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Jaskirat Rajasansir edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 7 revisions

Operating System Abstraction Library

This library provides an abstraction layer to some commonly used Operating System functionality.

Currently supported:

  • Windows (w)
  • Linux (l)
  • Mac OS X (m)


This function returns the available commands for the operating system that the kdb process is running on


Set on library initialisation with the current OS type as a symbol (e.g. l = Linux)


The separator character for PATH-type environment variables on the current OS:

  • Linux / Mac / Solaris: :
  • Windows: ;


The PATH-type environment variable to use to search for shared libraries (see for an implementation example):

  • Linux / Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Windows: PATH

Use this function to execute the OS functionality


Running system command: "echo %cd%"
"C:\\Users\\jasra_000\\git\\kdb-common "

/ Ensure the file library is loaded
q) newFolder:.convert.hsymToString ` sv .file.getCwd[],`mkdirTest
q)[`mkdir; newFolder]
Running system command: "mkdir C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common\mkdirTest"


This function returns a boolean if the specified PID is valid and exists on the current server (using the pidCheck OS command)


This function returns the current terminal window size in 'system "c"' format - lines columns (using the terminalSize OS command)


Running system command: "stty size"
"85 156"


This function returns true if the kdb process is running in an interactive session, false otherwise


Running system command: "tty --quiet; echo $?"
> echo '.require.init[]; .require.lib`os; .os.isInteractiveSession[]' | $QHOME/l64/q src/require.q
Initialised library: os
Running system command: "tty --quiet; echo $?"


This function returns the process architecture as either x86 (32-bit) or x86_64 (64-bit)



Available Commands

  • mkdir: Create a directory including any intermediate directories that do not exist
  • rmdir: Remove an empty directory
  • pwd: Print the current working directory
  • rm: Delete a non read-only file, logging what is being deleted
  • rmF: Delete any file, logging what is being deleted
  • rmFolder: Remove a folder and all its contents
  • safeRmFolder: Remove a folder only if it is empty
  • ln: Create a symbolic link
  • mv: Move a file or folder
  • cpFolder: Copy a folder and it's contents
  • pidCheck: If the specified PID is active on the current server
  • sigint: Send a SIGINT signal to the specified PID
  • sigterm: Send a SIGTERM signal to the specified PID
  • sigkill: Send a SIGKILL signal to the specified PID
  • sleep: Delay for a fixed amount of time (interval type is defined by the underlying OS command)
  • tail: Return the latest lines from a file
  • procCount: Query the number of CPU cores on the current server
  • which: Find the full path of a shell command
  • ver: Query the version string of the application
  • cpuAssign: Returns the CPU cores that the current process is assigned to
  • terminalSize: The size of the current terminal that process is running within
  • isInteractive: If the current process is running within an interactive terminal or not
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