VAIC, short for Vex (Anti) Innovation Creator (name subject to change) is a Free and Open Source CAD (Computer Aided Design) program designed to succeed Protobot
VAIC is built in Rust, and therefore can be installed via rustup. After following the guide to install Rust, download the source code from this repository by clicking "Code" => "Download ZIP" and unzip the file wherever you want to install VAIC, or can be downloaded using the Git CLI by first navigating to the directory where you want to install VAIC and running
git clone
After cloning the repository, go into the repository in the terminal and run
cargo run
Which will compile and run VAIC in debug mode
Please note that upon first loading the program, you might not see anything useful, and this is because VAIC launches in a placeholder "Main Menu" state, which is a WIP. To actually go into the editor, please press Escape
P to toggle between movement modes
- "PC-Mode"
Left Shift
+Middle Mouse Button
to orbit (rotate around the center)Middle Mouse Button
to pan (move without rotating)Scroll Wheel Up/Down
to zoom
- "Laptop Mode"
Left Shift
to orbit (rotate around the center)Left Control
to pan (move without rotating)Trackpad Scroll Up/Down
to zoom
O to toggle between projections
- "Normal" projectionOrthographic
- This is kinda hard to explain (WIP)
C to enable constraints (WIP)
- Constraints are essentially "connections" in CAD
- You constrain an object to another by clicking on a hole on one objects, and clicking on the hole you would like to connect it to on another object
- This is still a WIP, so undesired behavior is common (basically guaranteed)
T to toggle between moving states
- Arrows and squares will appear which you can drag on to translate the object.Rotation
- An assortment of circles will appear which you can drag on to rotate the object.
Left-Shift or Lto remove snapping
- Use
inLaptop Mode
- You must use this keybinding to remove default snapping of 15 degrees for rotations and 0.2 units for translations.
Ctrl-Z to undo a move (WIP-kinda)
- If you made a place or constrain that you didn't intend for, press
to undo the action.
F12 to take a screenshot
- Automatically saved as
If you are requesting a feature or outlining a bug, make an issue, and make a comment requesting the appropriate label
If you want to contribute directly to the source code, fork the repository, make your changes in the repository that is created, and then make a pull request