Load constraints from meshes (don't link everything as one mesh)
- Leave the constraints separate from the main mesh, and give them a numbered name in blender
- This should allow for future reads of the file to find the constraints and generate constraint data
Handle constraints, and make it customizable with movable window
- Constraints should come with data (orientation, relative position, etc.)
- Movable window should have:
- A reverse constraint function (like Inventor)
- The ability to change the first and second constraints (also like Inventor)
Ctrl-Y (redo) functionality
- Ctrl-Y to redo something that you undid
Undo translations/rotations
- Ctrl-Z to undo these thingy mabobs
Load to/from files (save functionality)
- Should contain full (up to like 50 actions) object/action tracking, so you can Ctrl-Z
UI Overhaul
- Could use a crate such as bevy_blur_regions to make a cool effect