Releases: Taiko2k/Tauon
In order to make the application easier to install for those who perfer FOSS only software, this release sets the GStreamer backend mode as default and makes BASS an optional extra download.
- 🚨 Removed BASS from packages. Added function to download BASS library to user data folder in the "Audio" tab of settings.
- Added "Collapse All" function to tree view context menu.
- Middle clicking right side panel now additionally cycles lyrics display.
- [GStreamer] Added device output selection.
- [GStreamer] Enabled replay gain support.
- [Flatpak] [Gstreamer] Enabled support for WMA.
- Fixed gallery drag to re-arrange.
- Fixed a rendering performance issue (Notably when scrolling or searching).
- Tweaked how global search responds to input. Enter will now immediately select a shown result even if a new search is running.
- Added search lyrics entry to picture context menu.
This release simplifies how lyrics works in the side panel. Also contains some performance tweaks and other bug fixes.
Changes to side panel lyrics view:
- Removed existing lyrics under art feature.
- Moved "Hide art box" menu function to Ctrl + H shortcut.
- Changed lyrics view to switch automatically when enabled.
- Added album art to side panel lyrics view. There is a setting to toggle this in
>Lyrics settings
- Tweaked gallery performance for faster image loading.
- Tweaked global search for more stable text input.
- Fixed not caching and retrying failed scrobbles.
- Fixed text box text overrun.
- Fixed some issues with broadcast webpage.
Happy spooky season! 🎃
This week I'm excited to bring you version 5.0.0 of Tauon Music Box!
This release adds a super new side panel view:
Folder Navigator
This panel (shown left) presents a tree style layout of folders within the current playlist. It filters the folder structure to only show you the relevant nodes in your music library!
- Single click a base folder to locate in the playlist.
- Double click a base folder to play.
- Open and close nodes by clicking.
- You can create a new playlist from an item by middle clicking. You can also drag any item to a playlist tab!
- You can also re-scan individual nodes from its context menu.
Note: This is not a full filesystem browser, but works on items already imported. It's most suited for use with playlists containing a single music collection with tracks ordered by filepath.
Experimental koel streaming support
This release adds koel as an available network source.
You can read more about koel here Instructions on how to import the tracks into Tauon are in the wiki.
Further support for koel could be added if there is interest in this.
Also in this release:
- You can now toggle centered art mode with middle click in the right side panel.
- Dragging in tracks to the left side panel now always previews the playlists+queue view. You can also middle click the left side panel button to toggle to the previous view.
- Other tweaks and bug fixes.
This release is mostly focused on refinement and bug fixes while cleaning up some functions.
Notable changes:
- Added option to use centered text alignment in gallery.
- Left panel empty queue now always shows when dragging in tracks.
- The UI scaling setting now accepts custom fractional values.
- Improved PLEX support.
- UI is no longer blocked when loading album art.
- Download progress is now shown in seek bar.
- Various other tweaks and bug fixes.