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Repo Checker

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Choose your favorite method :

  1. Via npx : npx repo-check
  2. Via npm locally : pnpm install repo-check then run npx repo-check or use it in your package.json scripts
  3. Via local installation : clone this repository, cd into the folder and use pnpm start, pnpm start --target=../my-other-project for single run or pnpm dev, pnpm dev --target=../my-other-project

Pro tip : init repo-checker before fixing files.



--target=path/to/folder tells repo-checker which directory it should scan. If no target is specified, repo-checker will scan current directory. Target can be a relative or absolute path, can contain one project or more.


--fix kindly ask repo-checker to try to create missing files or update problematic ones. For example, repo-checker will check for a, if it does not exists, the file will be created and filled with data accordingly to the template (templates/ Repo-checker will try to grab as much info as possible from the project folder to create this file. If it's not enough, you'll be prompt to init. If you want to fix already existing files, use --force to overwrite it.


--init ask repo-checker to initialize a data config file in the current directory. If file already exists, use --force to overwrite it.


--quiet repo-checker will works silently without output-ing to console, will only output to log file.


  • if website : check static folder : should have "_headers" & "favicon.ico" and "manifest.json" files inside
  • compute build/dist/folder/public size for maxSize compliance
  • check rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to any <a external links to improve performance and prevent security vulnerabilities
  • check width and height attributes to any <img or <video to ensures that the browser can allocate the correct amount of space in the document
  • add nbFixes to the report
  • check last tag, suggest to tag if last one is old
  • extends unit tests to src/files (remove c8 ignore start temporary exclusions)
  • prepare a json schema for .repo-checker.json
  • try to avoid using class in this project and remove eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
  • check if lint/performance/useTopLevelRegex worth fixing everywhere


  • Arg : un-opinionated, no-frills CLI argument parser
  • Dependency-cruiser : handy tool to validate and visualize dependencies
  • Eslint : super tool to find & fix problems
  • Github : for all their great work year after year, pushing OSS forward
  • Repo-checker : eslint cover /src code and this tool the rest ^^
  • : for the nice badges on top of this readme
  • Shuutils : collection of pure JS utils
  • Tsup : super fast js/ts bundler with no config, powered by esbuild <3
  • V8 : simple & effective cli for code coverage
  • Vitest : super fast vite-native testing framework
  • Watchlist : recursively watch a list of directories & run a command on any file system

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