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Main Config Data File

Funny edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 1 revision

Main Config

The plugin's main config is stored in /plugins/FarLands/mainConfig.json. A default, blank one can be found here.

The class can be found here

The layout of the main config is:

Key Value Type Description
fds int [0 - 99] Flight Detection Sensitivity, sensitivity of the flight detection, detecting how "off" a player's y-velocity is, as well as counting strikes, setting the value to 99 will lower the difference limit, while 0 will increase it
rotatingMessageGap int Time in minutes in between rotating messages broadcasted
gcCycleTime int Time in minutes between calls to System#gc
restartTime long
dedicatedMemory String The amount of memory to start the server with, used in restart scripts
screenSession String The name of the screen session that the server is running in, used when running any commands after the server gets shutdown, like restart and backup
discordInvite String Discord invite link, used in /discord
appealsLink String Discord invite link, used when a player is banned
donationLink String Link to the donation page, used in /donate
paperDownload String UNUSED - Used to be for the PaperMC v1 API
jsUsers String[] A list of player uuids that have the permission to use /js and /artifact
Adding a user gives them full access to entire server, be careful with this!
serverRoots Map<DataHandler.Server, String> Map of server to the absolute directory it's stored it, used in /moveschem and similar
discordBotConfig DiscordConfig Configuration for the discord bot
voteConfig VoteConfig Configuration for voting


The class can be found here

Key Value Type Description
token String Discord bot token, find a tutorial for obtaining here
channels Map<DiscordChannel, long> Map of DiscordChannel to Channel ID.


The class can be found here

Key Value Type Description
votePartyRequirement int Amount of people required for vote party
voteXPBoost int Levels added after voting
votePartyDistribWeight double A factor for an equation to calculate the vote party rewards
voteLink String Link to MCServer vote page, used in /vote
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