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Releases: Taiko2k/Tauon


10 Aug 02:37
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  • Improved Spotify support.
    • Tracks should now transition without any cut-off.
    • You can now add and remove albums to your Spotify library from the folder context menu.
    • Imported Spotify library playlists will now automatically reload when adding and removing items from your Spotfiy library. (Upgrading note: You will need to re-import any existing Spotify library playlists for this feature to start working)
  • [Flatpak] Added ARM builds.


05 Aug 10:29
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  • Fixed an issue with attempting to sync first playlist


28 Jul 03:18
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v6.1.1 - Hotfix for starting with Flatpak under KDE Plasma


  • Added maximize to window controls.

    Tip: This will attempt to follow your gnome setting for showing maximize, but you can force disable by enabling hide-maximize-button in the config file.

  • Added setting to zoom album art to fit the viewport.
  • Extended Spotify support:
    • You can now search for and paste tracks.
    • You can now import your own playlists. (See settings box).
    • You can now upload playlists from the tab context menu.

      Notice: You will need to re-authorise for these features to work. Go to Settings > Accounts > Spotify, click "Forget Account" then "Authorise"

    • New function "Add playing spotify album" added to end of playlist menu.
    • Fixed an issue with pause and un-pause.
  • Bound new quit shortcut to Ctrl + Q and changed add-to-queue to Alt + Q

    Notice: If you wish to apply these changes to an existing installation you will need to add these your keymap file manually (Change add-to-queue Q Ctrl to add-to-queue Q Alt and add the line quit Q Ctrl) or you can delete the input.txt file from your user data folder to regenerate defaults.

  • [Snap] Fixed crash on start when using UI scaling.
  • Various tweaks and fixes.


17 Jul 12:05
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  • Improvements for HiDPI users.
    • Added automatic scaling based on user xft-dpi setting.
    • Added in-app slider for adjusting UI scale (rather than needing to edit the config file).
  • Downloads playlist can now be set from tab context menu.
  • Misc bug fixes.

AUR Notice: I've given the PKGBUILD a much needed re-write in order to be easier to maintain. This will however require some additional dependencies to be built.


11 Jul 12:37
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  • Improved Airsonic library import speed and album grouping
  • Fixed an issue with lyrics search


06 Jul 04:50
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Various hotfixes including:

  • Fixed PLEX import not working.
  • Fixed Spotify library import being limited.

Feature improvements:

  • Added option to sync directly without transcode.
  • Fixed folder rescan to handle multiple folders.


05 Jul 09:41
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Hey, Taiko2k here. I'm super excited to bring you the latest major version of Tauon Music Box.

This new version, 6.0.0, brings 3 cool new features!

New feature: Bandcamp artist search

A convenient new quick search has been added. This feature will directly open an artists Bandcamp page if a match is found.

New feature: Transcode and Sync

This feature provides functionality of copying transcoded albums to a mounted location. This makes it a lot easier to maintain a subset of your library on your portable music player.

The way this is intended to work is you maintain a playlist of all the albums you want on your device. Then you can add and remove items and only the difference needs to be copied.

For a tutorial on how to use this feature, see here.

New feature: Playback control for Spotify

Tauon Music Box how has Spotify integration features! You can now:

  • Paste Spotify URL's directly into the tracklist.
  • Remote control a Spotify session.
  • Import your account library and liked tracks.
  • Search and import albums and artists.

For this, you will need a Spotify premium account and API key. You will also need the official Spotify desktop client installed and running (or use the web player)

For an in-depth tutorial on getting started, see here.

This is an experimental feature, let me know what you think.

Other changes:

  • Added new theme selector in settings.
  • Added a setting to chart generator to automatically sort a playlist by most played.
  • Improved network accounts setup to no longer need manual editing of the config file.
  • Added pt-BR translation (thanks @msmafra)
  • Various other improvements and bug fixes.

Let me know what you think! Feel free to raise any issues if you encounter any.


04 Jun 05:12
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  • Added experimental feature "Playlist gallery quick add mode".

    Explanation: This feature allows you to quickly add/remove albums to a specific playlist.
    To use: Right click a target playlist tab and click Misc... > Engage Gallery Quick Add. Then from any playlists gallery, right click an album to add/remove. A green border will show if it is added. Once done, click MENU > Disengage Gallery Quick Add.

  • Various fixes for light themes.
  • Fixed album-art in radio landing page not working.


19 May 04:31
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  • Added find incomplete albums feature under "MENU" > "Database".
  • Fixed tag reading failing with FLAC's that contain ID3 tags.
  • Fixed GStreamer device selection possibly causing a crash.


16 May 07:17
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  • Fixed auto theme sometimes not applying correct colours on previous track
  • Various other bug fixes