliability (#716) (67e1b71), closes #716
- Chore: enable eslint for unit tests (#738) (234feb0), closes #738
- Mojito: Update translations (#736) (42b9fb6), closes #736
- Mojito: Update translations (#742) (98c7c4c), closes #742
- Fix: Cleanup baseViewer.hasAnnotationPermissions() and tests (#685) (daa8e86), closes #685
- Fix: display error when previewing flash and not enabled (#733) (794a053), closes #733
- Fix: Document controls functional tests (#735) (c914237), closes #735
- Fix: document findbar no longer ignores useHotkeys (#724) (4e0bddc), closes #724
- Fix: fix functional tests (#734) (d0f7a34), closes #734
- Fix: parse options during show instead of after token response (#725) (312c300), closes #725
- Fix: Reduce WebGL checks to reduce instances of Rats! error (#728) (f2b389f), closes #728
- New: Enable Preview support for iWork file types (#741) (8039f1d), closes #741
- Docs: Watermarking preferences (#729) (626ccfa), closes #729
- Update: box-annotations to v1.0.0 (#727) (272038c), closes #727
- Mojito: Update translations (#726) (ea62af8), closes #726
- New: Watermarking preferences (#721) (a49f234), closes #721
- Use correct property for handle viewer event (#722) (61fa208), closes #722
- Fix: Allow annotation text to be selectable (#719) (929e5bf), closes #719
- Docs: Fix docs for prefetchViewers() (#718) (f656064), closes #718
- Update: box-annotations to v0.16.0 (#717) (8763a4a), closes #717
- Update: Uppercase unsupported file types (#710) (b3ddc6a), closes #710
- Fix: Avoid use of Number.isFinite() (#711) (0f31aee), closes #711
- Fix: HD gear icon when manually changing quality (#706) (7c27360), closes #706
- Fix: startAt should disable document preload (#714) (8c38180), closes #714
- Chore: Add util tests and fix file tests (#709) (1102077), closes #709
- Chore: Adding download reachability checks to other viewers (#705) (ac73b92), closes #705
- Chore: update status for jobs in saucelabs (#713) (d133dc0), closes #713
- Chore: Use box-locales to get the locale list (#708) (cac7279), closes #708
- Mojito: Update translations (#707) (14de771), closes #707
- Mojito: Update translations (#712) (7da455b), closes #712
- Create load timeout error and guard trigger error (#693) (8f66050)
- Chore: add unit test for prefetching actual viewers (#692) (a7fc08c)
- Chore: Adding download reachability checks to Downloads, Document and Image Viewers (#669) (6468d63)
- Chore: support for numeric file id (#695) (040d148)
- Chore: use handViewerMetrics() to log successful/failed preview (#700) (621ab20)
- Fix: move startAt from constructor to setup (#690) (164e036)
- Fix: Polyfill Reflect.construct and Array.from for IE11 (#694) (3f136a7)
- Fix: Preview error viewer in platform and IE11 (#696) (cc09a61)
- Fix: Removing reliance on String includes (#699) (6724275)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.15.0 (#704) (b1a0e03)
- Upgrade: shaka player to 2.3.3 (#703) (de8d73f)
- New: timestamp unit for startAt (#691) (79ec9da)
- Mojito: Update translations (#697) (4d43624)
- Mojito: Update translations (#701) (bd97236)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.14.0 (#689) (b789807)
- Update: Change undownloadable error message (#681) (fea0cbe)
- Update: Modify file info retry logic (#675) (565f675)
- Mojito: Update translations (#683) (aeae547)
- Mojito: Update translations (#688) (d13b39b)
- New: startAt file option support for media and document viewers (#663) (34e7e37)
- Fix: Downgrade pdf.js (#687) (018f71c)
- Fix: filmstrip on previously played video (#680) (d701f65)
- Chore: Adding yarn install before common package.json scripts (#682) (5e8bacc)
- Chore: Allow viewers to emit metrics (#679) (4ed0168)
- Chore: Refactor preview errors (#674) (ee559fc)
- Release: 1.31.0 (be3d597)
- Release: 1.32.0 (18add25)
- Mojito: Update translations (#656) (8f823e0)
- Mojito: Update translations (#672) (45e17df)
- Update: Add un-downloadable error case (#667) (28a64aa)
- Update: Rename
option tofixDependencies
(#631) (77fa2e2) - Chore: change travis notifications (#661) (efe8b04)
- Chore: modify email for travis notifications (#664) (120adc9)
- Chore: pass file id to RepStatus for easier timers (#660) (6bfb193)
- Chore: update readme and changlog to reflect correct versions (#671) (f5bbc39)
- Fix: define check (#668) (2edc0ff)
- Fix: markdown ul and ol css overrides (#651) (822a98c)
- Upgrade: pdf.js 2.0.363 (#659) (754faa4)
- Upgrade: Shaka Player 2.3.2 (#657) (58f15cf)
- Revert "Chore: modify email for travis notifications (#664)" (#666) (1a5c04b)
- Docs: Add documentation for singlePageViewer (#662) (78a0b52)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.13.0 (#655) (ebeb0fc)
- New: Emit preview metric and error messages (#648) (d5606d1)
- Revert "Chore: Add download reachability checks to Document and Image viewers (#611)" (#654) (ddcbdbb)
