Releases: BroncBotz3481/YAGSL-Example
Releases · BroncBotz3481/YAGSL-Example
What's Changed
- fix setAbsoluteEncoderOffset() by @MEisSCAMMER in #338
- Enable Continuous Input for omegaPIDController by @Sate04 in #337
New Contributors
- @MEisSCAMMER made their first contribution in #338
- @Sate04 made their first contribution in #337
Full Changelog: 2025.7.1...2025.7.2
- Fixed
- Prevent crashing midmatch if robot code restarts.
- Added
- Removed gyro zeroing from YAGSL startup. You must now call gyro zero on
or use theRobotModeTriggers
- Added
Full Changelog: 2025.7.0...2025.7.1
What's Changed
- Add optional optimization of module states in drive function that uses feedforward by @clrozeboom in #314
- Make all closable items implement
by @kytpbs in #317 - remove useless imports and variables by @kytpbs in #318
- Set IZone of PIDControllers created from PIDFConfigs by @CoffeeCoder1 in #319
- Fix typo by @fletch3555 in #323
- Rev Through bore via DIO by @wackyvert in #325
- stop setMotorBrake from constantly executing by @rakosi2 in #327
- Prevent rotation if controller heading inputs are not past axisDeadband by @MrFast-js in #328
- Renamed SwerveMotor.isAttachedAbsoluteEncoder to SwerveMotor.usingExternalFeedbackSensor.
- Deprecated SwerveDrive.pushOffsetsToEncoders in favor of SwerveDrive.useExternalFeedbackSensor.
- Deprecated SwerveDrive.restoreInternalOffset in favor of SwerveDrive.useInternalFeedbackSensor.
- Updated references from Shuffleboard to any dashboard by @DanPeled
- Fixed Absolute Encoders attached to SparkFlex's.
- Attached absolute encoders are no longer set as the feedback device, must be explicitly called.
- Added SwerveInputStream.driveToPose
New Contributors
- @kytpbs made their first contribution in #317
- @CoffeeCoder1 made their first contribution in #319
- @fletch3555 made their first contribution in #323
- @rakosi2 made their first contribution in #327
- @MrFast-js made their first contribution in #328
Full Changelog: 2025.3.0...2025.7.0
What's Changed
- Null pointer crash when there have been no vision results by @jwt388 in #307
- Adding PigeonViaTalonSRX and attached SparkFlex by @konnorreynolds in #292
- Throw an error when module configs are incorrectly set to 0 by @wackyvert in #308
- Fixed rawAbsoluteEncoder position. by @konnorreynolds in #309
New Contributors
- @konnorreynolds made their first contribution in #292
- @wackyvert made their first contribution in #308
Full Changelog: 2025.2.2...2025.3.0
What's Changed
Fixed swerve/measuredChassisSpeedsto report both vx and vy.
Fixed SwerveInputStream.robotRelative by Team 151
Fixed fieldOriented parameter to be applied. Bug cuaght by WispySparks from team 2508!
Added SwerveInputStream.headingOffset
Full Changelog: 2025.2.1...2025.2.2
What's Changed
- Spinning mode for drive characterization by @catr1xLiu in #295
- Fix optional absolute encoder for Spark devices by @MetabolicCloth in #298
- Fixed conversion factor application
New Contributors
- @MetabolicCloth made their first contribution in #298
Full Changelog: 2025.2.0...2025.2.1
What's Changed
- Fix getMaxVelocity used in feedforward by @jwt388 in #286
- Maximum speed settings do not allow limiting robot to less than full speed by @clrozeboom in #277
- Sim modules SysId routines & New maple-sim version by @catr1xLiu in #288
Full Changelog: 2025.1.2...2025.2.0
What's Changed
- touched up comments by @yapplejack in #278
- Updated to WPILib 2025.1.1 and all dependencies
Full Changelog: 2025.1.1...2025.1.2
What's Changed
- ThriftyNova updated to 2025 by @clrozeboom in #263
- Fixed telemetry publishing problem. Telemetry is now published under the SmartDashboard network table.
- Throw an error when SparkMAX or SparkFlex configuration changes are done while the robot is enabled.
- Changed example to not set the drive motor idle mode.
- Added ThirftyNova support.
- Added SwerveInputStream.robotRelativeand SwerveInputStream.allianceRelativeControl
Full Changelog: 2025.1.0.1...2025.1.1
What's Changed
New Contributors
- @jwt388 made their first contribution in #271
- Added configuration redundancy for SparkMAX, and SparkFlex.
- Added cycle times to telemetry.
- Optimized telemetry to only post settings when SwerveDriveTelemetry.updateSettingsis true.
- Reduced retry delay for SparkMAX and SparkFlex to 5ms from 10ms.
- Reduced on the fly configuration delay to 10ms from 100ms.
- Added warning for on the fly configuration delay past init.
- Fixed SimpleMotorFeedForward.calculateto use only the velocity. This ignores acceleration unfortunately.
- Changed SmartDashboard.put to NT4 Publishers
- Removed IMUVelocityin favor of using library velocity fetches.
- Renamed SwerveIMU.getRate()-> SwerveIMU.getYawAngularVelocity()and made it return an AngularVelocityobject.
- Added SwerveInputStreamobject for easy controller conversions.
Full Changelog: 2025.1.0...2025.1.0.1