EagleFactions-v0.10.0 (Beta)
EagleFactions-v0.10.0 (1.10.2-1.12.2) (Beta)
Version: 1.12.2
Tested with: Spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3206
Version: 1.11.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.11.2-2476-6.1.0-BETA-2792
Version: 1.10.2
Tested with: SpongeForge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793
Note: This is a beta release of Eagle Factions and does not contain all plugin features.
Hello Eagles! 🦅
Finally, after the long summer, we are welcoming Eagle Factions 0.10.0!
This update have a massive change to the plugin structure and that is why I decided to call it 0.10.0. However it doesn't contain many changes which players will be able to use. 😛
Check release notes below if you are curious what is new! 😄
If you find any problems, please post them at Github. :)
Release Notes
- Promote Command & Demote Command.
- Last Online rubric in informations about a faction.
- Possibility to kick offline players (To kick an offline player from faction, a player needs to log in to game at least once after this update)
- You can now view informations about a faction by clicking it in the /f list
- You can now specify a time after which factions should be deleted due to inactivity
- Massive change to the code structure - It may slightly improve performance. :)
- Ally and Enemy commands has been merged in to one command. Add and remove commands do not exist anymore.
- Messages file generation.
Future plans:
- H2 & SQL Lite databases.
- A customizable list of items/blocks that can be used in someones territory.
- Faction's ender chest
- Integration with other plugins like PlaceholderAPI or Nucleus.
- Own API