A curated list of awesome .NET MAUI open source samples to show how to create goodlooking UI with .NET.
Contributions are always welcome!
It is a beautifully designed Finance application for .NET MAUI Markup(No XAML) enthusiasts. Made with FmgLib.MauiMarkup.
iOS, Android
- FmgLib.MauiMarkup
- SQLite
- NET MAUI Community Toolkit
- Community Toolkit Mvvm
- DevExpress Maui
- LiveCharts
- AutoMapper
- Author: Mustafa Gönültaş
- Source Code: https://github.com/gonultasmf/MyFinance
A simple, user-friendly .NET MAUI weight tracker app with a clean design for anyone looking to explore .NET MAUI development.
iOS, Android, MacOs
- SQLite
- NET MAUI Community Toolkit
- Community Toolkit Mvvm
- AiForms SettingsView
- UraniumUI Material
- Microcharts
- SkiaSharp
- Author: Farshad Momtaz
- Source Code: https://github.com/fdmomtaz/WeightTracker-DotNetMaui
Made for the .NET MAUI Beautiful UI Challenge
iOS, Android, WinUI and Tizen
- Controls galleries
- Toolkit
- Syncfusion
- SignalR
- Author: Strypper Vandel Jason
- Source Code: https://github.com/Strypper/mauisland
Made for the .NET MAUI Beautiful UI Challenge
iOS and Android
- ListView
- Author: Eduardo Reis
- Source Code: https://github.com/EduardoReisDev/SpaceXhistory
Project for .NET MAUI CHALLENGE, MAUIPETS is a demo Adoption Pet App. # MAUIPETS
- Android
- iOS
- Mac Catalist
- Windows
- Author: Bryan Oroxon
- Source code: https://github.com/BryanOroxon/MAUIPETS
Made for the .NET MAUI Beautiful UI Challenge
Based on this design by Aan Ragil
iOS and Android
- FlexLayout
- BindableLayout
- CollectionView
- Shell Navigation
- Author: Jesse Smith
- Source Code: https://github.com/henduck/MAUINewsApp
The Crypto Tracker App is a demo application built with .NET MAUI & Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components, showcasing real-time changes in cryptocurrency prices.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Uses latest .NET MAUI & .NET 6 runtime
- Caters to mobile & desktop UX differently
- Showcases polished & performant UI like ListView, Charts etc.
Todo.me is a simple note taking and task tracking app made with .NET MAUI.
- Android
- [?] Windows (Work in progress)
- Lottie Animations
- Randomly set backgroung color for every Todo item
- ColletionView
- SwipeView
- Borders
- Author: Anmol Behl
- Source code: https://github.com/behl1anmol/Todo.me
- Future planned features:
- Integrating Agile Methodology to better manage daily routine
- iOS Support
Mitawi App UI/UX Challenge made with .NET MAUI.
Inspired on this design by Vitaliy Dorozhko.
Android, iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Harmony in portrait and landscape orientations.
- Geolocation.
- Geocoding.
- Converters.
- .NET MAUI Community Toolkit.
- MVVM Community Toolkit.
- Sentry.Maui (Error & Performance Monitoring).
- System.Text.Json.
- System.Net.Http.
- Visual State Manager.
- OnScreenSizeMarkup.
- BindableLayout.
- Border.
- Shadow.
- Linear gradient brushes.
- Shapes.
- Multi-bindings.
- Author: Daniel Monettelli
- English publication: Migration from Mitawi to .NET MAUI
- Spanish publication: Migrando Mitawi a .NET MAUI
- Source code: https://github.com/danielmonettelli/netmaui-mitawi-app-challenge
Ecommerce design with NET MAUI (MVVM Pattern)
- ColletionView
- SwipeView
- Font Icon
- Borders
- Color gradient brushes
- Stepper
- Author: Santosh Dahal
- Source code: https://github.com/exendahal/EcommerceMAUI
Beautyshop App UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI.
Based on this design by Mahmudur Rahman.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Create a new custom Layout.
- BindableLayout.
- Author: Javier Suárez
- Source code: https://github.com/jsuarezruiz/netmaui-beautyshop-app-challenge
Planets Mobile App UI built using .Net Maui. Implements the Dribbble design
You can read about implementation of this design in Part 1 and Part 2 of the blog series.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Animations.
- Border
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Blog post: .NET MAUI Travels to the space
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiPlanets
Pet Adoption UI is a replica made in .NET MAUI. Design obtained from Dribble: https://dribbble.com/shots/9794301-Pet-Adoption-App
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Layouts.
- Author: Leomaris Reyes
- Blog post: Replicating Pet Adoption UI in .NET MAUI
- Source code: https://github.com/LeomarisReyes/PetAdoptionUI
F1TV app clone made with .NET MAUI.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- CollectionView.
- Border.