- Mojito: Update translations (#642) (ad4a4ff)
- Mojito: Update translations (#652) (fa6e736)
- Chore: add config for saucelabs naming (#638) (beee7ea)
- Chore: Add download reachability checks to Document and Image viewers (#611) (dd259b0)
- Chore: add promise polyfill to functional tests (#644) (6671431)
- Chore: add retries to functional tests (#646) (fe5ebdc)
- Chore: change functional tests to keep browser state between tests (#645) (e68af74)
- Chore: functional test framework using CodeceptJS (#628) (8cab696)
- Chore: modify browser in codecept config (#643) (ce3d50c)
- Chore: Removing soon to be deprecated JWT addon in travis (#637) (46d7720)
- Chore: Replace slack notifications with email (#649) (8d8cb0a)
- Chore: update functional tests to add mobile tag (#639) (9d2e5be)
- Chore: update node version in development setup (#635) (48ae594)
- Chore: update travis config for saucelabs (#647) (c15c454)
- Fix: remove filesystem helper from codecept config (#636) (fd1fc62)
- Update: Add annotation button strings for localizing (#623) (ed63a02)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.11.1 (#620) (149f1b6)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.12.0 (#632) (be4a532)
- Chore: No longer silently handle errors in callbacks (#626) (7d4146b)
- Chore: Refactor lodash (#627) (e6297a7)
- New: Add in SinglePageViewer for pdfs (#606) (1ad415c)
- New: Option to disable
event log (#630) (79c0290), closes #471 - New: Support previews of non-current file versions (#608) (e7e154c), closes #570
- Fix: Annotations upgrade script (#613) (9d086a9)
- Fix: Bind close method in DocFindBar (#615) (faac9c0), closes #615
- Fix: Generate i18n json files before running prod webpack build (#616) (fbdeb78)
- Fix: No longer account for header above notification wrapper (#621) (d29f320)
- Fix: use getBoundingClientRect in settings menu to prevent scrollbar when zoomed (#622) (943269c)
- Mojito: Update translations (#625) (01b7d83)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.11.0 (#612) (cb281a6)
- Chore: Add safety check in util.replaceHeader() (#610) (3a47c2e)
- Chore: Allow notifications to persist (#605) (e8992c7)
- Chore: remove useless event unbinding (#604) (618f106)
- Fix: Image viewer flickering in IE11 during reset zoom (#594) (d43094f)
- Fix: Prevent navigation on empty collections (#607) (217fbce)
- Mojito: Update translations (#602) (fd711bb)
- Event names into separate file (#589) (3805904)
- Fix settings menu title cut off by scrollbar (#599) (cdb627e), closes #599
- Update README.md (e590ff9)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.10.0 (#601) (a2397ce)
- Fix: Disable annotations if user has neither annotate nor view permissions (#598) (d8c4ebd)
- Fix: mobile audio controls overlap with navigation (#590) (a7ed4fc)
- Fix: Properly binding imageViewer.updatePannability() (#600) (e18aeb6)
- Docs: Add self-hosting instructions to README.md (#597) (56cbb11)
- Mojito: Update translations (#596) (fd635b2)
- New: Specific error messages for unsupported/tariff restricted files (#593) (941070e)
- Update: Annotations upgrade script to push to new remotes if needed (#566) (1422ba0)
- Update: Filter out access tokens from error messages (#581) (afc0844)
- Update: Respect 'Retry-After' header if present (#582) (2b6fa14)
- Fix: Check correct options when passing in BoxAnnotations instance (#584) (30e171e)
- Fix: Ensure only loading wrapper is interactable preview container (#583) (eba78eb)
- Fix: fullscreen controls not shown in IE11 (#588) (e3d0f5c)
- Fix: Set up notification in Preview.finishLoading() (#579) (efd0621), closes #563
- Fix: Temporarily disable requireJS if specified to load 3rd party deps (#561) (3f26c81)
- Update README.md (#568) (27d3972)
- New: Enhanced pinch to zoom (#567) (b59b453)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.8.1 (#575) (1f98c92)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.9.0 (#578) (c1bdd28)
- Mojito: Update translations (#574) (5689492)
- Chore: Setup viewer notifications in the correct location (#563) (2b37a36)
- New: Add preview support for Google Slides (#302) (f914930)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.7.2 (#558) (0fb95c1)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.7.3 (#559) (8c1f6a7)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.8.0 (#565) (df38a05)
- Update: Link to specific Annotations release tag in commit (#564) (907599b)
- Chore: Add safety check for annotatorConfig (#554) (c1f0bc0)
- Chore: setOriginalImageSize() for multi image viewer (#547) (697b03c)
- Fix: Auto hide scrollbars for CSV on IE/Edge (#546) (9509619)
- Fix: Never cache watermarked files, add reload() method (#562) (3302906)
- Fix: Add bindings for more audio-track and subtitles controls (#550) (2028939)
