This repository contains ROS2 Humble packages implementing and integrating planning algorithms, mapping and localization systems, and obstacle detection and tracking capabilities to equip a golf cart shuttle with autonomous functionalities for on-campus mobility.
Before installing the necessary dependencies, remember to source the appropriate ROS2 environment for your ROS2 version. This ensures the correct packages are installed for your distribution.
#fundamental libraries
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
sudo apt install can-utils
sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev
sudo apt-get install libpugixml-dev
sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev geographiclib-tools
#ros2 packages
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joint-state-publisher-gui
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-xacro
sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-ros
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-vision-msgs
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-perception-pcl
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-msgs
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-vision-opencv
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-xacro
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne-msgs
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-diagnostic-updater
#sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-lanelet2 (no longer required because in the repo is a custom repo)
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-color-util
#GTSAM librari for LIO-SAM
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:borglab/gtsam-release-4.1
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libgtsam-dev libgtsam-unstable-dev
Clone the GitHub repository into the ros2_ws/src/Autonomous_Navigation_System/
git clone
git checkout ros2
cd ..
# ndt opm ros2
git clone
# for LIDAR localition
git clone
# for velodyne drivers
git clone
cd velodyne
git checkout humble-devel
cd ..
# for the vectornav package
git clone -b ros2
# for the polygon represetation in rviz2 (NO LONGER REQUIERD)
# git clone
git clone
Before building the package, make the following changes to the file lidar_localization_component.cpp located in the src directory of lidar_localization_ros2. These adjustments will modify the default subscriber topics to match the correct topics of the car.
Navigate to lidar_localization_ros2/src/lidar_localization_component.cpp
and change the lines 234 and 238 for this ones:
cloud_sub_ = create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>(
"points_rotated", rclcpp::SensorDataQoS(),
std::bind(&PCLLocalization::cloudReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1));
imu_sub_ = create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Imu>(
"vectornav/imu", rclcpp::SensorDataQoS(),
std::bind(&PCLLocalization::imuReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1));
If youβre using a different LiDAR model, update the topic configuration in the pointcloud_rotation package to ensure correct data processing. The package expects a specific topic, /velodyne_points, to receive point cloud data.
- Update the Point Cloud Topic:
- Navigate to
. - On line 8, change the topic in the subscription line to match your LiDARβs point cloud topic:
sub_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>("/your_lidar_topic", 10, std::bind(&pointcloud_rotation_node::pointCloudCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1));
Note: The points_rotated topic is then published by this node and serves as an input for the Mapping and Localization sections.
- Disable Rotation for Non-Rotating LiDARs:
- If your LiDAR does not require any rotation adjustments, modify the rotation parameters in
. - Update the following settings:
sensor_rotation_y_: 0.20944 # Set to 0.174533 for slight rotation or 0 for no rotation
Setting sensor_rotation_y_ to 0 will effectively disable the rotation correction, which is useful if your LiDAR is already aligned with the coordinate frame.
When creating a Lanelet2Map
in the Vector Map Builder, follow these steps to configure the map projection:
- Click on Change Map Project Info.
- Select Set MGRS from Lat/Lon and input the following coordinates:
- Latitude:
- Longitude:
- Latitude:
- Click Convert to apply these settings.
Note: When exporting the map, you may encounter an error indicating that the component
is negative. This error can be safely ignored, as it does not impact the map creation process. Proceed with creating the map even if these errors appear.
when finding black spaces in the rout is beacuse the lack of points you can add points with insert point with linestring
If it is the fist time you build the workspace follow the next commands to do not crash your computer.
colcon build --packages-select lio_sam
colcon build --packages-select ndt_omp_ros2
colcon build --packages-select lidar_localization_ros2
colcon build --packages-select vectornav_msgs
colcon build --packages-select vectornav
colcon build --packages-select velodyne_msgs
colcon build --packages-select velodyne_driver
colcon build --packages-select velodyne_laserscan
colcon build --packages-select velodyne_pointcloud
colcon build --packages-select velodyne
colcon build --packages-select lidar_imu_sync
colcon build --packages-select mapping_localization_launch
colcon build --packages-select polygon_msgs
colcon build --packages-select sdv_msgs
source install/setup.bash
colcon build --packages-select sdv_can
colcon build --packages-select sdv_control
colcon build --packages-select mrt_cmake_modules
source install/setup.bash
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_core
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_maps
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_io
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_projection
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_traffic_rules
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_routing
colcon build --packages-select traffic_information_msgs
colcon build --packages-select lanelet2_validation
colcon build --packages-select target_waypoint_index
source install/setup.bash
colcon build
sudo ifconfig enp2s0
Inside the ros2_ws/src/Autonomous_Navigation_System/
chmod +x
sudo ./
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
Launch individual or combined sensor configurations as needed:
- For LiDAR only:
ros2 launch sensors_launch
- For IMU only:
ros2 launch sensors_launch
- For LiDAR and IMU combined:
ros2 launch sensors_launch
Run the following commands to initialize mapping processes:
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
ros2 launch robot_description
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
: This launch file adjusts the LiDAR rotation by 0.2 radians on the Y-axis, compensating for its setup angle in the car π. It also creates a buffer to synchronize LiDAR and IMU messages, ensuring the sensor data is aligned for accurate mapping. -
(Robot Description): This launch configures the robotβs tf (transform) setup, where base_link π acts as the parent frame for all other frames. -
: This command starts the LIO-SAM (LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping) process, which integrates LiDAR and IMU data to create a detailed, real-time map πΊοΈ of the environment for localization and navigation.
