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All my Windows dotfiles and how to set them up. Including Wezterm, PowerShellCore, Neovim, fzf, Firefox with Tridactyl and even a Tiling Window Manager using Komorebi, Yasb and AutoHotKey.

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These are all my Windows dotfiles and how to set them up, using Wezterm with Neovim in PowerShellCore along with fzf. Additionally there's a setup for a Tiling Window Manager using Komorebi, Yasb and AutoHotkey, and a Tridactyl setup for Firefox. You will also find a list of other useful tools at the end.




Every folder in this repository is located locally at $Env:USERPROFILE\.config.


  • Ensure "Developer Mode" is turned on in windows settings (Windows + I and then search developer).
  • Ensure you are able to access and use the Windows Store, winget relies on this for certain things. If you can't access the store (it's known to be glitchy for some accounts) then you can find alternative installs for all dependencies on either Chocolatey or the dependency's official website.
  • You can right click your desktop and go to "View" and then "Hide desktop icons" to have a clean desktop.



  • NerdFont → Download from here (I use CaskaydiaCove), then in explorer select all .ttf files and right click them, now select "Install". After that you can delete the files.
  • WezTerm → Run winget install --id wez.wezterm.
  • PowerShellCore → Run winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget.
  • gsudo → Run winget install --id gerardog.gsudo.
  • Git → Run winget install --id Git.Git --source winget.
  • Difftastic → Run winget install difftastic.
  • OhMyPosh → Run winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh.
  • fd → Run winget install --id sharkdp.fd --source winget.
  • bat → Run winget install sharkdp.bat.
  • fzf → Run winget install junegunn.fzf.


  • Paste wezterm into your config and change the font face to whatever NerdFont you installed. You can go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and rename the WezTerm shortcut to something shorter like wt for ease of typing in the start menu.
  • Paste posh into your config and run oh-my-posh disable notice to stop the annoying update message every so often.
  • Paste pwsh into your config, then run notepad $PROFILE and paste this line into the file that is opened (you may have to create the file first if it doesn't exist): . $Env:USERPROFILE"\.config\pwsh\main.ps1".
  • Go back to pwsh\main.ps1 and remove the line that sources personal.ps1, and delete that file too as it is specific to me. Other than that, skim the rest of the files and remove anything you know you won't need - everything is commented or self-explanatory so you can be sure of what you're doing.
  • To set up gsudo after installing it, run the following commands:
    • sudo config PowerShellLoadProfile true.
    • sudo config CacheMode auto.
    • sudo config CacheDuration infinite.
    • sudo config LogLevel None.
  • Run git config --system core.longpaths true and ensure that [PATH_TO_GIT]\bin is in your path. After that you can use the following configuration in your $Env:USERPROFILE\.gitconfig file if you want:
      i = init
      re = remote
      rs = restore
      cl = clone
      pl = pull
      a = add
      co = commit
      ps = push
      sm = submodule
      b = branch
      ch = checkout
      m = merge
      s = status
      d = diff
      l = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
      external = difft



This section requires completion of the terminal setup first.


  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) → Download from here and run the installation wizard.
  • Java → Download the compressed archive from here and place the folder named jdk-[VERSION] in C:\Program Files\Java then add C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-[VERSION]\bin to your path.
  • MinGW → Download from here and put the contents in C:\MinGW (I recommend 64-bit with POSIX threads for general purpose use). Add C:\MinGW\bin to your path.
  • Make → Run winget install --id ezwinports.make.
  • CMake → Run winget install --id Kitware.CMake.
  • Python → Run winget install --id Python.Python.3.10.
  • NodeJS → Run winget install OpenJS.NodeJS and say yes to installing Chocolatey.
  • ripgrep → Run winget install BurntSushi.ripgrep.MSVC.
  • Neovim → Run winget install neovim --version 0.10.3.
  • Python Provider → Run pip install pynvim --upgrade.
  • NodeJS Provider → Run npm install -g neovim.


After completing the dependencies for this section, I recommend manually recreating nvim on your machine rather than just pasting it in, because this will allow you to single out any unexpected errors as they happen.

You should start with the top level init.lua and then lua\main\init.lua. Then you can create lua\main\rename.lua, lua\main\util.lua, lua\main\set.lua and lua\main\map.lua and paste the config into each. set.lua is for global settings, map.lua is for global keybinds and util.lua is for helper functions used throughout the configuration, designed to remove the need for visible logic in any configuration files. The rename.lua file is just for shortening commonly used lua functions.

Now you can create lua\main\lazy.lua, and populate it with only the following lines:

map("n", "<LEADER>l", "<CMD>Lazy<CR>")

After creating an empty lua\plugin\init.lua, restart neovim and there should be no error messages.