- Fix: Rename "watermark-cache" query param to "watermark_content" (#557) (a8639a9)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.7.1 (#555) (00fd0cb)
- Chore: Update documentation to include disabling presentation viewer (#552) (0c47805)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.7.0 (#545) (414113a)
- Update: Do not prefetch for mp4 and mp3 viewers (#536) (f5e487f)
- Fix: build-rb required before building ci (#538) (85215b5)
- Fix: Building preview before running tests (#537) (a0e4e0c)
- Fix: Validate passed in boxAnnotations is instance of the proper type (#542) (3a1ae72)
- New: Allow BoxAnnotations to be passed in as a Preview option (#539) (e3281cf)
- Chore: Add multiple travis steps so we can run UI tests in a 'cron' case (#532) (65e35f1)
- Chore: add slack notifications for failed cron jobs (#541) (a2763af)
- Chore: Add tests for annotationsLoadHandler (#540) (ae68bcb)
- Chore: Increasing wait time and test timeouts (#535) (2220c1c)
- Chore: Lazy load annotations using new chunk (#516) (062ea38)
- Fix: Bind download function in Preview.js (#520) (359abcf)
- Fix: Enable HD settings only if HD rep is available (#495) (e4302e3)
- Fix: Fix inheritance and add bindings for controls options (#523) (942329d), closes #523
- Fix: Only remove the timeupdate listener if it has been bound before (#525) (5c8dffa)
- Fix: Properly bind download button in PreviewErrorViewer (#527) (122e0c9)
- Fix: Revert source-map change to fix imported values (#530) (66c71b1), closes #530
- Update: box-annotations to v0.5.1 (#524) (518f42b)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.6.0 (#531) (1f26be5)
- Update: Sinon to v4.1.2 & remove deprecated methods from tests (#529) (b1596ee)
- Mojito: adding Bengali, Hindi and Latin America Spanish (#526) (96916a6)
- Mojito: Update translations (#515) (5503738)
- Chore: Change webpack source maps to 'inline-cheap-source-map' (#513) (fc71416)
- Chore: only use source maps when running unit tests in debug mode (#514) (06e390d)
- Chore: extract file loading icons to be used globally throughout preview (#490) (ec2fc3b)
- Chore: Remove autobind for Office and Media files (#505) (0ecfd5e)
- Chore: Remove autobind from 3d controls (#508) (5aa3bc8)
- Chore: Remove autobind from 3d viewers (#503) (411f319)
- Chore: Remove autobind from BaseViewer (#502) (6d534be)
- Chore: Remove autobind from DocFindBar (#510) (2a750e7)
- Chore: Remove autobind from Document and Presentation Viewers (#507) (cd3c67e)
- Chore: Remove autobind from error viewer (#506) (4fd7eda)
- Chore: Remove autobind from text viewers (#511) (a2b93fd)
- Chore: Remove autobind-decorator (#519) (146f55c)
- Chore: Removing autobind from Preview.js (#500) (6d61b9d)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.3.1 (#489) (a9580a6)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.4.0 (#497) (808270b)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.5.0 (#518) (ef82f49)
- Remove autobind from image viewers (#501) (3b596b0)
- Fix: BaseViewer debounced resize handler binding (#509) (32f3c9a)
- Fix: Cachebust original representation URL (#493) (2005863)
- Fix: fix full screen overflow on Windows Chrome (#491) (eee1525), closes #491
- Fix: Media player control menus show scrollbars during transition (#494) (80e07c6)
- Fix: Presentation preloading scales without max (#487) (11b2277)
- Fix: Properly remove transitionend handler (#499) (79b4576)
- Fix: Remove unhandled errors from unit tests (#498) (2e71743)
- Fix: Reset retry count after successful preview (#488) (a8f66ed)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.2.1 (#479) (1229c0e)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.3.0 (#485) (a786dfe), closes #21 #21
- Update: Disable pdf.js streaming (#483) (5a062c1)
- New: Updated file icons (#484) (25d7840)
- Fix: Correctly revoke objectURL for print blob in office viewer (#482) (bc12c53)
- Fix: Simplify video resize logic (#480) (b666605)
- Fix: toggleannotationmode event to trigger the right method (#478) (f27bb07)
- Mojito: Update translations (#458) (28fa161)
- Upgrade: pdf.js v2.0.104 (#474) (a86618f)
- Update: npm packages to latest versions (#472) (26e8d7b)
- Update: box-annotations to v0.2.0 (#477) (a7ffbb8)
- Chore: Temporarily disable functional tests (#476) (bafb699)
- Chore: Update LICENSE to generic Box SDK license (#437) (619e2dd)
- Fix: es-MX clean-up (We'll be using es-419 instead) (#457) (e78cf06)
- Fix: Instant Preview when thumbnail is pending (#473) (a2f4f8b)
- New: Add script to upgrade box-annotations version in Preview (#468) (7de9e4a)
- New: Support preview of JSON files (#467) (e758871)
- New: Find method for documents (#460) (3a0b868)
- New: Make findBar optional (#438) (3ea11cc)
- New: Update BaseViewer to use box-annotations npm package (#459) (4f71ab2)
