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Releases: Aquerr/EagleFactions

EagleFactions-v0.14.0 (1.12.2) (Beta)

10 Mar 20:06
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Hello Eagles! 🦅

Version 0.14.0 of Eagle Factions is finally here.

Firstly, this update contains database changes which are not compatible with older plugin versions. Be aware of that.

Moreover, this update contains many bugfixes and improvements. It is recommended to use 0.14.0 over all older releases.

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Integration with MagiBridge.
  • Truce. A new relation to other factions. It is a faction that can't teleport to your faction's home and can't talk with you in alliance chat.
  • Faction parameter to Coords Command which can be used by admins to see coords of the specific faction.
  • Faction parameter to Claim Command so that admins do not need to switch to safezone/warzone to claim territory for these factions.
  • Nearest claim is now showed in the coords command.
  • Percentage damage reduction in own claim. Can be changed in the config file.
  • Config node for preventing build in wilderness. You can now toggle wilderness protection. If turned on, players will need to claim territory first to build in it.
  • Added placeholders to some messages in languages files.


  • General code improvements which can lead to better performance.


  • Replaced Flags Command with Perms Command.
  • Moved worlds config node to separate file called Worlds.conf


  • Fixed bug where faction was not removed from alliances, enemies lists if it was disbanded.
  • Fixed bug where faction home was not removed during territory unclaiming.
  • Fixed bug where PVP-Logger was displayed for all players instead of only the player that was hit.
  • Fixed bug where player's nickname was sometimes not visible in alliance/faction chat.
  • Fixed bug where admin could not leave safezone/warzone when he/she had leader rank.
  • Fixed bug where players were sometimes not protected in safezone.
  • Fixed bug where players could sometimes attacked each other inside faction even if friendly fire was off.

Known bugs:

  • The One Probe is triggering protection system in Eagle Factions when you are looking at a block in protected territory. At this moment, I have no idea how to fix this.
  • Industrial Craft's Mining Laser is still somehow affecting blocks in protected territory. If you shoot on the side of the claim then blocks will be duplicated. Mining Laser does not trigger Sponge's Explosion Event. This makes it a little bit harder to fix.

Future Plans:

  • Bringing Friendly Fire Command back
  • and more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.13.2 (1.12.2) (Beta)

27 Jan 14:06
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Hello Eagles! 🦅

This update contains some fixes for messages file and some other minor fixes and additions.

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Falling blocks are now ignored by protection system if allow-explosions-by-other-players-in-claims is set to true. It allows players using sand/tnt cannons to attack water bases.


  • Some messages in messages file can now use few predefined placeholders to make translating messages easier.


  • Messages file loads properly now on server start.
  • Items-whitelist is now fixed and ready to use again.


  • Version checks are now preformed through Sponge Ore's API.

Known bugs:

  • The One Probe is triggering protection system in Eagle Factions when you are looking at a block in protected territory. At this moment, I have no idea how to fix this.
  • Industrial Craft's Mining Laser is still somehow affecting blocks in protected territory. If you shoot on the side of the claim then blocks will be duplicated. Mining Laser does not trigger Sponge's Explosion Event. This makes it a little bit harder to fix.

Future Plans:

  • Bringing Friendly Fire Command back
  • Adding Truce
  • and more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.13.1 (1.12.2) (Beta)

20 Dec 19:13
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Hello Eagles! 🦅

This update contains some fixes for protection system.

For developers: API has been updated as well. Services and events are now documented.

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Config file loads properly now on server start.
  • Powering redstone that lies on a block a player has not access to is now properly blocked.
  • Armor stands and item frames are now protected from arrows.

Known bugs:

  • The One Probe is triggering protection system in Eagle Factions when you are looking at a block in protected territory. At this moment, I have no idea how to fix this.
  • Industrial Craft's Mining Laser is still somehow affecting blocks in protected territory. If you shoot on the side of the claim then blocks will be duplicated. Mining Laser does not trigger Sponge's Explosion Event. This makes it a little bit harder to fix.

Future Plans:

  • Bringing Friendly Fire Command back
  • Improving language files
  • Adding Truce
  • and more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.13.0 (Beta)

04 Dec 15:15
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Hello Eagles! 🦅

Finally, after almost 6 months we are getting to next Eagle Factions release which is 0.13.0!