- Open the localization.yaml file located at /global_navigation_launch/config/.
- Add the path to your cloudGlobal.pcd or cloudSurf.pcd file. Update the map_path parameter as shown below:
map_path: "/home/genis/Downloads/LOAM/cloudSurf.pcd"
After updating the file, launch the system with the following commands:
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
ros2 launch robot_description
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
: This launch file compensates for the LiDAR setup on the car π, applying a 0.2-radian rotation adjustment on the Y-axis. Additionally, it creates a buffer to synchronize LiDAR and IMU messages, ensuring precise alignment for accurate localization. -
(Robot Description): This file sets up the transform (tf) hierarchy, where the velodyne frame π acts as the parent frame. In this setup, velodyne is connected to the map frame, making it the primary reference for localization, with other frames structured accordingly. -
: This command launches the LiDAR-based localization process, integrating data from LiDAR and IMU sensors to create a real-time map πΊοΈ, enabling precise positioning within the environment. -
: This command launch the control and the comunication with the can bus 0.
ros2 launch map_visualizer #launch the map, crosswalks and the grid map
ros2 launch waypoints_routing #launch the path
ros2 launch target_waypoint_index #launch the waypoint target base on the lookahead max and lookahead min
to launch everthing reladed to the map and waypoints:
ros2 launch global_navigation_launch
In you workspace path run:
rviz2 -d src/Autonomous_Navigation_System/global_navigation_launch/rviz/localization.rviz
In the file called /lanelet2_projection/LocalCartesian.cpp I change the to this when using localcartesian map type in orden to get the ele attribute from the oms correctly and not modify.
BasicPoint3d LocalCartesianProjector::forward(const GPSPoint& gps) const {
BasicPoint3d local{0., 0., 0.};
this->localCartesian_.Forward(, gps.lon, gps.ele, local[0], local[1], local[2]);
local[2] = gps.ele;
return local;
also wacht that in the "lanelet2_io/io_handlers/OsmFile.cpp" this is in the code:
static Nodes readNodes(const pugi::xml_node& osmNode) {
Nodes nodes;
for (auto node = osmNode.child(keyword::Node); node; // NOLINT
node = node.next_sibling(keyword::Node)) {
if (isDeleted(node)) {
const auto id = node.attribute(keyword::Id).as_llong(InvalId);
const auto attributes = tags(node);
const auto lat = node.attribute(keyword::Lat).as_double(0.);
const auto lon = node.attribute(keyword::Lon).as_double(0.);
// const auto ele = node.attribute(keyword::Elevation).as_double(0.);
const auto ele = node.find_child_by_attribute(keyword::Tag, keyword::Key, keyword::Elevation)
// std::cout << "ele: " << ele << std::endl;
nodes[id] = Node{id, attributes, {lat, lon, ele}};
return nodes;
The Polygon2D structure has been modified to include a z offset, allowing for multiple polygons with different z offsets. The following files were updated to incorporate these changes:
- polygon_rviz_plugins/src/polygons_display.cpp
- polygon_rviz_plugins/src/polygon_parts.cpp
- polygon_rviz_plugins/include/polygon_rviz_plugins/polygon_base.hpp
These modifications enable the use of 3D polygons with varied z positions in the ROS environment.
# Vertices of a simple polygon. Adjacent points are connected, as are the first and last.
float64 z_offset
polygon_msgs/Point2D[] points
void updateProperties()
if (mode_property_->shouldDrawOutlines())
Ogre::ColourValue outline_color = rviz_common::properties::qtToOgre(outline_color_property_->getColor());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < saved_outlines_.size(); ++i)
double z_offset = saved_outlines_[i].z_offset; // Use the z_offset from each polygon
outline_objects_[i]->setPolygon(saved_outlines_[i], outline_color, z_offset);
if (!mode_property_->shouldDrawFiller() || saved_fillers_.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < saved_fillers_.size(); ++i)
double z_offset = saved_fillers_[i].outer.z_offset; // Use the z_offset from each complex polygon
filler_objects_[i]->setPolygon(saved_fillers_[i], filler_colors_[i % filler_colors_.size()], z_offset);