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Releases: DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo

2.34.0 🌈

06 May 18:59
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.0

🚩 Changes to /

🚩 Database migration

🚀 General features and enhancements

🚀 API features and enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

🖌 Updates in UI

🧰 Maintenance

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2.33.7 🌈

29 Apr 17:58
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.6

🚩 Database migration

🚀 General features and enhancements

🖌 Updates in UI

🧰 Maintenance

2.33.6 🌈

29 Apr 17:29
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.5

🚩 Database migration

  • Filtering Performance: Add opt-in setting for converting to string ba… @Maffooch (#10038)

🚀 General features and enhancements

  • Filtering Performance: Add opt-in setting for converting to string ba… @Maffooch (#10038)

🖌 Updates in UI

  • Filtering Performance: Add opt-in setting for converting to string ba… @Maffooch (#10038)

2.33.5 🌈

22 Apr 14:56
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.4

🖌 Updates in UI

2.33.4 🌈

17 Apr 20:28
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.3

🚩 Changes to /

🚩 Database migration

🚀 API features and enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance

2.33.3 🌈

16 Apr 23:25
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.2

🖌 Updates in UI

  • Update format_epss display tag to try/catch formatting errors @dogboat (#9934)

2.33.2 🌈

15 Apr 18:40
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.1

2.33.1 🌈

08 Apr 17:39
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.33.0

2.33.0 🌈

02 Apr 18:47
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.32.0

🚩 Changes to /

🚩 Database migration

🚀 API features and enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

🖌 Updates in UI

🗣 Updates in localization

🧰 Maintenance

  • chore(deps): update dependency ruff from 0.3.4 to v0.3.5 (requirements-lint.txt) @renovate (#9857)
  • Update softprops/action-gh-release action from v1 to v2 (.github/workflows/release-x-manual-helm-chart.yml) @renovate (#9703)
  • Update dependency ruff from 0.3.1 to v0.3.4 (requirements-lint.txt) @renovate (#9705)
  • Update Helm release postgresql from 11.9.13 to v15 (helm/defectdojo/Chart.yaml) @renovate (#9781)
  • Update dependency autoprefixer from 10.4.18 to v10.4.19 (docs/package.json) @renovate (#9806)
  • Bump nginx from 02d8d94 to 31bad00 @dependabot (#9818)
  • Update rabbitmq:3.13.0-alpine Docker digest from 3.13.0 to 3.13.0-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9797)
  • Update redis:7.2.4-alpine Docker digest from 7.2.4 to 7.2.4-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9798)
  • Update postgres:16.2-alpine Docker digest from 16.2 to 16.2-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9800)
  • Update dependency postcss from 8.4.36 to v8.4.38 (docs/package.json) @renovate (#9790)
  • Update Helm release redis from 16.13.2 to v19 (helm/defectdojo/Chart.yaml) @renovate (#9786)
  • Refresh minikube & k8s versions @dsever (#9684)
  • Update redis:7.2.4-alpine Docker digest from 7.2.4 to 7.2.4-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9773)
  • Update dependency postcss from 8.4.35 to v8.4.36 (docs/package.json) @renovate (#9774)
  • Bump nginx from 6a2f8b2 to 02d8d94 @dependabot (#9771)
  • Update postgres:16.2-alpine Docker digest from 16.2 to 16.2-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9768)
  • Update Docker tag from 1.34.0 to v1.34.1 (helm/defectdojo/values.yaml) @renovate (#9745)
  • Update rabbitmq:3.13.0-alpine Docker digest from 3.13.0 to 3.13.0-alpine (docker-compose.yml) @renovate (#9746)
  • Bump openapitools/openapi-generator-cli from v7.3.0 to v7.4.0 @dependabot (#9711)
  • Update dependency ruff from 0.3.0 to v0.3.1 (requirements-lint.txt) @renovate (#9694)
  • [HELM CT] Update component versions @dsever (#9665)

2.32.3 🌈

25 Mar 19:01
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Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.

Changes since 2.32.2

🚩 Changes to /

🚀 API features and enhancements

🖌 Updates in UI