Sadly, this version is available only for Minecraft version 1.12.2. Build for other version may be created if there will be many requests for these versions.

This update contains tons of new features and fixes! Take a look at Release Notes below to see what is new!

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

And as always... thank you sooooo much for reporting issues and suggesting new features! You rock guys! 😄

Release Notes


  • EagleFactionsAPI. Other plugins can now depend on EagleFactions by using its API. Wiki for API will be updated soon.
  • Added MariaDB. You can select this data storage inside Settings.conf file.
    -- Added Dynmap support.** You can now see your claims in Dynamic map! Just remember to turn this feature on when you install Dynmap! :)
  • Factions can now be set as public. Players can then join these factions without an invite. By default every faction is private.
  • SetLeader Command now accepts offline players. You can set someone as leader even if that player is not currently playing on the server.
  • Promote and Demote Commands now accepts offline players.
  • Added Particle Effects when chunk is claimed, removed and destroyed by using Attack Command.
  • Added [Click Here] buttons are now added to all invitation commands so that you can now click that button to accept the invite instead of writing accept command in the chat.
  • Added Notifications which tells if player joined, left or got kicked from a faction.
  • You can now configure if players can see global chat when they switch to alliance or faction chat.
  • You can now configure if players without faction should have a prefix in the chat.
  • You can now configure if protection system messages should be displayed in the chat.
  • You can now configure if faction home must be placed in claimed territory or if it can be placed outside.


  • Admin Mode now allows claiming chunks in non-claimable worlds.
  • Admin Mode now allows teleporting to factions homes by specifying their names in the Home Command.
  • Regex can be now used in white-list settings. While specifying what items and blocks should be allowed inside claimed territories you can now use Regex to match items/blocks how you need.
  • Updated database scripts.


  • MySQL database is now fixed and ready to use!
  • When Home Delay option is set to 0 then teleportation is executed directly now. No more 1 second delay. No more 0 == 1.
  • Players no longer can open containers inside SafeZone with Eagle Feather. SafeZone is SafeZone and that is how it should be.
  • Grenades from ICBM now works correctly inside factions territory if explosives option is turned on. Time for some BOOM BOOM!
  • Players are finally able to hit themselves with their own arrows. How wonderful! I can finally hit myself!
  • Players are no longer able to modify armor stands and item frames in protected territory. My armor stand is MY armor stand and no-one is allowed to touch it!
  • Players are no longer able to duplicate items by using Faction Chest.
  • Some extra small fixes.

Known bugs:

  • The One Probe is triggering protection system in Eagle Factions when you are looking at a block in protected territory. At this moment, I have no idea how to fix this at this moment. Gonna try my best until the next release.
  • Industrial Craft's Mining Laser is still somehow affecting blocks in protected territory. While shooting will mining laser in explosive mode in protected territory then no blocks are duplicated, but if you aim on the side of the claim then blocks will be duplicated. Mining Laser does not trigger Sponge's Explosion Event. This makes it a little bit harder to fix.

Future Plans:

  • Bringing Friendly Fire Command back
  • Improving language files
  • Adding Truce
  • and more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.12.0 (Beta)

02 Jun 19:54
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EagleFactions-v0.12.0 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.5

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and can possibly contain some small bugs so be aware of it.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

Finally, after 4 months we are getting to next Eagle Factions release which is 0.12.0 beta!

This update contain many improvements, fixes and some new features. Take a look at Release Notes below to see what have been changed.

As an addition... I have to say that we are almost achieved the state of the plugin that is good for full 1.0.0 release. More features will of course come after 1.0.0. I am looking forward to release 1.0.0 in the next time 😄.

1.0.0 Will be however last version for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2 as these versions begin being old and probably there are not so many people who are still using them. This will make updates a lot of easier as it is painful to go through the code and adapt it for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2 while I am constantly developing in 1.12.2.

Hopefully next update will arrive at Ore as well. 😄

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Oh, and... thank you sooooo much for being so active on my Discord server! 😄 It helped a lot with bugfixing and improvements!

