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Tips for New Devs

Erik Hetzner edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Tips for New Devs

  1. If you happen to add a mixin/component to the ember app package.json, this means you have to shrinkwrap after running npm install. Be aware npmshrinkwrap has conflicts with npm version higher than 2.x. With, you can keep your 'system' node as whatever you like, and then install and use a specific version of node for a project.

  2. To setup IHAT without going through the local setup method, Please note IHAT_CALLBACK_URL needs to be checked regularly if you notice the spinner keeps loading or it errored in, check ifconfig if you're using a MAC and ascertain the last IP address corresponds with the IHAT_CALLBACK_URL in your .env.development file.

  3. To run the feature specs, it's important to note you need a lower version of firefox like 54. Newer versions of Firefox are not compatible with the feature specs.

    You can download here: Also, lock down firefox to a version lower than 39 for selenium related tests. You can lock it down in your .env.local file with this snippet for MAC users


    # Firefox 54


  4. Have you tried logging out and you get redirected to /cas/logout?
    Add CAS_LOGOUT_URL='http://localhost:5000' to your .env.development and restart your server.

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