- Fix: Fix fullscreen icon for video (#456) (ef5614a), closes #456
- Fix: update autoplay behavior (#461) (c4778f8)
- Chore: Removing annotations from Box-Content-Preview (#451) (fa7855e)
- Chore: Removing annotations README.md (#462) (bdbb75a)
- Mojito: Update translations (#452) (9b7bbb7)
- Mojito: Update translations (#454) (fcd3aad)
- New: add autoplay to media viewers (#433) (10982de)
- New: Added enabledTypes property. Backwards compat for disabledTypes (#439) (15a7712)
- New: Enable 360 video on desktop Safari (#445) (62a67f9)
- Fix: Annotations cleanup (#449) (e8f6fd3)
- Fix: controller.handleAnnotationEvent() not bound correctly (#448) (b11f2dd)
- Fix: Don't revoke print URL if it doesn't exist (#444) (9f06212)
- Fix: Don't show notification on draw mode exit (#447) (43422e4)
- Fix: Fix draw selection and related bugs (#440) (6a667f1), closes #440
- Fix: Setting innerHTML in annotatorUtil.generateButton() (#446) (4035d8e)
- Chore: Add JSDoc for Emit wrapper (#442) (360989d)
- Chore: Passing localized strings into annotations (#441) (0ae1c47)
- New: Adding README.md for Annotations codebase + cleanup (#420) (7df251e)
- Revert "Chore: Temporarily allow draw annotations to be enabled via config (#416)" (#434) (09c279d)
- New: Disable right click when user does not have download permissions (#427) (b3a6407)
- Fix: Prevent preview from erroring if listener callback errors (#425) (ed0efb8)
- Fix: Prevent SVGs from depending on CSS for sizing (#426) (86072bd)
- Fix: Remove draw annotations flag (#436) (87a3278)
- Fix: Use local storage to cache media settings (#432) (e26e323)
- Chore: Add more detail to shaka error logging (#435) (aa14549)
- Fix: Ensure we are displaying a valid error string (#414) (ec908ba)
- Fix: Turn off rendering interactive forms (#430) (99bdf48)
- Fix: Only call setOriginalImageSize() on single page images (#394) (8f1cc35)
- Fix: Prevent canvas flickering on tap for mobile safari (#418) (14322b8)
- Fix: Prevent unnecessary draw code from executing (#421) (d6cdcf9)
- Fix: Properly delete draw annotations threads (#412) (529b9a4)
- Fix: Set watermark-cache params for dash segments (#422) (ec68fd1)
- Fix: Update Box3D and fix loading of Vive controller model (eb613c6)
- Chore: Cleaning up draw dialogs (#423) (26813a4)
- Chore: Force threads to be inactive when the dialog hides (#424) (90048ec)
- Chore: Temporarily allow draw annotations to be enabled via config (#416) (bd35003)
- Chore: Upgrade packages and remove unnecessary dependencies (#410) (150f038)
- Update: Upgrade Box3D to 14.0.0 (04d3cc7)
- Revert "Fix: Only call setOriginalImageSize() on single page images (#394)" (#415) (d685dfe)
- Mojito: Update translations (#413) (9fd5d4b)
- Fix: Document print in Chrome (#406) (54fa047)
- Fix: Hookup cancel button (#404) (6c7b63a)
- Fix: Moved guards so drawing works when highlights disabled (#409) (f516a4f)
- Fix: No longer relying on system time for flakey test (#398) (1986f9a)
- New: Add new API to preview media player to play segments (#408) (ef60e95)
- New: Draw annotations UI (#403) (4cbfc0f)
- Update: Support additional query params in requests (#405) (08da16b)
- Update: Box3D version 12.4.1 (4e7eed1)
- New: Allow documents to be viewed in presentation mode (#396) (d8956a7)
- Fix: Additional logic to reset highlight-comment threads (#386) (faef3df)
- Fix: Downgrade pdf.js (#397) (b8c6706)
- Fix: isPageNumFocused() null check (#401) (b7eb6dc)
- Mojito: Update translations (#392) (a23df00)
- Mojito: Update translations (#399) (ba4f354)
- Chore: Only getBrowserInfo() once per preview instance (#393) (ba0d1f7)
- Chore: Adding console errors for annotation errors (#388) (3762ead)
- Chore: Cleaning up old third party libraries (#390) (ee0bc90)
- Upgrade: pdf.js 1.9.558 (#389) (4d76bdd)
- Fix: Adding reply-container mobile padding + clearing currentAnnotationMode on mode exit (#370) (05d3662)
- Fix: disableAnnotationMode cannot be called on disallowed modes (#372) (1d5a172)
- Fix: fix page change flickering when zoomed in (#384) (d091704), closes #384
- Fix: Passing event into thread.mouseoutHandler() (#375) (2fe3c37)
- Fix: Plain highlight is mispositioned when it runs off the side (#381) (bfa50e5)
- Fix: Respect view permissions when viewer.initAnnotations() is called (#379) (ec043b9)
- Fix: Show point annotation above dialog only on hover (#383) (63fafa5)
- Fix: Swapping Object.values() with Object.keys() (#371) (23527a8)
- Update: Allow passed in collections to be of file objects (#359) (cc59009)
- Update: Update Box3D to 12.3.0 (e5899b2)
- Mojito: Update translations (#368) (56fe656)
- Mojito: Update translations (#373) (b800397)
- Mojito: Update translations (#374) (fe15754)
- Mojito: Update translations (#382) (bef23db)
- New: drawing dialog (#364) (5003c3d)
