Surprise your friends and family by guessing the card they are thinking of in just 3 rounds.
Card magic now on your screen.
About application | Interfaces | Stacks | Running Application | Why? |
Guessing Game is a magic game with deck of cards. Choose a card from the 21 shown on the screen and in 3 rounds your letter will be sent via WhatsApp. Play with friends and family.
DOM manipulation
(Access that javascript has to HTML5 tree elements. Having access to divs, for example, to delete, add elements, etc.)Methods
Basic features
(display (Flex e Grid), flex-direction, height, width, border-radius... )
- Clone repository:
git clone
Open using VSCode
Install the LiveServer extension
Access the application via the icon in the bottom right corner
Go Live
6.1 See the current repository
git remote -v
6.2 Change remote repository URL
git remote set-url origin <LinkDoNovoRepositorio>
6.3 Check if the change was made
git remote -v
This project was already reproduced in other languages when I was at University: console-guessingGame and gui-guessingGame. It is a great satisfaction to be able to reproduce it with the tool that I currently work with and specialize in. I am grateful that programming provides this feeling of evolution and creation.
I just have to say thank you ♥