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WG: : The Xcore documentation and how to copy it to word.

Matthias Günter edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Technical documentation


Where to find the generated HTML tables


How to import into MS Word

Description of the steps:

1. Prepare HTML document:

Process the file by an appropriate "HTML minifier" program to remove line breaks and blanks between tags (otherwise unwanted blanks may appear in the tables when imported into Word).

Online HTML minifier:

An (untested) alternative may be the program from with parameter --collapse-whitespace

2. In an empty Word document:

2.1 Read / import the HTML file into Word (via Insert - Text - Object - Text from file)

Alternative: Right-click the HTML file and open it with Word.

2.2 Change text format for the complete content to Cambria, 8 pt

2.3 Change paragraph settings for the complete content as follows:


2.4 For each table, apply template "normal": grafik

3. In the specification document:

3.1 In the first column of the copied tables, remove any hyperlinks (they point to groups - for which there are no separate documentation tables)

3.2 For each new section added for a table, mark the name in the section title as a referencable / linkable token: grafik grafik