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Guy Paterson-Jones edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

Handlers are the data buses for zygo. A handler module must export a handler function that takes in the global context object as a parameter. The handler should mutate context with the data needed by its associated component.

The handler function should either return nothing or an object containing a redirect property. This will cause the router to redirect to the given path, useful if you wish to implement authentication at a base route level, for instance.

Handler modules may also export both a serialize and deserialize function. Like the handler function, these take in the context object and mutate it. serialize is called by the zygo server before the context is pushed to the client. deserialize is then called by the client. This allows you to pass custom objects between the client and server as your data stores, as after serialization is run, the server passes through the context as JSON.

import Store from './my-store';

//Populate context
export function handler(context) { = new Store( ... );
  return { redirect: '/another/path' }; //if you wish to redirect

//Optionally dehydrate context
export function serialize(context) { =;

//Optionally rehydrate context
export function rehydrate(context) { = new Store(;
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