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258 lines (148 loc) · 10.8 KB

Surprise your friends and family by guessing the card they are thinking of in just 3 rounds.
Card magic now on your screen.


About application   |    Interfaces   |    Stacks   |    Running Application   |    Why?   |   

GitHub last commit GitHub


HTML5 TypeScript NextJS


Vscode Git

skills About application

Guessing Game is a magic game with deck of cards. Choose a card from the 21 shown on the screen and in 3 rounds your letter will be sent via WhatsApp. Play with friends and family.



skills Interfaces


guessingGame guessingGame

skills Stacks


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  • DOM manipulation (Access that javascript has to HTML5 tree elements. Having access to divs, for example, to delete, add elements, etc.)
  • Methods
    • Math (Method that has mathematical functions)
      • .random() (Generates a random number.)
      • .floor() (Always round the number to the smallest integer.)


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  • Basic features (display (Flex e Grid), flex-direction, height, width, border-radius... )

Markup Language

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Alt ou título da imagem

skills Running the Application

  1. Clone repository:
git clone
  1. Open using VSCode

  2. Install the LiveServer extension

  3. Access the application via the icon in the bottom right corner Go Live

  4. image

⚠️ 6. Change remote repository URL (if necessary)

6.1 See the current repository

git remote -v

6.2 Change remote repository URL

git remote set-url origin <LinkDoNovoRepositorio>

6.3 Check if the change was made

git remote -v

skills Why?

This project was already reproduced in other languages ​​when I was at University: console-guessingGame and gui-guessingGame. It is a great satisfaction to be able to reproduce it with the tool that I currently work with and specialize in. I am grateful that programming provides this feeling of evolution and creation.

I just have to say thank you ♥