Now, inside the .setup field start adding plugins, do so in the following pattern (with some exceptions below):

  • Add the line to lua\main\lazy.lua and restart neovim.
  • If it needs one, add a lua\plugin\[PLUGIN].lua file for the plugin and add require("plugin.[PLUGIN]") to lua\plugin\init.lua (order matters in this file), then restart neovim.
  • Customize the file to your liking.
  • Test the plugin.

The following plugins require some extra or different steps:

  • Helpers → Some plugins are only here to help other plugins and files which you can remove if you don't need, these are:
    • plenary.nvim → Required by telescope.nvim, harpoon and neogit.
    • nui.nvim → Required by noice.nvim.
    • nvim-web-devicons → Required by most plugins that use icons.
    • cmp-... → Any plugin prefixed with cmp- is there only to support nvim-cmp.
  • Telescope → This should be installed at the same time as telescope-fzf-native.nvim and telescope-ui-select.nvim, lua\plugin\telescope.lua requires all three of these plugins to be installed.
  • Yanky → This plugin requires telescope to be installed, so make sure to do that first.
  • Leap → This should be installed at the same time as leap-by-word.nvim, lua\plugin\leap.lua requires both of these plugins to be installed.
  • Colorscheme → vscode.nvim's plugin file is is lua\plugin\colors.lua. You don't have to use that cholorscheme, but the file assumes you are and lua\plugin\lualine.lua is also set up to use the vscode colorscheme so you'll need to change those as well as the lua\main\lazy.lua file if you want a different scheme.
  • Treesitter → After following the pattern, you should see it compiling languages - don't touch your keyboard until this is finished, though it is common to get errors at this point, if you do, generally restarting neovim a few times and deleting any directories manually that it says it doesn't have permission to delete will let them all figure themselves out. However if you get an error along the lines of [LANGUAGE].so is not a valid Win32 app, this means either your version of MinGW does not match your operating system or treesitter is using the wrong compiler for that specific language. After fixing the issue you can run :TSInstall [LANGUAGE] to recompile it.
  • Noice → This should be installed at the same time as notify.nvim.
  • Mason → This plugin should be installed at the same time as ALL other lsp-related plugins (down to nvim-lspconfig) - the corresponding plugin files are lua\plugin\lsp.lua, lua\plugin\mason.lua, lua\plugin\cmp.lua and lua\plugin\trouble.lua. After following the pattern, you should see it downloading all the language servers specified in the mason file - you can view all the available servers by running :Mason.
  • Neogit → This should be installed at the same time as diffview.nvim.
  • Supermaven → If you don't have a subscription, you can still use it by running :SupermavenUseFree when prompted, otherwise you can follow the instructions to use it with a subscription.

After all of that, don't forget to include these files that are not tied to any plugins if you want them:

  • lua\plugin\language.lua is the file this configuration uses to set up language specific settings and mappings.
  • lua\plugin\buffers.lua is optional as it can slow down the startup time but will open, in separate buffers, every file in the specified directory that has any of the file extensions specified - this can be useful for certain language servers. If you need to close all the buffers except the current one (when you need to rename symbols, go to references etc.), this file also provides the keybind for that, and the keybind for re-opening them all again too.


All global keybinds and settings can be edited at lua\main\map.lua, lua\main\set.lua or the respective lua\plugin\[PLUGIN].lua files and you can go into deeper detail inside lua\main\util.lua. Furthermore, all language specific settings and mappings can be edited at lua\plugin\language.lua.


I also have an extremely minimal setup (one file) that can be cloned and run on any machine that can run neovim. You can find it here, I only use it when I have to use a remote machine or someone else's computer.

Tiling Window Manager


  • Komorebi → Run winget install LGUG2Z.komorebi --version 0.1.30.
  • Yasb → Run winget install --id AmN.yasb --version 1.2.7.
  • AutoHotkey → Run winget install AutoHotkey.AutoHotkey --version 2.0.18.
  • ToggleRoundedCorners → Download the portable executable from here and rename it to trc.exe. Place it in C:\ToggleRoundedCorners and put that folder in your path.