- Author: Andreas Nesheim
- Blog post: MAUI UI July – Replicating F1TV app
- Source code: https://github.com/andreas-nesheim/MAUIUIJuly
A simple scientific calculator built uisng .NET MAUI Preview 14. Based ont his Behance Concept.
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Shadows.
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiScientificCalculator
Chat App UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI. Based on this design by Tannaz Sadeghi.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- DataTemplateSelector.
- Author: Javier Suárez
- Source code: https://github.com/jsuarezruiz/netmaui-chat-app-challenge
.NET Podcast App is a sample application showcasing .NET 6, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, Azure Container Apps, and more.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Microsoft.Maui.Essentials
- Source code: https://github.com/microsoft/dotnet-podcasts
This is a .NET MAUI app showcasing .NET 6 Previews progress. For more information about what's included, read the release blog post.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Use .NET 6 latest Preview
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Microsoft.Maui.Essentials
- Source code: https://github.com/davidortinau/WeatherTwentyOne
UI built in .NET MAUI, based on a Dribbble design.
Android and iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, Handlers etc.
- ControlTemplate
- Borders
- Author: Yunus Emre AYGÜN
- Source code: https://github.com/cemahseri/MauiFinance
UI built in .NET MAUI, based on a Uplabs.
Android and iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Shadows.
- Borders.
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.
- CommunityToolkit.Maui.
- CommunityToolkit.Splat.
- Author: Satta Sundar
- Source code: https://github.com/sattasundar/maui-starbucks-ui
Dynamic Credit Card Payment UI using .NET MAUI and Prism Library and text-mask behaviors. This project is inspired by the CrossGeeks project.
Android, iOS, Windows, Tizen
- Prism.MAUI
- NavigationService
- DryIoc Dependency Injection
- Behaviors
- Custom Controls
- Styles
- Credit Card Layout
- Source Code: [https://github.com/DamianSuess/Learn.MauiPaymentUi]
- Author: Damian Suess - Blog GitHub
Animated and customised Bottom Sheets plugin for .Net Maui UI CustomSheets
- Android
- [?] iOS (Should work but I haven't tested)
- Fully customised
- We can change sheet height, width, background, RoundRectangle, background click to close, change the content for close button
- How to use : https://github.com/PremSaiVarada/DemoCustomSheets
- Author : Prem V
Implementation of a coffee shopping UI using .NET MAUI
- iOS
- Android
- CarouselView
- Custom Fonts
- Shapes
- Source code: https://github.com/zdanovs/Coffeeffee-MAUI
- Author: Andrey Zhdanov
- Original author (of the Xamarin version): Steven Thewissen
A simple and gorgeous BMI Calculator built using .NET MAUI and Skia Sharp. Inspired by this Dribble Design.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- SkiaSharp.
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiBMICalculator
A demo music artist release and live show tracker app built with .NET MAUI.
- iOS
- Android
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Gradients, Frames
- WebView
- SkiaSharp.Extended (Lottie animations)
- Author: Michal Diviš
- Source code: https://github.com/michaldivis/band-tracker-app
A focus app using .NET MAUI.
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- Author: Pedro Coelho
- Source code: https://github.com/pedroldk/maui-focus
Implementation of a Medicine tracker app UI using .NET MAUI
- iOS
- Android
- CarouselView
- IndicatorView
- CollectionView
- Custom Fonts
- Font Icons
- Source code: https://github.com/thaveeshakannangara/MAUIBeautifulUIChallenge
- Author: Thaveesha Kannangara
Implementation of a Pet Adoption app UI using .NET MAUI.
Dribble by Arinasdd.
- CarouselView
- Custom Fonts
- DI
- MAUI Shapes
- Source code: https://github.com/JoeTomkinson/PetAdoptionApp
- Author: Joe Tomkinson
Having fun developing a Real Estate App for the UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI.
Based on this design by Jëlly.
- iOS
- Android
- CarouselView
- IndicatorView
- CollectionView
- Custom Fonts
- Shadows.
- Borders.
- Gradients
- CommunityToolkit.Maui
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
- Author: Marc Fabregat twitter
- Source code: https://github.com/marcfabregatb/RealEstate.App
Replicate the Ukrainian Monobank application UI using .NET MAUI.
Based on this design.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Shell
- CarouselView
- CollectionView with grouping
- Pin Keyboard with Biometric Auth
- Credit Card Animation
- Author: Vladislav Antonyuk
- Source code: https://github.com/VladislavAntonyuk/MauiSamples/tree/main/MauiBank
Classic memory game in which the user has to discover all the pairs of cards with the same images before time runs out. It allows the selection of different difficulty levels and different themes
- iOS
- Android
It works only in portrait mode
- Shell
- AppBuilder
- Animations
- Lottie
- Skia sharp
- Font icons
- Borders
- Shadows
- Color gradient brushes
- BindableLayout
- Dark and light themes
- Author: Jorge Diego Crespo
- Source code: https://github.com/jorgediegocrespo/MauiMemoryGame
Based on this design.
