Isle Defence is a game made for the 2022 Secret Santa Game Jam.
As such, it's probably full of bugs and whatnot.
The aim of the game is to build up your island, and defeat ever increasing waves of enemies. But don't grow too fast! Every building requires workers, and the more houses you build, the more mouths you need to feed!
To build, right click on an island.
- Woodcutters (requires a forest): +1 wood per tick
- Miners (required ore): +1 ore per tick
- Hemp Farm: +1 rope per tick
- Farm: +1 food per tick
- Houses: +10 workers, +10 villagers
- Tower: Used for defence.
You have the option of a one-off boost of your resources by "clearing" the island, instead of building
You can repair damaged buildings also by using right click
Every five tickers, villagers will pull number of villagers / 2
food from the stockpile.
The game ends when you cannot feed your villagers, or the enemies destroy your town center.
- Left Click: Place Rope, Select Option
- Right Click: Open Build Options (Build / Repair)
- Escape: Pause the game.
"Angevin" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Fibberish font by Nathan Scott