  • Run Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -Value 1 in PowerShellCore as an admin.
  • Open control panel and go to the "Ease of Access Center" then "Make the computer easier to see" - enable "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)".
  • Press Windows + I and search taskbar, go to taskbar settings and turn on "Automatically hide the taskbar" under the taskbar behaviours.
  • Search multitasking and turn off everything under the snap windows section except "Show my snapped windows when I hover over taskbar apps... ...when I press Alt+Tab".
  • Paste komorebi into your config. In komorebi.json ensure that the correct amount of monitors are configured.
  • Paste yasb into your config. Add $Env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Yasb to your path.
  • Paste ahk into your config. Right click wm.ahk and create a shortcut, then rename that shortcut to just wm and create a copy of it, one should be moved to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and the other to that folder's sub-directory Startup. Now it will be run at startup and is accessible from the start menu in case you need to restart the manager, and all three processes can be killed from the task manager.
  • Restart your PC.


Keybinds and commands to run on startup can be configured in wm.ahk, the status bar can be configured in the Yasb config.yaml and styles.css files, and the window manager can be configured by Komorebi's komorebi.json, applications.yaml and any .json files for custom layouts.

Firefox with Tridactyl


  • Firefox → Download from here.
  • Tridactyl → Go here on Firefox.


First, make firefox your default browser and make the folder containing firefox.exe an environment variable (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox by default). After that go to Firefox settings and change the following:

  • General → Use recommended performance settings = Off.
  • General → Use hardware acceleration when available = Off.
  • Home → Homepage and new windows → Custom URLs... → Open a new tab, then close it and go to your history, copy the url of that closed tab and paste it into the field - it should be of the form moz-extension://[NUMBERS]/static/newtab.html.
  • Home → Default search engine = Google.
  • Now go to the url about:config and search for full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter and full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave and change both to 0 0.
  • Scan the rest of the settings and disable things you don't want that will slow down the browser.
  • Optionally, you can install the black theme I use or find your own on their themes page.

Using Tridactyl, press : and type the following commands:

  • colorscheme midnight.
  • set newtab about:newtab.
  • set searchengine google.
  • set modeindicatorshowkeys true.
  • set modeindicatormodes {"normal":"true","insert":"true","input":"true","ignore":"false","ex":"true","hint":"true","visual":"true"}.


You can go here to view all the most important Tridactyl bindings.

Other Useful Tools

VimForVoyager → Go here and follow the setup guide for a native Vim toggle for QMK keyboards.

PowerToys → Run winget install Microsoft.PowerToys --source winget and enable Run at startup - my favourite tools are:

  • Run with an activation shortcut of shift+backspace, input smoothing disabled, clear previous query on launch enabled, preferred monitor primary, all plugins off except "Program" - this behaves just like the windows run dialog but without cortana, searching the internet or any other annoyances.
  • Color Picker with an activation shortcut of win+shift+c and HEX, RGB and VEC4 enabled.
  • Mouse Jump with an activation shortcut of win+shift+d and a max size of 1200x900.
  • Screen Ruler with an activation shortcut of win+shift+p.
  • Text Extractor with an activation shortcut of win+shift+t.
  • File Locksmith enabled.

SysInternals → Download from here and choose the executables that you want - the only one I use is ZoomIt with the following settings:

  • Run ZoomIt when Windows starts and Show tray icon both enabled.
  • Zoom on ctrl+/ with animate zoom in and zoom out disabled.
  • Draw on ctrl+'.
  • Record on ctrl+;.

WinLister → Go here and click "Download WinLister 64-bit", move the executable to C:\WinLister, then right click winlister.exe and select "Create shortcut", then rename it to WinLister and place this shortcut in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

Visual Studio 2022 → Download from here and go through the installation wizard.

Rust → Run winget install Rustlang.Rustup.

Dependencies → Download from here and put the contents in C:\Dependencies, make that folder is an environment variable, then right click DependenciesGui.exe and select "Create shortcut" and rename it to Dependencies, then move that to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

Everything → Download the portable zip from here and put the contents in C:\Everything. Right click Everything.exe and select "Create shortcut", then rename it to Everything and place this shortcut in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

Cutter → Download from here and put the contents in C:\Cutter. Right click cutter.exe and select "Create shortcut", then rename it to Cutter and place this shortcut in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

Stylua → Download from here and put the contents in C:\StyLua. Put that folder in your path.

Black → Run pip install git+

Prettier → Run npm install -g prettier.

Portal → Run winget install SpatiumPortae.portal, go here for instructions.

Mp3tag → Download from here and go through the installation wizard.

scc → As an admin, run choco install scc - details can be found here.

Windows11CursorConceptV2.2 → Go here for a more fitting cursor. After buying, extract the contents to a known location and go to the version you desire, right click the install.inf file, click install and accept any dialogs that appear.


All my Windows dotfiles and how to set them up. Including Wezterm, PowerShellCore, Neovim, fzf, Firefox with Tridactyl and even a Tiling Window Manager using Komorebi, Yasb and AutoHotKey.




