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Releases: Taiko2k/Tauon


27 Jun 05:55
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Main Changes:

  • Added year search results to global search.

    This allows you to create a playlist of a single year by searching for example 2019 in the global search.

  • Gallery thumbnails can now be set slightly smaller and will load in a random order effect.
  • Improved gallery loading speed when loading from cache.
  • Gallery now groups multi-CD folders as one album.
  • Importer now scans track metadata after importing to playlist.

    Tip: Scan stage will safely resume on restart if interrupted.


  • Fixed column panel defaulting to hidden state.
  • Fixed UI stutter when changing gallery image size.
  • Fixed delay when deselecting items in tracklist.
  • Fixed possible duplicate scrobbling on retry.
  • Fixed crash on auto theme enable.
  • Various other bug fixes and tweaks.

Feel free to submit an issue if you run into any problems with this release.


17 Jun 07:38
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  • Added settings: Toggle playlist list and show queue when empty for side panel
  • Fixed a crash after upgrading if there were items in the queue


15 Jun 02:09
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This big release includes many fixes and tweaks. There are multiple changes to the queue panel in particular which should provide for a better experience. Special thanks to @StrangeSeasOfThought for the suggestions.

Notable changes:

  • Tracks can now be inserted into the queue by drag and drop from the main tracklist.
  • The queue panel area now persists when empty.
  • Added "Composer" field support. This field is now shown in track info and can be searched.

    Note: You will need to do a tag-rescan for this feature to be enabled on existing imported tracks.

  • Mini Mode Micro now shows a seek bar when moused over.
  • You can now swap between Mini Mode Square and Micro by wheel clicking. (alternately shift-click)
  • Various config settings can now be reloaded without needing an app restart.
  • Fixed setting custom fonts. (Linux only)
  • There is now a function to add tracks to the start of the queue in the track context menu. (hold shift to reveal)
  • Auto-Stop now rests on the following track now, instead of beginning of track that was playing.
  • You can now remove embedded art from just a singe track by holding shift when using the function.
  • Columns view can now show tool-tips for truncated fields. (Linux only)
  • Added support for decoding of MP3 genre codes to tag scanner.

    Note: You will need to do a tag-rescan for this feature to be enabled on existing imported tracks.

Note: The configuration file has been reset and is now named tauon.conf. The old config.txt no longer has effect and can be deleted.


25 May 09:24
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Screenshot from 2019-05-25 21-10-30


  • Mini mode now has two new variants; Mini Mode Square and Mini Mode Micro (pictured)

    You can access the new mode menu by right clicking the bottom bar area

  • Small tweaks to mini mode behavior
  • [Flatpak] Fixed and enabled Discord RPC

    Note: Only Flatpak Discord can connect with Flatpak Tauon. (And host installs can only be used with each other)


20 May 02:08
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New features:

  • Added fetch cover art feature for quick downloading of album art.

    This function downloads cover art to the folder of the track. Prioritises searching for high resolution art, falling back to MusicBrainz.
    Tip: In cases where an artist has multiple albums with the same title, try tag tracks using MusicBrainz Picard first since tags with MBIDs will help ensure a correct match.
    Suggestion: If you use MusicBrainz Picard, I recommend disabling its album art embedding function.

  • Added ability to delete image files directly from the picture context menu.
  • Added user key-mapping configuration file.

Other changes:

  • Re-enabled "Artist info panel" and artist thumbnail downloading.

    Artist images are now sourced from and optionally from Discogs using an account. Any old images will be used if they are still cached. Enabling Discogs is suggested if you want the most artist thumbnails.

  • Added a new lyrics provider Apiseeds.
  • Fixed album art possibly cycling when clicking on to focus window.
  • Various tweaks and fixes.

As always, there's likely issues I missed in testing. Feel free to report any.


04 May 22:09
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Hotfix for crash on startup on some configurations


04 May 03:16
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Major changes:

  • Disabled artist info panel
  • Disabled artist thumbnail downloading ( have decided this is against their ToS)


  • Artist list now cycles artist blocks in playlist on subsequent clicks
  • Reset image cache now resets failed artist thumbnails
  • Fixed metadata scanning after using Picard doubling playtimes

Tip: Pressing Reset image cache will now remove any of those star artist thumbnails, but will keep existing images.


01 May 03:43
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Just a few fixes and tweaks for features from v4.2.0.


  • Using "Filter to new playlist" from artist list now keeps list linked to original playlist
  • Custom artist thumbnails can now be used in artist list (Place them in artist-pictures folder in user data folder with name e.g. Coldplay.jpg)


27 Apr 03:27
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This release brings bug fixes and two smoking new features that give the UI a new look. No need to worry if you don't like them; these two features are not displayed by default.

Background art skin

This styles the background using current album art, you can toggle strength and blur in settings.

Note that enabling this increases resource use so you may want to leave it disabled on low power systems.

Artist list

The left side panel can now be switched to show a list of artists from current playlist in alphabetical order. To switch, right click the top corner panel button.

How it works:

  • Click an artist to locate their first appearance in the playlist
    • Double click to play
  • A right click context menu allows you to filter matching tracks to a new playlist
  • Currently playing artist will be located in list when using Go To Playing
  • With cursor over the artist list, pressing a letter on the keyboard will jump to corresponding alphabetical position

This list can take a while to populate with thumbnails, but should fill after a while with general use.

Other new features

  • There is now a setting to automatically apply Sort by Filepath and Sort Year per Artist to playlists on track imports.
  • Single tracks can now be transcoded at a time by holding Shift and clicking Transcode Single.
  • There is now a setting to transcodede files inplace instead of keeping in a new folder. (Use with caution. Remember to have backups of important data.)
  • Added new bugs to discover and report.


13 Apr 05:14
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  • Fixes transcoder not working.
  • MP3 encoding now works with Flatpak version and no longer requires additional steps to enable.