Removed treesitter big file check because it is now asynchronous
Removed treesitter big file check because it is now asynchronous
Native lsp binds on LspAttach autocmd
Native lsp binds on LspAttach autocmd
Updated to neovim 0.11.0, removed lspconfig and mason-lspconfig
Updated to neovim 0.11.0, removed lspconfig and mason-lspconfig
Made the new default for fzf commands the current directory
Made the new default for fzf commands the current directory
Updated documentation for blink setup
Updated documentation for blink setup
Moved from nvim-cmp to blink.cmp
Moved from nvim-cmp to blink.cmp
Better textwidth handling, added descriptions for custom keymaps
Better textwidth handling, added descriptions for custom keymaps
Added cmp window max height and listchars
Added cmp window max height and listchars
Better neogit handling for netrw
Better neogit handling for netrw
Better handling when opening neogit from oil
Better handling when opening neogit from oil
Added lualine handling for oil-trash
Added lualine handling for oil-trash
Better plugin source order, fixed buggy lsp attach
Better plugin source order, fixed buggy lsp attach
Better organisation and ergonomics
Better organisation and ergonomics
Better noice routes and telescope-ui-select documentation
Better noice routes and telescope-ui-select documentation
Better config ergonomics and leap mappings, removed actions.nvim
Better config ergonomics and leap mappings, removed actions.nvim
Better J and K and better colors
Better J and K and better colors
Added jsonls and better formatting
Added jsonls and better formatting
Added lua ls and removed all warnings from nvim config
Added lua ls and removed all warnings from nvim config
Removed coc in favor of lsp, cmp and trouble
Removed coc in favor of lsp, cmp and trouble
Added stylua and formatted nvim
Added stylua and formatted nvim