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Jaskirat Rajasansir edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

Process Initialisation

The supplied boot.q script in the root of the repository provides a simple way to start a kdb+ process and initialise the kdb-common framework. It is optional, and require.q can still be loaded and initialised manually.

NOTE: boot.q should be referenced with an absolute path so require.q continues to work even if the process working directory is changed at a later point (e.g. with system "l").

Running q $(pwd)/boot.q will perform the following:

  1. Loads require.q
  2. Loads the following libraries
    • log
    • cargs
  3. Parses all command line arguments into .boot.args

Environment Variables


This environment variable can be set to customise the root folder that require.q will be initialised from for library search for an application built with kdb-common.

NOTE: It is assumed that kdb-common exists as a folder at the top level of this folder.


> tree /tmp/my-application/
├── kdb-common -> /home/jas/git/kdb-common
└── src
    └── myLib.q
> export KDB_APPLICATION_ROOT=/tmp/my-application
> rlwrap $QHOME/l64/q /tmp/my-application/kdb-common/boot.q
Application root: /tmp/my-application | kdb-common root: /tmp/my-application/kdb-common
q) .require.lib`myLib
2021.11.05 15:26:32.723 INFO  pid-3264 jas 0 Loading library: myLib
2021.11.05 15:26:32.723 INFO  pid-3264 jas 0 Loading /tmp/my-application/src/myLib.q

Command Line Arguments

Boot Modes


This command line argument can be specified to load additional libraries during initialisation. Multiple libraries can be specified by comma-separating them.


> cd ~/git/kdb-common
> rlrwap $QHOME/l64/q $(pwd)/boot.q --load-libs compress,rand
Application root: /home/jas/git/kdb-common | kdb-common root: /home/jas/git/kdb-common
q) select from .require.loadedLibs where lib in `compress`rand
lib     | loaded loadedTime                    inited initedTime                    files
--------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
compress| 1      2021.11.05D15:28:55.892364000 1      2021.11.05D15:28:55.892389000 :/home/jas/git/kdb-common/src/compress.q
rand    | 1      2021.11.05D15:28:55.892665000 0                                    :/home/jas/git/kdb-common/src/rand.q


This command line argument can be specified to load a specific q file (not via 'require'), optionally execute a function specified with --script-func and then automatically exit the process.


Enables the following features:

  • Error trap mode 1 (\e 1)
  • Stops the process exiting when running with --script

Useful Objects

A process started with boot.q will have the following objects available for use:

  • .boot.args: A dictionary of command line arguments, including kdb+ arguments
    • See .cargs.getWithInternal
  • .boot.root.kdbCommon: The root path where the kdb-common files reside
    • Based on the path of boot.q via .z.f
  • The root path where require.q has been initialised from for library search
    • This will only be different from .boot.root.kdbCommon if $KDB_APPLICATION_ROOT has been set
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