Release Notes


  • Added Square Claim Command. Basically, gives you ability to claim multiple chunks by specifying a radius.
  • Debug Command. Shows some useful information while interacting with blocks. Used mainly to test protection system.
  • Added Faction's Motd (Message Of The Day). It can be set by using /f motd command and will be displayed for players while joining on the server.
  • Added Faction's Description. You can use /f desc to edit faction's description.
  • Added config node that will allow you to set up if only player's faction's claims should be visible in the factions map.
  • Added PlaceholdersAPI support. You can get some placeholders from Eagle Factions if you have installed PlaceholdersAPI on your server. Check out Placeholders Page at the wiki.
  • Added config node that will allow you to set if you want to see a notification in the chat when Factions Remover delete a faction.
  • Added clickable faction's tag in chat. You can now click faction's tag in the chat to open information about it.
  • Added particle effect while claiming territory.
  • Player Commands do not need a permissions plugin to work now.


  • Factions Admin Mode now gives you ability to other factions internal (alliance, faction only) messages.
  • Home Command should teleport you safely now to faction's home. That means, it should not teleport you underneath the block where home is set.
  • Sponge's Command /sponge reload plugins can be used to reload Eagle Factions now.
  • Updated database scripts.


  • Fixed saving items' metadata in factions' chests.
  • Fixed deletion of armor stands in safezone world.
  • Fixed delayed claiming. It is done properly now. No more spamming in the chat after successful claim.
  • Fixed removal of claims while using H2 database. Claims were not correctly saved before. It should work fine now.
  • Fixed claiming by using map while being in WarZone or SafeZone. Yes, it was not possible before.
  • Fixed hitting entities in protected territory. It was not possible to use name tags or feed animals. It should be fixed now.
  • Prevented Red Matter tools from duplicating blocks in protected territory.
  • Prevented dealing damage to friendly players by using Tech Guns. No more hurting friends 💛.
  • Prevented dealing damage to friendly players by using bows from Tinker's Construct.
  • Prevented destroying territory by dragons from Ice & Fire.
  • Prevented destroying territory and duplication f blocks by dynamites from Industrial Craft 2.
  • Prevented duplication of blocks by using Industrial Craft's mining laser in explosive mode. (Fixed in 50% actually, see known bugs below).
  • Some extra small fixes.

Known bugs:

  • MySQL is currently not available. You can still choose it in the config file but it will not work. It should be fixed in the next release.
  • The One Probe is triggering protection system in Eagle Factions when you are looking at a block in protected territory. At this moment, I have no idea how to fix this at this moment. Gonna try my best until the next release.
  • Industrial Craft's Mining Laser is still somehow affecting blocks in protected territory. While shooting will mining laser in explosive mode in protected territory then no blocks are duplicated, but if you aim on the side of the claim then blocks will be duplicated. Mining Laser does not trigger Sponge's Explosion Event. This makes it a little bit harder to fix.

Future Plans:

  • Bringing Friendly Fire Command back
  • Fixing MySQL
  • Adding MariaDB
  • and more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.11.1 (Beta)

02 Feb 10:32
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EagleFactions-v0.11.1 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3481

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

This update contains a fix for storage. It was initialized and loaded two times what was affecting old storage files.

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Bug where storage was initialized and loaded two times.

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.11.0 (Beta)

29 Jan 19:43
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EagleFactions-v0.11.0 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3481

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

It's been a long time since I posted last update for Eagle Factions and today is finally the day for a new one!
Firstly, I wanted to thank you for your support and patience! You are awesome guys! 💪
We managed to fix/improve a lot of things!

This update contains many improvements, bugfixes and some cool new features! ⭐️
Sadly, not everything can be found in the 1.10.2 and 1.11.2. 😞

As always, release notes below will tell you what has been added! 😄

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Added H2 Database. It is actually a prototype. A very good one.
  • Added Chest Command. You and your friends can store items in a virtual faction's chest now. It can be turned off/on in the settings.conf file. NOTE: Faction's chests should be considered as unstable as their save format may be changed in the future. But you can still use it if you like "living on the edge".
  • Added config nodes for Protection System. You don't need to remove the settings.conf file but it is always recommended to do it.
  • Added Claim Animation. You will be able to see simple smoke-like particles while claiming a territory. However, there is a big chance that it will be changed in the future.
  • Added Simplified Chinese Translation


  • Protection System has been reworked and protects 99% things. I honestly don't know where that 1% went...
  • Optimization Upgrade. Plugin should work faster now.
  • Rework of Explosion Handling. Protection system is now handling explosions better than before.
  • Rework of Interaction Handling. It should work even better now. I promise.
  • Reworked Faction's Remover. It will not print a message to server after what time a faction will be removed but it will notify when it actually removed a faction. There will be more additions to it in the future releases. Config nodes for it have been updated as well.


