- nicer colorful identity (something like this ?)
- detect user in/activity to refresh data
- show given/thrown items with a different color/display, also they're no more in box/room
- features to recover :
- clone item
- search retry when scan, search, or speech fail
- print un-printed items
- 0.1.1 : 4KB html + 9KB css + 320KB js
- 0.1.0 : 3KB html + 9KB css + 435KB js
- 0.2.0 : 8KB html + 20KB css + 305KB js
- 0.4.0 : 12KB html + 22KB css + 320KB js
- 0.5.0 : 12KB html + 22KB css + 330KB js
- 1.0.0 : 6KB html + 27KB css + 360KB js (migration to vite & preact with old code)
- 1.1.0 : 6KB html + 27KB css + 445KB js (added mui + mui icons)
- 1.2.0 : 3KB html + 26KB css + 622KB js (added notistack + preact-router)
- 1.3.0 : 3KB html + 16KB css + 683KB js
- 2.0.0 : 3KB html + 18KB css + 720KB js (more components, better design)
- 2.1.0 : 1KB html + 18KB css + 726KB js
- 2.2.0 : 1KB html + 18KB css + 691KB js (after making everything lazy & optimizing common deps)
Check build stats in details by running pnpm build:analyze
- 101 Soundboards : for the various sounds used in the app
- Add icon by Alexander Madyankin & Roman Shamin
- Box icon by Just Icon
- Dependency-cruiser : handy tool to validate and visualize dependencies
- Eslint : super tool to find & fix problems
- Eye icon by IconPai
- : handy favicon generator
- Github : this great, free and evolving platform
- Keyboard & mic icons by Recep Kütük
- MUI : a nice material ui lib
- Netlify : awesome company that offers hosting for OSS
- Repo-checker : eslint cover /src code and this tool the rest ^^
- RIOT Optimizer : Radical Image Optimization Tool, the best software I found to compress images
- Scan icon by Ghariza Mahavira
- : for the nice badges on top of this readme
- Shuutils : collection of pure JS utils
- SvgOmg : great tool to reduce svg image size
- TailwindCss : awesome lib to produce maintainable style
- V8 : simple & effective cli for code coverage
- Vite : super fast frontend tooling
- Vitest : super fast vite-native testing framework