- New: Emit annotation thread events to the viewer and beyond (#377) (dec86c6)
- New: More specific error messages from conversion (#378) (a718718)
- New: Scroll file to annotation position on 'scrolltoannotation' (#366) (c867fc7)
- Fix: annotation mode exits on wrong button and fetch annotations returns non-promise (#363) (aed6288)
- Fix: Only hide point annotation icon when dialog is flipped (#369) (d0ede36)
- Fix: Point 3D viewer at newest Box3D runtime (3420799)
- Temp hide show ui for plain and comment highlights (#348) (3dbddbf)
- Feature: drawing annotation deletion (#337) (34b9da1)
- Feature: Drawing boundary updates on each action (#356) (8f7c2df)
- Feature: drawingSelectionUI (#362) (318501f)
- Chore: Add a page # for image annotations that were created without one (#357) (bf6a6f9)
- Chore: Don't hide dialog on mouseout if mouse is in annotations dialog (#352) (e01324b)
- Chore: Position point annotation dialog based off icon location (#339) (087350b)
- Chore: Store annotation threads by threadID in the thread map (#316) (09aa1cd)
- New: Flip point annotation dialog if in lower half of file (#353) (dbe8f06)
- New: Separate create and view permissions for annotations (#358) (5d39f1f)
- New: Support multiple audio tracks (#299) (70f5b81)
- Mojito: Update translations (#354) (eab7da5)
- Upgrade: Upgrade to shaka-player 2.1.8 (#351) (4ec7b65)
- Update: Add Instant Preview loading overlay (#350) (c361317)
- Update: Update Box3D to 12.2.1 (#336) (5a45177)
- New: Add method to get top right corner of a highlight annotation (#340) (75b183d)
- New: Preview file from offline passed file (#326) (8547bc8)
- New: Turn on rendering of interactive forms (#349) (77a38a0)
- Selectively disable annotations (#322) (c6dac8a)
- Update README.md (#335) (886bd33)
- Video player ui disappears in 360 video (#346) (53fa9f5)
- Fix: IE11 image size default (#333) (bebdcec)
- Fix: Minor ESLint errors (#342) (2318581)
- Fix: pass get failure through in case imageEl is a div of images (#338) (1de741e)
- Fix: Re-scale annotation canvases on zoom (#345) (cd8b1af)
- Fix: Safari font rendering issue (#332) (847cd8c)
- Fix: Scaling canvas context when the canvas re-scales (#347) (1bfa954)
- Chore: Automate simple server to make running functional tests easier (#334) (69a585f)
- Chore: log actual error message (#343) (f1bc217)
- Chore: Refactor pageControls and scroll handling for multi page images (#321) (f9f511e)
- Chore: Updating method decorators (#311) (9ae3853)
- Upgrade: pdf.js 1.9.450 (#329) (987a417)
- New: Adding functional test base (#305) (5dc3247)
- New: Support well-formed file object in show() (#328) (540a011)
- Fix: Add page controls between zoom and fullscreen controls (#320) (0441920)
- Fix: Create annotation in API using thread rather than threadNumber (#315) (783adbc)
- Fix: Ensure that image.handleMouseDown() is unbound in annotation mode (#319) (fd477c7)
- Fix: Inconsistent natural image dimensions in IE (#324) (2889b0d)
- Fix: Pass in the correct previousPage() for DocBaseViewer.pageControls (#318) (27b118d)
- Fix: Point annotation cleanup (#325) (e27c18a)
- Fix: Re-showing viewer controls on 'annotationmodeexit' (#323) (5900ece)
- Feature: Drawing Annotations Undo Redo (#287) (4b5421c)
- Chore: Cleaning up remaining annotations references outside BaseViewer (#314) (efaa385)
- Chore: Cleaning up and consolidating annotation methods (#288) (6542b5d)
- Chore: Fixed warning (#306) (18daaf9), closes #306
- Chore: Move getAnnotateButton() out of PreviewUI into Annotator (#312) (715b026)
- Chore: Only remove annotation listeners if enabled on viewer (#293) (9b97fd7)
- Chore: Remove code supporting token in options object (#268) (ba1ac34)
- Chore: Toggling annotation mode handlers using emitted messages (#307) (8e7d49a)
- Chore: Updating docs.box.com links to developer.box.com in README (#282) (b63eab2)
- Fix: annotation handler rebinding (#294) (2dc0200)
- Fix: Do not display disabled annotation types on fetch (#301) (c669375)
- Fix: Files must have .360 before extension to launch in 360 viewers. (#313) (1659c4d)
- Fix: Fix release script after GitHub release (#295) (00dff52), closes #295
- Fix: Forcing HD/SD should disable adaptation (#292) (8cd67c1)
- Fix: only hide the filmstrip if it exists (#309) (1c70dd4)
- Fix: scale being unbound when annotating (#297) (289c645)
- New: Allow scrolling for multi-page image files (#308) (37dfd4a)
- New: Plain and Comment highlight annotations on mobile (#276) (5b66c82)
- Feature: drawing annotation scaling (#267) (2fd0655)
- Add en-x-pseudo language to support pseudolocalization in WebApp (#300) (4d1be4a)
- Update: Increase file size limit for range requests (#296) (21f490f)
- Update: use pixelDeviceRatio to choose canvas pixel size (#286) (9e5489d)
- Mojito: Update translations (#290) (deaf8f2)
- Mojito: Update translations (#291) (63a7201)