Android, iOS, macOS and Windows.
- Author: Akhror Ziyodinov
A REAL and BEAUTIFUL Youtube Clone app built using .Net Maui.
- iOS
- Android
- Windows
- MacOS
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Application Features:
- Real Youtube API Connection
- Search for videos
- Infinite Scrolling
- Video Details
- Share a video
- Play the video
- Download the Video
- And a nice UI Design
- Author: Naweed Akram
- Source code: https://github.com/naweed/MauiTubePlayer
Multiplayer Swiss Jass game. More info about the game
- iOS
- Android
- macOS
Windows has some buggy behaviors.
- MVVM/Community Toolkit
- Animations
- Fonts images
- Messaging
- Create/Join/Leave/Rejoin rooms
- Official game rules
- Multiplayers/Realtime communication (SignalR)
- Blazor server backend on Azure
- Author: David Beauverd
- Source code: https://github.com/Davidoutz/MAUI-Jass
- Extra: A new game starts automatically whenever 4 players join a room. Therefore you should use at least 4 devices/emulators for the best user experience :)
MAUIDelivery: A beautiful delivery .NET MAUI APP
Android, iOS.
- Use all new .NET MAUI APIs: Startup, HostBuilder, etc.
- Gradients
- Frames
- Custom Fonts
- SkiaSharp.Extended (Lottie Animations)
- Font Icons
- Borders
- DataTemplate Selectors
- Converters
- CollectionView with groups
- Animations
- DataTriggers
- Author: Héctor Pérez
- Blog post: How was the MAUIDelivery application created?
- Source code: https://github.com/hprez21/MAUIDelivery
Windows , Android, iOS, macOS.
- Author: Vinoth
App is specifically built for .NET MAUI Beautiful UI Challenge. Demonstrates building UI for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows from shared code base.
Android, iOS, macOS
Demonstrates building UI for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows from shared code base.
- Author: [Vinayak Nikam] (https://github.com/nikamvd)
- Source code: (https://github.com/nikamvd/-.NET-MAUI-Beautiful-UI-Challenge-PlayerProfileApp)
Welcome to FLIPZON, an advanced E-Commerce application developed using .NET MAUI. Inspired by the best features of Amazon and Flipkart, FLIPZON brings a seamless shopping experience to users. Leveraging the power of .NET 7, Prism Framework, and MVVM design pattern, FLIPZON integrates various UI controls, custom renders, and third-party libraries for a robust and user-friendly application.
- Secure and seamless login and signup screens.
Product Discovery:
- Intuitive home screen showcasing featured products.
- Products screen with pagination for easy navigation.
Product Details:
- Detailed product information with a dedicated product details screen.
Search Functionality:
- Efficient search screen for finding desired products.
Shopping Cart:
- User-friendly cart screen for managing selected items.
Order Placement:
- Streamlined order placement process.
User Profile:
- Personalized profile screen for user customization.
Address Management:
- Address list screen and an option to add new addresses.
- Login Screen
- SignUp Screen
- Home Screen
- Product Details Screen
- Products Screen
- Search Screen
- Cart Screen
- Address List Screen
- Add Address Screen
- Profile Screen
- Order Confirmation Screen
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Login Screen | Signup Screen | Home Screen |
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![]() |
Details Screen | Products Screen | Search Screen |
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![]() |
Cart Screen | Address List Screen | Add Address Screen |
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![]() |
Profile Screen | Order Confirmation Screen |
Check out our video tutorial for a quick overview of the project:
- Collection View
- Carousel View
- Swipe View
- Forms with Validation
- Custom Controls
- Custom Renders
- Pagination for products
- Cutting-edge framework for cross-platform app development.
Prism Framework:
- Implementing MVVM design pattern for a modular and maintainable codebase.
API Integration:
- Seamless integration with external APIs for up-to-date product information.
Database Integration:
- Utilizing SQLite PCL for efficient and reliable data storage.
User Dialogs:
- For Alerts and confirmations Popups.
- To display popups.
Community Toolkit:
- For Form Validations and Converters
- For Database support
- Author: [Srikanth Rachaputi] (https://github.com/learnToEarnWithSrikanth)
- Source code: (https://github.com/learnToEarnWithSrikanth/FlipZon)
Learn .NET MAUI quickly & simply with my first class for beginners (100% free!). 🐒
"My First App", it’s 15 articles, nearly 3 hours of reading... and a highly colorful music application!! 🎶 🎉
➡️ https://www.mauicestclair.fr/en/posts/tutos/my-first-app/
🇫🇷 Also available in French!
iOS, Android, macOS and Windows
- C# Markup
- MediaElement
- Animations