A curated list of awesome .NET MAUI samples to show how to create goodlooking UI with .NET.
Work in progress. Contributions are always welcome!
Ecommerce design with NET MAUI (MVVM Pattern)
- ColletionView
- SwipeView
- Font Icon
- Borders
- Color gradient brushes
- Stepper
- Author: Santosh Dahal
- Source code: https://github.com/exendahal/EcommerceMAUI
Beautyshop App UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI.
Based on this design by Mahmudur Rahman.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Create a new custom Layout.
- BindableLayout.
- Author: Javier Suárez
- Source code: https://github.com/jsuarezruiz/netmaui-beautyshop-app-challenge
Planets Mobile App UI built using .Net Maui. Implements the Dribbble design
You can read about implementation of this design in Part 1 and Part 2 of the blog series.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Animations.
- Border
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Blog post: .NET MAUI Travels to the space
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiPlanets
Pet Adoption UI is a replica made in .NET MAUI. Design obtained from Dribble: https://dribbble.com/shots/9794301-Pet-Adoption-App
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Layouts.
- Author: Leomaris Reyes
- Blog post: Replicating Pet Adoption UI in .NET MAUI
- Source code: https://github.com/LeomarisReyes/PetAdoptionUI
F1TV app clone made with .NET MAUI.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- CollectionView.
- Border.
- Author: Andreas Nesheim
- Blog post: MAUI UI July – Replicating F1TV app
- Source code: https://github.com/andreas-nesheim/MAUIUIJuly
A simple scientific calculator built uisng .NET MAUI Preview 14. Based ont his Behance Concept.
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Shadows.
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiScientificCalculator
Chat App UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI. Based on this design by Tannaz Sadeghi.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- DataTemplateSelector.
- Author: Javier Suárez
- Source code: https://github.com/jsuarezruiz/netmaui-chat-app-challenge
.NET Podcast App is a sample application showcasing .NET 6, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, Azure Container Apps, and more.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Microsoft.Maui.Essentials
- Source code: https://github.com/microsoft/dotnet-podcasts
This is a .NET MAUI app showcasing .NET 6 Previews progress. For more information about what's included, read the release blog post.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use .NET 6 latest Preview
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Microsoft.Maui.Essentials
- Source code: https://github.com/davidortinau/WeatherTwentyOne
UI built in .NET MAUI, based on a Dribbble design.
Android and iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, Handlers etc.
- ControlTemplate
- Borders
- Author: Yunus Emre AYGÜN
- Source code: https://github.com/cemahseri/MauiFinance
UI built in .NET MAUI, based on a Uplabs.
Android and iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Shadows.
- Borders.
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.
- CommunityToolkit.Maui.
- CommunityToolkit.Splat.
- Author: Satta Sundar
- Source code: https://github.com/sattasundar/maui-starbucks-ui
Dynamic Credit Card Payment UI using .NET MAUI and Prism Library and text-mask behaviors. This project is inspired by the CrossGeeks project.
Android, iOS, Windows, Tizen
- Prism.MAUI
- NavigationService
- DryIoc Dependency Injection
- Behaviors
- Custom Controls
- Styles
- Credit Card Layout
- Source Code: [https://github.com/DamianSuess/Learn.MauiPaymentUi]
- Author: Damian Suess - Blog GitHub
Animated and customised Bottom Sheets plugin for .Net Maui UI CustomSheets
- Android
- [?] iOS (Should work but I haven't tested)
- Fully customised
- We can change sheet height, width, background, RoundRectangle, background click to close, change the content for close button
- How to use : https://github.com/PremSaiVarada/DemoCustomSheets
- Author : Prem V
Implementation of a coffee shopping UI using .NET MAUI
- iOS
- Android
- CarouselView
- Custom Fonts
- Shapes
- Source code: https://github.com/zdanovs/Coffeeffee-MAUI
- Author: Andrey Zhdanov
- Original author (of the Xamarin version): Steven Thewissen
A simple and gorgeous BMI Calculator built using .NET MAUI and Skia Sharp. Inspired by this Dribble Design.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- SkiaSharp.
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiBMICalculator
A demo music artist release and live show tracker app built with .NET MAUI.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Gradients, Frames
- WebView
- SkiaSharp.Extended (Lottie animations)
- Author: Michal Diviš
- Source code: https://github.com/michaldivis/band-tracker-app
A focus app using .NET MAUI.
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Author: Pedro Coelho
- Source code: https://github.com/pedroldk/maui-focus
Implementation of a Medicine tracker app UI using .NET MAUI
- iOS
- Android
- CarouselView
- IndicatorView
- CollectionView
- Custom Fonts
- Font Icons
- Source code: https://github.com/thaveeshakannangara/MAUIBeautifulUIChallenge
- Author: Thaveesha Kannangara
Replicate the Ukrainian Monobank application UI using .NET MAUI.
Based on this design.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Shell
- CarouselView
- CollectionView with grouping
- Pin Keyboard with Biometric Auth
- Credit Card Animation
- Author: Vladislav Antonyuk
- Source code: https://github.com/VladislavAntonyuk/MauiSamples/tree/main/MauiBank
Based on this design.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Author: Akhror Ziyodinov