- New: 3D preview logic now loads from generated JSON file. (4216b70)
- New: Documentation for viewer methods (#263) (48f681d)
- Fix: Disable font face for iOS 10.3.x (#283) (4d97d99)
- Fix: Only initialize PreviewUI.notification after viewer is loaded (#273) (060687b)
- Chore: Cleaning up annotations methods in BaseViewer (#272) (6f319f6)
- Chore: Force image point dialogs to re-position on re-render (#280) (baf9b70)
- Chore: Removing references to annotations from individual viewers (#271) (2a1e6cd)
- Chore: Removing references to constants.js and Browser.js in Annotations code (#277) (8d37f37)
- Mojito: Update translations (#278) (a02f3fe)
- Update: move rbush from static to npm module (#275) (cec5410)
- Chore: Duplicating any util.js methods used into annotatorUtil.js (#260) (249e9f1)
- Chore: Initializing notifications in PreviewUI once rather than in each Annotator (#262) (721ef4e)
- Chore: Removing initAnnotations() from DocBaseViewer (#259) (b7cde84)
- Update: Add aria-pressed setting for CC button (#264) (4c52531)
- Fix: Don't trigger highlight if a new highlight is being created (#265) (9ab6db4)
- Fix: Emit scale does not always pass events (#261) (41b1af0)
- Fix: Load annotator with the correct initial scale (#256) (fc25534)
- Fix: thread save incorrectly rejects when no dialogue exists (#247) (6b361ed)
- Fix: Tweak release script (d115c1c)
- Mojito: Update translations (#266) (2ee12a3)
- New: add annotation-noicon to allow native PDF annotations to be shown (#258) (4de1259)
- New: Add pseudo fullscreen to mobile Safari (#246) (b8c776d)
- Chore: Add github release notes in release script (#255) (a2d2985)
- Chore: Default single page images to page 1 for annotations (#249) (6080055)
- Chore: Modify patch release script (#250) (afc51d3)
- Chore: Renaming AnnotationThread.thread to AnnotationThread.threadNumber (#241) (66b1d7c)
- Chore: Switch to git-based changelog generator (#252) (35994b6)
- Chore: Update patch release script (#251) (f0fa0cf)
- Fix: Add clickHandlers back for all enabled annotation modes (#248) (b3dd251)
- Fix: Don't trigger highlight dialogs while mouse is over another dialog (#242) (af861cf)
- Fix: Fix media query so 3D settings pullup is never truncated (#253) (1ee02fe), closes #253
- Fix: Fix release script (499c06b)
- Fix: Hide filmstrip when controls hide (#239) (0ba7804)
- Fix: Typo in release script (01cdf3c)
- Release: 1.2.0 (11b1802)
- Fix: Allow legacy annotations to render in PDF.js (#238) (ed3b5cb)
- Fix: Ensuring annotation scale is set on files without any annotations (#234) (aa93d09)
- Fix: Give preview some min width and height (#237) (20f6056)
- Fix: Increase controls timeout and fix controls behavior for mobile VR (#235) (1df8b55), closes #235
- Fix: Update box3d to fix camera reload bug (#245) (1e1495f), closes #245
- Chore: Update translations (#240) (cf1a799)
- New: added support for compressed (DDS) textures to 3D preview (#244) (4b5e203)
- Feature: DrawingAnnotations starting code (#224) (3960927)
- Docs: Adding section of using Preview as a component (#236) (3c3eb06)
- Release: 1.1.1 (9487634)
- Fix: Don't swallow touch start event to prevent iOS inertia scrolling (#233) (d628c14)
- Fix: Prevent MP3 from hiding (#230) (2a236fe)
- Release: 1.1.0 (a8e1216)
- Docs: Add issue reporting template (#228) (135e717)
- Docs: More README updates (00821c4)
- Docs: Update document viewer event name (eae3c74)
- Docs: Update project status badge (#212) (f50be16)
- Docs: Update shield for UI Elements (271cbbb)
- Docs: Update support section in README (94c17d4)
- Fix: Limit iOS font fix to 10.3.1 (#225) (b17054a), closes #225
- Fix: Media controls and usability fixes for mobile (#217) (38ecce7), closes #217
- Fix: Prevent double tap zoom in control bar (#227) (14996a0)
- Fix: Restore crawler for buffering video (#218) (800692d)
- New: Add ts and flv formats to MediaLoader.js (#226) (be35a75)
- Update: Render Vera-protected HTML files (#220) (78423ac)
- Chore: Cleaning up annotation strings/classes (#215) (0cfcaf7)
- Chore: Fix webpack errors and upgrade some packages (#221) (c309da1), closes #221
- Chore: Full pass of prettier formatting (#223) (814aa75)
- Chore: Update .travis.yml to only build master (#214) (f10b14c)
- Chore: Update Travis config (#219) (a6fe4b6)
- Fix settings pullup for model3D files on mobile (#222) (f285ba8), closes #222
- Release: 1.0.0 (b599cd2)
- Release: 0.131.2 (1021c8e)
- Fix: Ensure that annotation scale is never being set to auto (#208) (9899f94)
- Fix: Search preview container for mobile annotations dialog (#209) (56e026a)
- Release: 0.131.1 (6eeb432)
- Fix: Properly scope typography CSS (#207) (816ed15)
- Chore: Cleaning up annotations code comments (#206) (9e042c1)
- Release: 0.131.0 (5b8539f)
- Chore: Fix ESLint warnings (JSDoc cleanup) (#199) (d4303aa), closes #199
