Releases: bcgov/OCWA
Releases · bcgov/OCWA
Version 2.1.0
Issues resolved:
- Request API taking too long to return (#253)
Version 2.0.0
- Updated content for email notification to requestor
- Make reporting feature available in the external zone for users belonging to the reports group
Issues resolved:
- Developer Documentation (#176)
- New discussion post email template text changes (#195)
- Migrate repos (#207)
- Code import and export integration tests (happy path) (#218)
- Automated notification of deployment in production (#219)
- Import size limits conflict with the max size for file validation (#223)
- Mongo connection not recovering (#225)
- Code export requires that the same branch exists in the external repo (#232)
- Make reporting feature accessible outside the SRE (but still within the VPN) (#236)
Version 1.2.3
Version 1.2.2
- Auto-approved code imports and exports available for projects that have this enabled
- Custom email template for output checker notification email
Issues resolved
- Fields for a data import requests need revision (#165)
- Duplicate request fields are not editable (#192)
- Request Revisions is showing as an action for code requests in the oc interface (#193)
- Code request denial action by oc still triggers a Approving request" message popup" (#194)
- No available actions present for cancelled or denied requests on the main requester interface page (#196)
- Text change to Approved request header (#197)
- Adding a file to a request without clicking Done editing" causes file to be lost and upload spinner to display" (#199)
- Improve UX for URL fields on code export/import (#208)
Version 1.2.1
- Auto Approve
- Auto approve is now available for import in a beta functionality. The UI does not support code imports being auto approved well, but it does work and all other imports work as expected.
- The configuration for this is different, it requires auto approve as an object with export and import specified seperately, so this is not a fully backwards compatible change.
- Emails
- Emailing user(s)/addresses on submission of a new request is now supported, this is configured by emailOnSubmit which is a list holding the name to call the person(s) and the actual address you want emailed
- MD5 Blacklisting
- You can now specify a blacklist of md5s that will be blocked on import
- Improved study ID validation to reduce number of false positives
- Additional Integration Tests added
Issues resolved:
- Display project title associated with a request for output checkers (#105)
- Automated File Checker minimize false positives (#154)
- MD5 signature list to automated scanner (#162)
- Change Data Import" new request drop down value to be "Other Import (e.g. (#169)
- Email output checkers upon submission of a request that is unclaimed (#177)
- Notification email text / url changes (#183)
- Allow imports (both code and other) to be imported with no manual output checking (#189)
Version 1.2.0
- Code export
- Export code from a Gitlab repository in the SRE to a Git repository outside of the SRE
- Code import
- Import code from a Git repository outside the SRE to a Gitlab repository inside the SRE
- Note: Requires an output checker to approve imports. OCWA 1.2.1 is planned to support auto approval.
- Import documentation / code lists
- Import documentation / code lists into the SRE (similar to how existing export works)
- Note: Requires an output checker to approve imports. OCWA 1.2.1 is planned to support auto approval.
- Reporting
- Reporting on submitted requests which includes all the request status changes and the ability to filter by project
- Improvements to help guidance (field labels, field helper text)
- Several improvements to the UI to enhance usability or give more detailed information and feedback to the user.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Error adding a file to request after initially adding a file (GH 155)
- Fixed: Ability to download a file before it has been approved (GH 141)
- Fixed: Signed in as in the top nav is showing as undefined (GH 131)
- Fixed: Logout should log you out (GH 128)
- Fixed: Better support of Tusd [file storage] in https (GH 124)
- Fixed: Output checker not able to download a file (GH 174)
Version 1.1.0
This version dramatically overhauls the ui for requests. Changes required fields. And better supports multiple file uploads and validation concurrently. This version does not break backwards compatibility. This release also contains bug fixes.
MVP - v1.0.0
Initial release of OCWA