PaperMC plugin for the FarLands public Minecraft server (
git clone # Clone Repo
mvn install # Download Dependencies
If you run into an Auth error while trying to download ChestShops or RegionProtection, please read this.
mvn package
and the built jar will be found at target/FarLands.jar
The plugins that we use on the server.
Some are required for the plugin to run at all, these are marked with *
- ChestShops*
- RegionProtection*
- ProtocolLib*
- CoreProtect*
- NuVotifier*
- HeadDatabase
- OpenInv
- WorldEdit
- BuycraftX
- Chat - Everything related to the chat including formatting and more
- Commands - All commands that can be run
- Discord - Commands that are intended for discord use/interaction
- Player - Commands that are specific for players
- Staff - Commands for staff members to use in moderation/building/etc
- Data - Handling of the server data
- Discord - Manage everything to do with Discord interaction
- Gui - GUI classes and handler
- Mechanic - Various small tweaks and anti-cheat mechanics
- Scheduling - Scheduling utilities
- Util - Miscellaneous utility classes