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v2.3.0: Custom Preset System

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@Guthen Guthen released this 15 Jan 11:00
· 41 commits to master since this release


  • feature: a Custom Preset System allowing to save the list of selected entities
  • feature: added an offset angle parameter to Circle shape
  • fix: using the gravity gun shortcut still render the preview
  • fix: error while using the tool in a instant spawn mode


  • update: refactored the preview renderer, now, only one CSEntity is used to draw all preview locations. Functions about 'GhostEntity' have been changed, see source code.
  • update: vkx_entspawner.new_spawner return now an @EntitySpawner instead of the spawner's ID
  • update: @EntityChance.percent has been remapped from 0-100 to 0-1 (2 decimals)
  • update: Shape's convars is now a table of table using a specific structure instead of a table of string containing the value (see end of the autorun file for examples). This is intended for giving enough information to the Preset System