This repository "fccee_monochrom" summaries the FCCee monochromatization optics design@ result base on Oide san's FCCee V22 lattice, downloaded from
@This project 'Optics Design of a Transverse Monochromatic Scheme for the Direct s-channel Higgs Production at FCC-ee' is suported by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and supervised by Dr. A. Faus-Golfe.
MADX version: The code MADX is what we used to design the FCCee monochromatization optics.
Xsuite version: The designed FCCee monochromatization lattices in MADX are transfered to Xsuite version for further performance check. The beam parameters at all the eight straight sections are rematched after transfered to the thin Xsuite .json file.
Z. Zhang, IJCLab/IHEP,
A. Faus-Golfe, IJCLab,