- Chore: Page num input uses numeric keyboard on mobile devices (#200) (6acf8fa)
- Chore: Preview Cleanup (#202) (18e5969)
- Chore: Preview UI as instance (#204) (5d06fb3)
- Chore: Remove padding for CSV files (#194) (762896e)
- Chore: Removing unused 'active' & 'active-hover' states for annotations (#189) (3c46e05)
- Chore: Scrubber/Media fixes for mobile (#185) (884799c), closes #185
- Chore: Update README to include token scope information (#203) (a26d600)
- Chore: Update to new 'Elements' branding (#193) (4995798)
- Cleanup for 1.0 for 3D (#205) (78c11f2)
- Fix/notification message timeout (#201) (5d42af4)
- Fix: Allow panning on mobile while zooming into ppt files (#192) (68091e3)
- Fix: Ensures highlight buttons are hidden on mobile devices (#196) (ef8db6e)
- Fix: Tree shaking bug workaround for csv bundle (#191) (edd11e4)
- Update: pdf.js 1.8.514 (#197) (bf10569)
- Docs: Update contributing.md (#195) (08eb9e9)
- Release: 0.130.0 (53527c0)
- Fix: Buttons fail to display when adding a comment to plain highlight (#183) (a344153)
- Fix: Fix focus for new page number input (#187) (5f82f15), closes #187
- Fix: Fix hiding on Android Chrome (#190) (897abcd), closes #190
- Fix: Fixes issues with adding annotations on tablets (#186) (e6e6c3b), closes #186
- Fix: Sets the pdf scale after page render rather than on resize (#178) (8457621)
- Create highlight dialog (#184) (59c0bbb)
- Chore: Add Webpack bundle visualizer (#188) (8fa744e)
- Chore: Make page number input more visible (#179) (3b585d8)
- Chore: Refactor controls for mobile (#174) (066a3d4)
- New: Allowing users to add new mobile point annotations (#177) (56bbbf9)
- Update: Readme with new badges (#180) (fc51f75)
- Update: Remove 0.25x playback on media files (#182) (896c755)
- Release: 0.129.2 (ef39c99)
- Fix: Fix shared links previewed in other subdomains (#173) (ab04be5), closes #173
- Chore: Tweak fade-in timing of file loading animation (#175) (1e9cebe)
- Chore: Update ESLint rules and VSCode settings (#176) (28ec823)
- Docs: Update README editor plugins (b0be367)
- Release: 0.129.0 (d38e6df)
- Mojito: Update translations (#167) (4210077)
- New: File specific loading icons (#170) (16af34d)
- Fix: Catch loss of WebGL context in Box3D and reload preview (0de993e)
- Fix: Fix removeEventListener in MediaBaseViewer (#169) (5760a12), closes #169
- Chore: Refactoring Controls for mobile (#159) (98ad9cc)
- Release: 0.128.0 (a0fc5ae)
- Upgrade: Upgrade Shaka-player to fix infinite 401 issue (#164) (5646a79), closes #164
- Update: Add support for 'ly' Lilypond musical annotation files (#165) (4212692)
- Update: Change Preview loading message (#166) (a8457f0)
- Update: Displaying file type unsupported error (#163) (59765e8)
- Chore: Optimizations for highlightMousemoveEvent (#121) (4d31542)
- Chore: refactored and renamed getPageElAndPageNumber (#162) (00dedab)
- Animate annotation dialog (#161) (b7217c6)
- Mojito: Update translations (#160) (fbb3989)
- Docs: Use ISO date format for LICENSE (#158) (e856302)
- Release: 0.127.0 (07d036f)
- Fix: Disables annotations after 'load' event on shared links (#150) (77cf5bb)
- Fix: Ensure point annotation mode button is hidden on rotated images (#151) (e322c6a)
- Fix: Error content jumps on error if download button is absent (#152) (2cd6fed)
- Fix: Image scaling/rotation is broken when an image has annotations (#156) (c91e9f9)
- Fix: Support disabling DASH viewer in DASH-supported environment (#140) (b292666)
- Chore: Re-enabling controls for mobile viewers (#157) (a9e1c52)
- Chore: Use whatwg-fetch instead of isomorphic-fetch (#155) (5a8f4f2)
- Mojito: Update translations (#154) (2e512ed)
- New: Initial mobile optimization of annotation dialogs (#146) (d693991)
- Release: 0.126.1 (e269605)
- Fix: Fixing vanity urls for excel online on IE11 (#153) (ff6ae22)
- Fix: Reinforcing release script (#148) (c7137a0)
- Update: Make media viewer settings menu larger so scrollbars don't show (#149) (7da7efc)
- Chore: Fix changelog (#144) (be0d2b0), closes #144
- Chore: Format all source code with prettier (#143) (d2a6835)
- Add toggle and metadata for box3d grid (d139a15)
- Release: 0.125.0 (b77af71)
- Build: Update build script to tag release commits (#141) (15c0034)
- Chore: Add prettier code formatter (#133) (c3cb7b6)
- Chore: Deleting old third-party packages (#127) (d45bb83)
- Chore: Settings.js - Declare class properties at class-level (#134) (2cacedd)
- Chore: Update license formatting (#135) (61b8bbd)
- Chore: Update prettier line width to 80 (#139) (e7fb14b)
- Chore: Update translations (#132) (f5fc6a5)
- Update: Adding more languages for subtitles (#130) (b55988c)
- Update: Improve subtitle selection algorithm (#129) (561cb73)
- Update: Show rate limit specific error message when a 429 occurs (#137) (67b589c)
