A simple modal plugin for lead capture purposes.
The plugin loads a modal box with user-defined content after a specified amount of time. Then, a cookie is set to prevent the box from showing up on future page requests.
It is customizable and easy to setup, you can set its content from either an element in your HTML document or a remote location.
Among other options, you can also set callbacks for actions taken (form submitted or link clicked), leadbox done loading, and closed by the user.
- When calling $.leadbox, your element gets wrapped in a div with id ‘leadbox_container’. This div is necessary for the plugin functionality. It also provides the opaque background, which can be changed in the css file (#leadbox_container).
- Whatever is passed in the ‘closeButton’ param gets wrapped in a div with class ‘leadbox_close’ and an anchor. This is a default behavior to place the close button / text on the top right of the leadbox. To edit its position and other css rules, look for ‘#leadbox_container .leadbox_close’ in the css file.
- If you omit the ‘closeButton’ param, a close button will not be placed by the plugin. You should then insert an element responsible for closing the leadbox, to do so its action must call ‘$.leadbox.close();’.
- Once the leadbox is closed by the user, it will no longer be visible – until the cookie expires.
Developed by Rodrigo Z. Arthuso – arthuso.com
Tested on IE7+, FF 4, Chrome 9+, Opera 11 and Safari 5.
For help or bug reports, please visit: blog.arthuso.com / github.com/zrod/leadbox
Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
- 0.2 (12/15/2011) – Code cleanup, dropped support for IE6.
- 0.1 (04/25/2011) – First version.