  • Bug with saving claims. Dunno who put it there.
  • Bug where you were not able to interact in safezone and wilderness sometimes.
  • Bug where explosions could affect the protected territory.
  • Bug where water was not disappearing from claimed territory.
  • Bug where Mining Laser from Industrial Craft could actually affect claimed blocks.
  • Bug where Sniper Rifles with explosive ammo from Flan's Mod could destroy blocks in the claim.

Future plans:

  • MySQL is actually 50% and ready to test in this update. Rest will be added in the next release. If you like to test unstable things then go ahead and test it.
  • Own API.
  • Placeholders for plugin messages.
  • Some cool visual additions and many more...

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.10.1 (Beta)

01 Nov 15:52
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EagleFactions-v0.10.1 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3481

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

Sorry for such long time without updates but it finally is here.

This update contains a lot of bugfixes and improvements.

Check release notes to get know what is new! 😄

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Added Tag Command and Rename Command. You can now change the tag and name of your faction without the need to disband it and create it again.
  • Timer from PVPLogger can be now displayed in Scoreboard (sidebar). There is a config option for this which is turned on by default.
  • Added few new events that comes from Eagle Factions. It will allow others to make integration with EF.
  • Added Eagle Feather. It is custom item which you can get only by using a command. It will allow admins to sell it or do whatever they want with it. What this item does? Go and find it out yourself in the game! 🦅
  • Added Polish translation.


  • Protection Manager and all event listeners have been improved. Maybe a little bit too technical words but you can understand it as it will improve how Eagle Factions handles players' actions.
  • Faction Prefix and Sufix are now used while printing member type in the chat. [ and ] are not hardcoded anymore.
  • Improved plugin's code in general. 😄


  • There was a bug with PVPLogger where time was not correctly updated. It is fixed now!
  • Reloading config with /f reload should work properly now.
  • Fixed water disappearance in claimed territories and some other things that was not protected properly like lilypads.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when specified language file name did not exist.

Future plans:

  • H2 & SQL Lite databases are currently work in progress.
  • Faction's ender chest
  • Integration with other plugins like PlaceholderAPI or Nucleus.
  • Own API

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.10.0 (Beta)

19 Aug 11:51
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EagleFactions-v0.10.0 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3206

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

Finally, after the long summer, we are welcoming Eagle Factions 0.10.0!

This update have a massive change to the plugin structure and that is why I decided to call it 0.10.0. However it doesn't contain many changes which players will be able to use. 😛

Check release notes below if you are curious what is new! 😄

If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)

Release Notes


  • Promote Command & Demote Command.
  • Last Online rubric in informations about a faction.
  • Possibility to kick offline players (To kick an offline player from faction, a player needs to log in to game at least once after this update)
  • You can now view informations about a faction by clicking it in the /f list
  • You can now specify a time after which factions should be deleted due to inactivity


  • Massive change to the code structure - It may slightly improve performance. :)
  • Ally and Enemy commands has been merged in to one command. Add and remove commands do not exist anymore.


  • Messages file generation.

Future plans:

  • H2 & SQL Lite databases.
  • A customizable list of items/blocks that can be used in someones territory.
  • Faction's ender chest
  • Integration with other plugins like PlaceholderAPI or Nucleus.
  • Own API

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅

EagleFactions-v0.9.16 (Beta)

30 May 18:36
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EagleFactions-v0.9.16 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)

Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2611-7.1.0-BETA-3002

Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792

Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793

Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.

Hello Eagles! 🦅

Just a small quick-fix update.

Have a great day everyone!

Release Notes


  • Fixed bug that showed in the console when a player connected to the new world.
    I honestly don't know who put it there.
  • Fixed/Improved Messages that don't exists are created now in the messages file with content MISSING_MESSAGE. Server admin will need to add content manually or remove the file and restart the server to generate the new file with full content.

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback!

And for the most... thanks for using Eagle Factions! 🦅