- Update: Some UI changes for video player (#128) (81802c1)
- Update: Update Box3D with new material default (#136) (97fe7a1)
- Fix: fix excel setup when enabling the Office viewer via options (#126) (e8145f5), closes #126
- Fix: Seek time doesn't match filmstrip timecode (#131) (fb1fdd0)
- Docs: Update changelog (0a19275)
- Docs: Update Contributing.md (#125) (d717883)
- Docs: Update license to Box Software License Agreement (#124) (b8c6080)
- Docs: Update README to point to new CodePen demo (5e20db3)
- Mojito: Update translations (#123) (86c8475)
- 0.124.0 (e7fd504)
- 0.123.0 (cdd3799)
- Update: Adding iso639 code translations (#122) (b4de2a6)
- New: Multi image annotations post bundling refactor (93a5ba2)
- New: platform excel online fork (#101) (a247b9d)
- New: Support closed-captions/subtitles (#117) (4c56532)
- Chore: Bundling annotations.css separately from preview.css (#106) (699ed56)
- Chore: Document viewer tweaks (#114) (5d0f884)
- Chore: Moving common annotation methods into Base classes (#111) (27a908a)
- Chore: Remove unnecessary mobile check (#120) (7268548)
- Chore: Tweak readme on self-hosted vs Box-hosted (104d03e)
- Chore: Update readme section on Promise polyfills (7c90078)
- Fix: Dont rely on preview's script tag being present after execution (#105) (3ae639a)
- Fix: Issue when 'load' event is fired before BoxAnnotations is loaded (#108) (b4c8d32)
- Fix: Older versions of webkit iOS incorrectly cache range requests (#118) (0424e16)
- Fix: Set media viewers' settings menu dimensions with javascript (#116) (3c36f0a)
- Docs: Remove unneeded file types from image360 docs (#119) (0b7d8de)
- Mojito: Update translations (#113) (7c12442)
- Upgrade: Upgrade Shaka-player to 2.1.1 (#110) (4387245)
- 0.122.0 (c735f38)
- Mojito: Update translations (#107) (197945d)
- Chore: Allow console logging to show in tests (#100) (b0e15b1)
- Chore: cleaning up DocBaseViewer (#103) (9d444b3)
- Chore: Remove font-smoothing and update progress bar color (#104) (2581b88)
- Chore: Remove unused 'parent' field from Box File object (#91) (1f9a94b)
- Update: Make media player web-accessible according to WCAG2.0 spec (#97) (687dba4)
- Update: Re-enable font loading API support check (#99) (eca9e6d)
- Fix: Add Annotations bundling changes back (#95) (bbc6ea3)
- Fix: Make all svgs not focusable (#98) (edcf0e1)
- 0.121.0 (3e1e045)
- Chore: Add console logging to better debug hanging preview (#93) (3e6299b)
- Chore: Bundling Annotators separately in annotations.js (#75) (efa8b2a)
- Chore: Do not load annotations on shared links (#88) (8b959cd)
- Chore: Removed underscored variables and getters from all annotation files (#83) (ac838d2)
- Chore: User agent refactor and Browser tests (#87) (059f6ac)
- Fix: Don't load preload if the rep has an error (#92) (ab5c65a)
- Fix: Ensuring annotations are loaded when viewer has permissions (#90) (b90cdde)
- Update: Document viewer optimizations (#89) (41560d6)
- Upgrade: Shaka Player 2.0.8 (#85) (461070d)
- 0.120.0 (85337bc)
- Fix: Handle text representation error (#72) (81fc4e4)
- Fix: Only bind custom listeners when annotation threads exist (#74) (1e2e9f7)
- Fix: Prevent webGL error when prefetching Preview.js (#82) (e0a420a)
- Update: Add client information to performance logging (#80) (f7bea68)
- Update: Add disableTextLayer option for doc and text viewers (#71) (a36f735)
- Update: Changing analytics client name to 'box-content-preview' (#79) (983dda9)
- Update: Disabling font loading API for pdf.js to prevent glitches (#68) (5b5807b)
- Chore: Mock super.setup() in all Viewer unit tests (#81) (fec384c)
- Chore: Rename test-html files and update fixture loading (#78) (8285e39)
- Chore: Triggering point annotation mode by emitting a message (#77) (cc3e283)
- Chore: Updating annotations icons to the new Box blue (#76) (979e129)
- Mojito: Update translations (#70) (5daa11e)
- 0.119.1 (bc9b581)
- Fix: adding patch to options check in release script (#69) (86c3fef)
- Fix: updating metadata from repStatus (#60) (51143b0)
- 0.119.0 (762fad8)
- Fix: Hiding download button in all cases if browser cannot download (#61) (3a5bb41)
- Fix: Temporary disableFontFaces on IOS 10.3 (67de2d7)
- Update: Decrease mobile web max pdf.js canvas size to 3MP (#66) (88304c9)
- Update: Increase default doc chunk size to 384KB (#64) (ebbaccd)
- Update: Upgrade pdf.js to v1.8.175 (#63) (14ac6f9)
- Chore: Removing unneeded compatibility.js from pdf.js (#65) (82d582e)
- Chore: Update changelog generator to ignore old pull requests (#59) (7ad5088)
- 0.118.0 (930c432)
- Chore: Moving existing CHANGELOG.md to HISTORY.md (126f78d)
- Chore: Updating README describing .conventional-changelog-lintrc (#57) (897b858)
- Update: New Box-branding for Oculus Touch models (#58) (59880de)
- New: Initial push to GitHub (448c477)